
Programming Python, 3rd Edition 翻译
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23.2. C Embedding API Overview
23.2. C语言内嵌API概览

The first thing you should know about Python's embedded-call API is that it is less structured than the extension interfaces. Embedding Python in C may require a bit more creativity on your part than extending: you must pick tools from a general collection of calls to implement the Python integration instead of coding to a boilerplate structure. The upside of this loose structure is that programs can combine embedding calls and strategies to build up arbitrary integration architectures.


The lack of a more rigid model for embedding is largely the result of a less clear-cut goal. When extending Python, there is a distinct separation for Python and C responsibilities and a clear structure for the integration. C modules and types are required to fit the Python module/type model by conforming to standard extension structures. This makes the integration seamless for Python clients: C extensions look like Python objects and handle most of the work.


But when Python is embedded, the structure isn't as obvious; because C is the enclosing level, there is no clear way to know what model the embedded Python code should fit. C may want to run objects fetched from modules, strings fetched from files or parsed out of documents, and so on. Instead of deciding what C can and cannot do, Python provides a collection of general embedding interface tools, which you use and structure according to your embedding goals.


Most of these tools correspond to tools available to Python programs. Table 23-1 lists some of the more common API calls used for embedding, as well as their Python equivalents. In general, if you can figure out how to accomplish your embedding goals in pure Python code, you can probably find C API tools that achieve the same results.

这些工具大多数对应Python的语句。表23-1列出了常用的内嵌API,及相对应的Python语句。一般来说,如果你能用纯Python代码完成任务,你就也能用内嵌C API完成任务。

Table 23-1. Common API functions
表23-1. 常用API函数

C API call                      Python equivalent
PyImport_ImportModule           import module, _ _import_ _
PyImport_ReloadModule           reload(module)
PyImport_GetModuleDict          sys.modules
PyModule_GetDict                module._ _dict_ _
PyDict_GetItemString            dict[key]
PyDict_SetItemString            dict[key]=val
PyDict_New                      dict = {}
PyObject_GetAttrString          getattr(obj, attr)
PyObject_SetAttrString          setattr(obj, attr, val)
PyEval_CallObject               funcobj(*argstuple), apply
PyRun_String                    eval(exprstr), exec stmtstr
PyRun_File                      execfile(filename)

Because embedding relies on API call selection, becoming familiar with the Python C API is fundamental to the embedding task. This chapter presents a handful of representative embedding examples and discusses common API calls, but it does not provide a comprehensive list of all tools in the API. Once you've mastered the examples here, you'll probably need to consult Python's integration manuals for more details on available calls in this domain. As mentioned in the preceding chapter, Python offers two standard manuals for C/C++ integration programmers: Extending and Embedding, an integration tutorial; and Python/C API, the Python runtime library reference.

因为内嵌有赖于API的选择,所以熟悉Python C API是内嵌工作的基本要求。本章举了一些有代表性的内嵌的例子,讨论了常用的API调用,但不是列举完整的API。一旦掌握了这些例子,你可能还需要在Python的帮助手册上查看所有相关API的详细信息。上一章已经提过,Python为C/C++程序员提供了两本帮助手册:集成教程之扩展与内嵌;和Python运行库参考之Python/C API,。

You can find the most recent releases of these manuals at http://www.python.org. Beyond this chapter, these manuals are likely to be your best resource for up-to-date and complete Python API tool information.

可在http://www.python.org找到最新版的帮助手册。除了本章,这两本手册可能是你最新最好最全的Python API工具书。

23.2.1. What Is Embedded Code?
23.2.1. 内嵌代码是什么?

Before we jump into details, let's get a handle on some of the core ideas in the embedding domain. When this book speaks of "embedded" Python code, it simply means any Python program structure that can be executed from C with a direct in-process function call interface. Generally speaking, embedded Python code can take a variety of forms:


Code strings

C programs can represent Python programs as character strings and run them as either expressions or statements (such as eval and exec).


Callable objects

C programs can load or reference Python callable objects such as functions, methods, and classes, and call them with argument list objects (such as apply and the newer func(*pargs, *kargs)).

C语序能载入或引用Python可调用对象,如函数,方法,和类,并以参数链表对象为参数调用它们(如apply和新的func(*pargs, **kargs))。

Code files

C programs can execute entire Python program files by importing modules and running script files through the API or general system calls (e.g., popen).


The Python binary library is usually what is physically embedded in the C program; the actual Python code run from C can come from a wide variety of sources:


Code strings might be loaded from files, obtained from an interactive user, fetched from persistent databases and shelves, parsed out of HTML or XML files, read over sockets, built or hardcoded in a C program, passed to C extension functions from Python registration code, and so on.


Callable objects might be fetched from Python modules, returned from other Python API calls, passed to C extension functions from Python registration code, and so on.

可调用对象可以从Python模块中获取,从其它Python API调用中返回,从Python注册代码中传递给C扩展函数,等等。

Code files simply exist as files, modules, and executable scripts.


Registration is a technique commonly used in callback scenarios that we will explore in more detail later in this chapter. But especially for strings of code, there are as many possible sources as there are for C character strings. For example, C programs can construct arbitrary Python code dynamically by building and running strings.


Finally, once you have some Python code to run, you need a way to communicate with it: the Python code may need to use inputs passed in from the C layer and may want to generate outputs to communicate results back to C. In fact, embedding generally becomes interesting only when the embedded code has access to the enclosing C layer. Usually, the form of the embedded code suggests its communication media:


Code strings that are Python expressions return an expression result as their output. Both inputs and outputs can take the form of global variables in the namespace in which a code string is run; C may set variables to serve as input, run Python code, and fetch variables as the code's result. Inputs and outputs can also be passed with exported C extension function callsPython code may use C module or type interfaces that we met in the preceding chapter to get or set variables in the enclosing C layer. Communications schemes are often combined; for instance, C may preassign global names to objects that export state and interface calls to the embedded Python code.[*]


[*] If you want a concrete example, flip back to the discussion of Active Scripting in Chapter 18. This system fetches Python code embedded in an HTML web page file, assigns global variables in a namespace to objects that give access to the web browser's environment, and runs the Python code in the namespace where the objects were assigned. I worked on a project where we did something similar, but Python code was embedded in XML documents, and objects that were preassigned to globals in the code's namespace represented widgets in a GUI.

[*] 如果你想要一个具体的例子,翻到前面18章中Active Scripting的讨论。那个系统提取HTML网页文件中的内嵌Python代码,将一些全局变量赋值为对象,通过这些对象来操作浏览器环境,并在这些对象的命名空间中运行Python代码。我工作的一个项目也是这样,只是Python代码内嵌在XML文档中,而预设的全局对象是GUI部件。

Callable objects may accept inputs as function arguments and produce results as function return values. Passed-in mutable arguments (e.g., lists, dictionaries, class instances) can be used as both input and output for the embedded codechanges made in Python are retained in objects held by C. Objects can also make use of the global variable and C extension functions interface techniques described for strings to communicate with C.


Code files can communicate with most of the same techniques as code strings; when run as separate programs, files can also employ Inter-Process Communication (IPC) techniques.


Naturally, all embedded code forms can also communicate with C using general system-level tools: files, sockets, pipes, and so on. These techniques are generally less direct and slower, though. Here, we are still interested in in-process function call integration.

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