处理全部的 sim result 文件,并生成 simulation_report.txt 和 simulation_report.xls 。
需要先安装 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel 模块:
sudo perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Spreadsheet::WriteExcel’
#!/user/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
my $log_dir = "./out";
my $report_file = "simulation_report.txt";
my $verbose = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $tab = " "x4;
my $excel_en = 0;
my $info = "[INFO] --";
my $error = "[ERROR] --";
my @pass_cases;
my @fail_cases;
my @unknown_cases;
print "\n";
# parse the input options
'log_dir=s' => \$log_dir,
'excel!' => \$excel_en,
'verbose!' => \$verbose,
'debug!' => \$debug,
'help!' => \$help,
&help_message if $help;
sub parse_sim_logs
my $sim_dir = shift;
print "\n${info} Start to parse the simulation log files in $sim_dir dir.\n\n";
my @sim_files;
# @sim_files = glob("$sim_dir/*.log");
opendir DH, $sim_dir or die "Can not open $sim_dir dir for reading!\n";
while (my $file_name = readdir DH)
$file_name = "${sim_dir}/${file_name}";
push (@sim_files, $file_name) if $file_name =~ /\.log\z/;# if file_name end up with .log
closedir DH;
if (!defined $sim_files[0] || $sim_files[0] =~ /\A\s*\z/)
print "${error} Do not obtain valid simulation log files. Exiting...\n\n";
foreach my $sim_file (@sim_files)
my $case_id;
my $status;
open (SIM, "<", $sim_file) or die "Can not open $sim_file for reading!\n";
while (defined(my $line = ))
chomp $line;
next if $line =~ /\A\s*\z/;# if it is a blank line, then start next loop
$line =~ s/\A\s*|\s*\z//g;# delete start blank and end blank
if ($line =~ /\A#\s*test_id\s*:\s*(\d+)/)# \d is decimal number
$case_id = $1;# $1 is the first () matched
elsif ($line =~ /\A#\s*test_status\s*:\s*(\w+)/)# \w is word
$status = $1;
$status =~ s/\A\s*|\s*\z//g;# delete start blank and end blank
last;# break
if (defined $case_id && defined $status)
if ($status =~ /\Aok\z/i)# ignore BIG or small
push (@pass_cases, $case_id);
elsif ($status =~ /\Afail\z/i)
push (@fail_cases, $case_id);
push (@unknown_cases, $case_id);
print "${info} Complete to parse the simulation log files.\n\n";
sub gen_report
my $out_file = shift;
sub gen_excel_report
my $out_name = shift;
print "${info} Start to generate the excel report.\n\n";
$out_name =~ s/\A(.*)\.\w+\z/${1}\.xls/;# change file_name to xxx.xls
my $excel_object = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($out_name);
my $sheet1 = $excel_object->add_worksheet("sheet1");
my $format = $excel_object->add_format();# add a format
my %col;
my $red_format = $excel_object->add_format ( color => 'red',
align => 'vcenter',
my $gre_format = $excel_object->add_format ( color => 'green',
align => 'vcenter',
my $head_format = $excel_object->add_format ( bold => 1,
size => 12,
color => 'blue',
align => 'vcenter',
# write the header: case_id, description, note, and teststatus
$col{"case_id"} = 0;
$col{"description"} = 1;
$col{"note"} = 2;
$col{"teststatus"} = 3;
foreach my $key (keys %col)
my $col_num = $col{"$key"};
# $worksheet->write(0, $col_num, $key, $head_format);
$sheet1->write(0, $col_num, $key, $head_format);
my $row_num = 1;
# fill the passed test patterns' result into excel
if (@pass_cases > 0)
foreach my $case (@pass_cases)
$case = "case_${case}" if $case =~ /\A\d+\z/;
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"case_id"}, $case);
# $worksheet->write($row_num, $col{"teststatus"}, "OK");
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"teststatus"}, "OK", $gre_format);
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"description"}, "the description for $case");
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"note"}, "the note for $case");
# fill the failed test patterns' result into excel
if (@fail_cases > 0)
foreach my $case (@fail_cases)
$case = "case_${case}" if $case =~ /\A\d+\z/;
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"case_id"}, $case);
# $worksheet->write($row_num, $col{"teststatus"}, "FAIL");
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"teststatus"}, "FAIL", $red_format);
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"description"}, "the description for $case");
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"note"}, "the note for $case");
# fill the unknown test patterns' result into excel
if (@unknown_cases > 0)
foreach my $case (@unknown_cases)
$case = "case_${case}" if $case =~ /\A\d+\z/;
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"case_id"}, $case);
# $worksheet->write($row_num, $col{"teststatus"}, "UNKNOWN");
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"teststatus"}, "UNKNOWN", $red_format);
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"description"}, "the description for $case");
$sheet1->write($row_num, $col{"note"}, "the note for $case");
print "${info} The excel report has been written into $out_name .\n\n";
sub gen_txt_report
my $out_file = shift;
my $result = "";
my $pass_rate;
my $fail_rate;
my $pass_num = 0;
my $fail_num = 0;
my $unknown_num = 0;
my $case_num = 0;
print "${info} Start to generate the summary report.\n\n";
$pass_num = @pass_cases if defined $pass_cases[0];
$fail_num = @fail_cases if defined $fail_cases[0];
$unknown_num = @unknown_cases if defined $unknown_cases[0];
$case_num = $pass_num + $fail_num + $unknown_num;
my $len = length($case_num);
if ($case_num == 0)
print "${error} Do not obtain any test cases' simulation result. Exiting...\n\n";
$pass_rate = $pass_num / $case_num;
$fail_rate = $fail_num / $case_num;
$result .= "\n";
$result .= "#"x80 . "\n";
$result .= "# The following is the simulation result summary report for project.\n";
$result .= "#"x80 . "\n";
$result .= "${tab}Lauhched $case_num cases totally.\n";
$result .= "${tab}$pass_num cases passed.\n";
$result .= "${tab}$fail_num cases failed.\n";
$result .= "${tab}pass rate = " . sprintf("%${len}d", $pass_num) . " / $case_num = ";
$result .= sprintf("%4.2f", ($pass_rate * 100)) . "\%\n";
$result .= "${tab}fail rate = " . sprintf("%${len}d", $fail_num) . " / $case_num = ";
$result .= sprintf("%4.2f", ($fail_rate * 100)) . "\%\n";
$result .= "\n";
$result .= "${tab}" . "-"x50 . "\n";
if ($pass_num > 0)
$result .= "${tab}The following $pass_num test cases passed:\n";
$result .= &print_array_by_len(\@pass_cases, 15);
$result .= "\n";
if ($fail_num > 0)
$result .= "${tab}The following $fail_num test cases failed:\n";
$result .= &print_array_by_len(\@fail_cases, 15);
$result .= "\n";
if ($unknown_num > 0)
$result .= "${tab}The following $unknown_num test cases' status is ";
$result .= "unknown and need to be checked:\n";
$result .= &print_array_by_len(\@unknown_cases, 15);
$result .= "\n";
# output the summary report to the specified file
open (OUT, ">", $out_file) or die "Can not open $out_file for writting!\n";
print OUT $result;
close (OUT);
#print $result;
print "You can refer to the summary report from $out_file file.\n\n";
sub print_array_by_len
my ($ref, $len) = @_;
my $str = "${tab}${tab}";
my $num = 0;
foreach my $item (@$ref)
if ($num > 0 && $num % $len == 0)
# $str .= "${tab}${tab}";
$str .= "\n${tab}${tab}";
$num = 0;
$str .= "${item} ";
$num ++;
$str .= "\n\n";
return $str;
sub help_message
print "-"x50 . "\n";
print "\nUsage: perl $0 OPTIONS" . "\n\n";
print "OPTIONS:\n";
print "${tab}-log_dir dir_name -- specify the log dir that has the simulation\n";
print "${tab} log files. Default is ./out\n";
print "${tab}-excel -- generate the log file in the format of excel file.\n";
print "${tab} Default is text format\n";
print "${tab}-help -- print out the help message\n\n";
print "${tab}-debug/-verbose -- control to output some debug information\n";
print "\nAuthor:\n";
print "${tab}Sniper\n";
print "-"x50 . "\n";