f[i-1,t] →把h[i]给了f[i-1,t]后 f[i-1,t]+h[i]=f[i,j]+j; 原低塔变高塔
现低塔高度→(f[i-1,t]+t)< 现高塔高度→ f[i-1,t]+h[i] (t
→j=h[i]-t t=h[i]-j;
f[i-1,t] → 后 f[i-1,t]+h[i]=f[i,j] 原低塔还是低塔 h[i]
现低塔:f[i-1,t]+h[i]; 现高塔 f[i-1,t]+t
j=t-h[i] t=j+h[i]
h[i] 1 const null=32767;
2 var
3 n,m,max1,i,j,t:integer;
4 h:array[1..100] of integer;
5 f:array[0..100,0..2000] of integer;
6 function max(a,b:integer):integer;
7 begin
8 if a=null then exit(b);
9 if b=null then exit(a);
10 if (a>b) then exit(a);
11 exit(b);
12 end;
13 begin
14 assign(input,'P1037.in');
15 reset(input);
16 assign(output,'P1037.out');
17 rewrite(output);
18 readln(n);
19 for i:=0 to n do
20 for j:=0 to 2000 do
21 f[i,j]:=null;
22 for i:=1 to n do read(h[i]);
23 f[0,0]:=0;
24 for i:=1 to n do
25 for j:=2000 downto 0 do
26 begin
27 if f[i-1,j]<>null then f[i,j]:=f[i-1,j];
28 if j>=h[i] then if f[i-1,j-h[i]]<>null then f[i,j]:=max(f[i-1,j-h[i]],f[i,j]); // h[i] was given to the higher one
30 //next:give to the lower one
31 if h[i]-j>=0 then
32 begin
33 if f[i-1,h[i]-j]<>null then f[i,j]:=max(f[i-1,h[i]-j]+h[i]-j,f[i,j]);
34 end;
35 begin
36 if f[i-1,j+h[i]]<>null then f[i,j]:=max(f[i-1,j+h[i]]+h[i],f[i,j]);
37 end;
39 end;
41 {for i:=0 to n do
42 begin
43 for j:=0 to 15 do write(f[i,j]:6);
44 writeln;
45 end; }
46 if f[n,0]<>0 then writeln(f[n,0]) else writeln('Impossible');
47 close(input);
48 close(output);
49 end.