自从微软发布了kinect2.0以后,自带的kinect with unity sdk开发包用起来要爽很多,给我们使用unity开发体感游戏带来了方便,其中是对于手掌的识别,使得我们开发游戏界面时处理起点击和按住拖动等事件起来得心应手。
RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position, transform.forward);
if (hits.Length >= 1)
int maxDepth = 0;
int i = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < hits.Length; b++)
GameObject go = hits[b].collider.gameObject;
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent();
if (w != null && w.depth > maxDepth)
maxDepth = w.depth;
i = b;
if (preHandState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Open && handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed)
UICamera.Notify(hits[i].collider.gameObject, "OnPress", true);
clickStartObject = hits[i].collider.gameObject;
if (preHandState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed && handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Open)
UICamera.Notify(hits[i].collider.gameObject, "OnPress", false);
if (hits[i].collider.gameObject == clickStartObject)
UICamera.Notify(hits[i].collider.gameObject, "OnClick", null);
Debug.Log("Click:" + hits[i].collider.name);
if (hits[i].collider.gameObject.GetComponent() != null)
if (preHandState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Open && handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed)
dragStart = true;
dragStartPosition = new Vector2(_Hand.Position.X * 1920, _Hand.Position.Y * 1080);
UICamera.MouseOrTouch kinectMouse = new UICamera.MouseOrTouch();
kinectMouse.delta = dragStartPosition - kinectMouse.pos;
kinectMouse.pos = dragStartPosition;
kinectMouse.current = hits[i].collider.gameObject;
if (preHandState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed && handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed && dragStart)
Vector2 delta = new Vector2(_Hand.Position.X * 1920, _Hand.Position.Y * 1080) - dragStartPosition;
dragStartPosition += delta;
UICamera.Notify(hits[i].collider.gameObject, "OnDrag", delta);
Debug.Log("Drag:" + hits[i].collider.name);
if (preHandState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed && handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Open && dragStart)
dragStart = false;
if (handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed || handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Open)
preHandState = handState;
其中的OnDrag事件是没有任何响应的,后来通过查看ngui的UICamera源码发现,要使用OnDrag事件还需要设置UICamera中的众多参数,由于太过麻烦,我开始从UICamera 源码上动起脑经来。通过查看源码可以发现UICamera其实是自带了鼠标,触摸,控制器三种方式的事件处理,于是我在其中新增了Kinect的事件处理:
public enum ControlScheme
public bool useTouch = true;
static public MouseOrTouch kinectMouse = new MouseOrTouch();
public void ProcessKinectMouse()
lastTouchPosition = KinectController.kinectMousePosition;
kinectMouse.delta = lastTouchPosition - kinectMouse.pos;
kinectMouse.pos = lastTouchPosition;
bool posChanged = mMouse[0].delta.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f;
bool isPressed = false;
bool justPressed = false;
if (KinectController.handClose)
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Kinect;
justPressed = true;
isPressed = true;
else if (KinectController.handClosed)
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Kinect;
isPressed = true;
if (isPressed || posChanged || mNextRaycast < RealTime.time)
mNextRaycast = RealTime.time + 0.02f;
if (!Raycast(KinectController.kinectMousePosition, out lastHit)) hoveredObject = fallThrough;
if (hoveredObject == null) hoveredObject = genericEventHandler;
kinectMouse.current = hoveredObject;
bool highlightChanged = (kinectMouse.last != kinectMouse.current);
if (highlightChanged) currentScheme = ControlScheme.Kinect;
if (isPressed)
// A button was pressed -- cancel the tooltip
mTooltipTime = 0f;
else if (posChanged && (!stickyTooltip || highlightChanged))
if (mTooltipTime != 0f)
// Delay the tooltip
mTooltipTime = RealTime.time + tooltipDelay;
else if (mTooltip != null)
// Hide the tooltip
if ((justPressed || !isPressed) && mHover != null && highlightChanged)
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Kinect;
if (mTooltip != null) ShowTooltip(false);
Notify(mHover, "OnHover", false);
mHover = null;
bool pressed = KinectController.handClose;
bool unpressed = KinectController.handOpen;
if (pressed || unpressed) currentScheme = ControlScheme.Kinect;
currentTouch = kinectMouse;
currentTouchID = -1;
// We don't want to update the last camera while there is a touch happening
if (pressed) currentTouch.pressedCam = currentCamera;
else if (currentTouch.pressed != null) currentCamera = currentTouch.pressedCam;
// Process the mouse events
ProcessTouch(pressed, unpressed);
currentTouch = null;
// If nothing is pressed and there is an object under the touch, highlight it
if (!isPressed && highlightChanged)
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Kinect;
mTooltipTime = RealTime.time + tooltipDelay;
mHover = kinectMouse.current;
Notify(mHover, "OnHover", true);
// Update the last value
kinectMouse.last = kinectMouse.current;
if (useKinect) ProcessKinectMouse();
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class KinectController : MonoBehaviour
public Texture[] handTextures;
public enum HandType
public HandType handType;
public static Vector3 handPosition;
public static Vector3 kinectMousePosition;
public static bool handClose;
public static bool handOpen;
public static bool handClosed;
BodySourceManager bodySource;
Windows.Kinect.Joint hand;
Windows.Kinect.HandState handState;
Windows.Kinect.HandState lastHandState;
GameObject clickStartObject;
bool dragStart;
Vector2 dragStartPosition;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
gameObject.GetComponent().mainTexture = handTextures[0];
bodySource = GameObject.Find("KinectManager").GetComponent();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
handClosed = false;
handClose = false;
handOpen = false;
gameObject.GetComponent().mainTexture = handTextures[0];
Windows.Kinect.Body[] data = bodySource.GetData();
if (data == null)
foreach (var body in data)
if (body == null)
if (body.IsTracked)
if (handType == HandType.Left)
hand = body.Joints[Windows.Kinect.JointType.HandLeft];
handState = body.HandLeftState;
hand = body.Joints[Windows.Kinect.JointType.HandRight];
handState = body.HandRightState;
handPosition = new Vector3(hand.Position.X * 1920, hand.Position.Y * 1080, 0);
transform.localPosition = handPosition;
kinectMousePosition = UICamera.currentCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);
Vector3 mousepos = Input.mousePosition;
if (lastHandState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Open && handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed)
handClose = true;
else if (lastHandState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed && handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Open)
handOpen = true;
else if (lastHandState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed && handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed)
gameObject.GetComponent().mainTexture = handTextures[1];
handClosed = true;
if (handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Closed || handState == Windows.Kinect.HandState.Open)
lastHandState = handState;