Classes can define how they are iterated over by defining an __iter__() method; this should take no additional arguments and return a valid iterator object. A class that wants to be an iterator should implement two methods: a next() method that behaves as described above, and an __iter__() method that returns self.
This means that we can write if k in dict: ... which is equivalent to if dict.has_key(k): ...这两个表达式的意义是一样的。
This means that we can write for k in dict: ... which is equivalent to, but much faster than for k in dict.keys(): ...这两个表达式的意义是一样的。
for key in dict.iterkeys(): ... for value in dict.itervalues(): ... for key, value in dict.iteritems(): ...这三个表达式分别显示的返回了三种Iterator。