



基于springboot 2.1.4.RELEASE(这部分影响不大)




      message: message
      code: code
          login: login #login.html对应的url是login
          register: register
        - path: manager
            - path: user
                add: user_add,userAdd,user.html  #  manager/user/add.html对应的url是/user_add和/userAdd和/user.html
                delete: user_delete
            - path: order
                add: order_add
                delete: order_delete


public class ResultTest {
    private ResultBuilder resultBuilder;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(ResultTest.class, args);

    public ResultEntity test(HttpSession session) {
        Result result = resultBuilder.build();
        result.addHeaders("header", "asdsadsda").addHeaders("header", "assafasggq12412")
                .setHeaders("header1", "asasdsadsad").setHeaders("header1", "a124123sasdsadsad")
                .addHeaders("sessionid", session.getId())
                .putBody("key", "asdasf")
                .putBody("name", "nasd");
        return result.resultEntity(StatusCode.SELECT_SUCCESS, "saagasdasd", HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResultEntity user(@RequestBody UserBaseQueryVO userBaseQueryVO) {
        Result result = resultBuilder.build();
        User user = new User();
        User entity = userBaseQueryVO.getEntity();
        result.putBody("user", entity);
        return result.resultEntity();

public class ResultEntity extends ResponseEntity {…}

public class Result extends HashMap <String, Object> {
    protected String DEFAULT_CODE = "code";
    protected String DEFAULT_MSG = "msg";

    Result() {


    private MultiValueMap <String, String> headers = new HttpHeaders();

    public ResultEntity resultEntity() {
        return resultEntity(HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResultEntity resultEntityInternalServerError() {
        return resultEntity(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    public ResultEntity resultEntity(HttpStatus status) {
        return resultEntity(null, null, status);

    public ResultEntity resultEntity(Integer code, String msg) {
        return resultEntity(code, msg, HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResultEntity resultEntityInternalServerError(Integer code, String msg) {
        return resultEntity(code, msg, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    public ResultEntity resultEntity(Integer code, String msg, HttpStatus status) {
        if (status == null) {
            throw new ResponseException("HttpStatus can not be null");
        if (msg != null) {
            this.putBody(DEFAULT_MSG, msg);
        if (code != null) {
            this.putBody(DEFAULT_CODE, code);
        if (headers == null || headers.isEmpty()) {
            return new ResultEntity(this, status);
        } else {
            return new ResultEntity(this, headers, status);

    public Result setCode(Integer code) {
        putBody(DEFAULT_CODE, code);
        return this;

    public Result setMsg(String msg) {
        putBody(DEFAULT_MSG, msg);
        return this;

    public Result putBody(String key, Object value) {
        this.put(key, value);
        return this;

    public Result removeBody(String key) {
        return this;

    public Result addHeaders(String key, String value) {
        this.headers.add(key, value);
        return this;

    public Result setHeaders(String key, String value) {
        this.headers.set(key, value);
        return this;

    public Result removeHeaders(String key) {
        return this;

    public MultiValueMap <String, String> getHeaders() {
        return headers;

    public Result setHeaders(MultiValueMap <String, String> headers) {
        this.headers = headers;
        return this;

    public Result addHeaders(MultiValueMap <String, String> headers) {
        return this;

    public String getDefaultCode() {
        return DEFAULT_CODE;

    public void setDefaultCode(String defaultCode) {
        Integer code = (Integer) this.get(DEFAULT_CODE);
        if (code != null) {
            DEFAULT_CODE = defaultCode;
        } else {
            DEFAULT_CODE = defaultCode;

    public String getDefaultMsg() {
        return DEFAULT_MSG;

    public void setDefaultMsg(String defaultMsg) {
        String msg = (String) this.get(DEFAULT_MSG);
        if (msg != null) {
            DEFAULT_MSG = defaultMsg;
        } else {
            DEFAULT_MSG = defaultMsg;


package cn.cjx913.spring_custom.web;

 * 操作状态码
 * @author cjx913
 * @version 1.0
 * @since 2.1.2.RELEASE
public class StatusCode {
     * 查询成功
    public static final Integer SELECT_SUCCESS = 101;
     * 查询成功,但无数据
    public static final Integer SELECT_SUCCESS_NO_DATA = 102;
     * 查询失败
    public static final Integer SELECT_FAIL = 103;
     * 插入成功
    public static final Integer INSERT_SUCCESS = 104;
     * 插入失败
    public static final Integer INSERT_FAIL = 105;
     * 更新成功
    public static final Integer UPDATE_SUCCESS = 106;
     * 更新失败
    public static final Integer UPDATE_FAIL = 107;
     * 删除成功
    public static final Integer DELETE_SUCCESS = 108;
     * 删除失败
    public static final Integer DELETE_FAIL = 109;

     * 登陆成功
    public static final Integer LOGIN_SUCCESS = 210;
     * 登陆失败
    public static final Integer LOGIN_FAIL = 211;
     * 登陆失败,用户不存在
    public static final Integer LOGIN_FAIL_UNREGISTER = 212;
     * 登陆失败,无效登录凭证
    public static final Integer LOGIN_FAIL_INVALID_CERTIFICATE = 213;
     * 登陆失败,未知登录类型
    public static final Integer LOGIN_FAIL_UNKONWN_LOGIN_TYPE = 214;
     * 注册成功
    public static final Integer REFISTER_SUCCESS = 220;
     * 注册失败
    public static final Integer REFISTER_FAIL = 221;
     * 注册失败,用户已存在
    public static final Integer REFISTER_FAIL_EXISTED_USER = 222;
     * 注册失败,保存用户数据错误
    public static final Integer REFISTER_FAIL_ERROR_SAVE_USER_DATA = 223;
     * 注册失败,未知注册类型
    public static final Integer REGISTER_FAIL_UNKONWN_REGISTER_TYPE = 224;

     * 有效的session
    public static final Integer SESSION_VALID = 301;
     * 无效的session
    public static final Integer SESSION_INVALID = 302;
     * 有效的token
    public static final Integer TOKEN_VALID = 311;
     * 无效的token
    public static final Integer TOKEN_INVALID = 312;
     * 有效的验证码
    public static final Integer VERIFICATION_CODE_VALID = 321;
     * 无效的验证码
    public static final Integer VERIFICATION_CODE_INVALID = 322;

     * 未知错误
    public static final Integer ERROR_UNKONWN = 900;
     * 请求错误
    public static final Integer ERROR_REQUSET = 910;
     * 请求参数错误
    public static final Integer ERROR_REQUSET_PARAMETER = 911;
     * 响应错误
    public static final Integer ERROR_RESPONSE = 920;

     * 文件上传错误
    public static final Integer ERROR_FILR_UPLOAD = 970;
     * 文件下载错误
    public static final Integer ERROR_FILR_DOWNLOAD = 980;
     * 全局异常
    public static final Integer ERROR_GLOBAL_EXCEPTIONS = 999;


    private ResultBuilder resultBuilder;
	Result result = resultBuilder.build();


	public ResultEntity resultEntity() {
        return resultEntity(HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResultEntity resultEntityInternalServerError() {
        return resultEntity(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    public ResultEntity resultEntity(HttpStatus status) {
        return resultEntity(null, null, status);

    public ResultEntity resultEntity(Integer code, String msg) {
        return resultEntity(code, msg, HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResultEntity resultEntityInternalServerError(Integer code, String msg) {
        return resultEntity(code, msg, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    public ResultEntity resultEntity(Integer code, String msg, HttpStatus status) {
        if (status == null) {
            throw new ResponseException("HttpStatus can not be null");
        if (msg != null) {
            this.putBody(DEFAULT_MSG, msg);
        if (code != null) {
            this.putBody(DEFAULT_CODE, code);
        if (headers == null || headers.isEmpty()) {
            return new ResultEntity(this, status);
        } else {
            return new ResultEntity(this, headers, status);


package cn.cjx913.spring_custom.web.entity;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * 查询参数封装
public class BaseQueryVO<T>  implements Serializable {

    protected T entity;

     * 数据有效性
    protected Boolean available;

     * 搜索文本
    protected String searchText;
     * 排序
    protected String sortName;
     * 排序
    protected String sortOrder = "asc";

     * 分页查询的页码
    protected Integer pageNumber = 1;
     * 分页查询的每頁的数据
    protected Integer pageSize = 15;

     * 分页查询的每頁的数据
    protected Integer limit = 15;
     * 分页查询的起始号
    protected Integer offset = 0;

    protected Map <String, Object> parameters = new HashMap <>();

    public BaseQueryVO() {


    public BaseQueryVO(T entity) {
        this.entity = entity;

package cn.cjx913.spring_custom.web.entity;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * 查询结果封装
public class BaseResultVO<T> implements Serializable {
    protected T row;
    protected List <T> rows;

     * 查询得到总数据的行数
    protected Long total;

     * 增删改受影响的行数
    protected Long count;

    protected Double sum;

    protected Double average;

    protected Map <String, Object> results = new HashMap <>();

    public Boolean hasData() {
        return row != null ? true : false;

    public Boolean hasDatas() {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(rows)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;



public class WebMvcCustomConfigurer implements WebMvcConfigurer{}
