设计模式 - 命令模式(command pattern) 宏命令(macro command) 详解

命令模式(command pattern) 宏命令(macro command) 详解


本文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy


参考: 命名模式(撤销): http://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy/article/details/31419101


命令模式可以执行宏命令(macro command), 即多个命令的组合操作.



1. 其余代码与命令(撤销)一致

2. 添加宏命令(macro command), 继承命令接口, 包含命令数组(Command[]), 依次执行(execute)或撤销(undo)命令.


 * @time 2014年6月16日
package command;

 * @author C.L.Wang
public class MecroCommand implements Command {

	Command[] commands;
	public MecroCommand (Command[] commands) {
		this.commands = commands;
	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see command.Command#execute()
	public void execute() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		for (int i=0; i= 0; i--) {


3. 测试, 把多个命令, 放入命令数组, 初始化宏类.



 * @time 2014年6月16日
package command;

import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;

 * @author C.L.Wang
public class RemoteLoader {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub

		RemoteControl remoteControl = new RemoteControl();
		Light livingRoomLight = new Light("Living Room");
		Light kitchenLight = new Light("Kitchen");
		CeilingFan ceilingFan = new CeilingFan("Living Room");
		Stereo stereo = new Stereo("Living Room");
		LightOnCommand livingRoomLightOn = new LightOnCommand(livingRoomLight);
		LightOffCommand livingRoomLightOff = new LightOffCommand(livingRoomLight);
		LightOnCommand kitchenLightOn = new LightOnCommand(kitchenLight);
		LightOffCommand kitchenLightOff = new LightOffCommand(kitchenLight);
		CeilingFanHighCommand ceilingFanHigh = new CeilingFanHighCommand(ceilingFan);
		CeilingFanOffCommand ceilingFanOff = new CeilingFanOffCommand(ceilingFan);
		StereoOnWithCDCommand stereoOnWithCD = new StereoOnWithCDCommand(stereo);
		StereoOffCommand stereoOffCommand = new StereoOffCommand(stereo);
		Command[] partyOn = { livingRoomLightOn, kitchenLightOn, ceilingFanHigh, stereoOnWithCD };
		Command[] partyOff = { livingRoomLightOff, kitchenLightOff, ceilingFanOff, stereoOffCommand };
		MecroCommand partyOnMecro = new MecroCommand(partyOn);
		MecroCommand partyOffMecro = new MecroCommand(partyOff);
		remoteControl.setCommand(0, livingRoomLightOn, livingRoomLightOff); //设这遥控器
		remoteControl.setCommand(1, kitchenLightOn, kitchenLightOff);
		remoteControl.setCommand(2, ceilingFanHigh, ceilingFanOff);
		remoteControl.setCommand(3, stereoOnWithCD, stereoOffCommand);
		remoteControl.setCommand(4, partyOnMecro, partyOffMecro);
		System.out.println("--- Pushing Macro On ---");
		remoteControl.onButtonWasPushed(4); //关闭高速
		System.out.println("--- Pushing Macro Off ---");
		remoteControl.offButtonWasPushed(4); //关闭高速
		System.out.println("--- Pushing Macro Undo ---");
		remoteControl.undoButtonWasPushed(); //退回高速


4. 输出:



------ Remote Control ------
[slot 0] command.LightOnCommand    command.LightOffCommand
[slot 1] command.LightOnCommand    command.LightOffCommand
[slot 2] command.CeilingFanHighCommand    command.CeilingFanOffCommand
[slot 3] command.StereoOnWithCDCommand    command.StereoOffCommand
[slot 4] command.MecroCommand    command.MecroCommand
[slot 5] command.NoCommand    command.NoCommand
[slot 6] command.NoCommand    command.NoCommand

--- Pushing Macro On ---
Living Room Light is on
Kitchen Light is on
Living Room ceiling fan is on high
Living Room stereo is on
Living Room stereo is set for CD input
Living Room Stereo volume set to 11
--- Pushing Macro Off ---
Living Room Light is off
Kitchen Light is off
Living Room ceiling fan is off
Living Room stereo is off
--- Pushing Macro Undo ---
Living Room stereo is on
Living Room stereo is set for CD input
Living Room Stereo volume set to 11
Living Room ceiling fan is on high
Kitchen Light is on
Living Room Light is on








