ASP.NET 将多个datatable整合到一个List中,DataTable.Select()过滤,获取最近12个月数据

private List GetLabourTrends(string projectId)
            string sql = string.Empty;
            string sqlIn = string.Empty;
            string sqlOut = string.Empty;
            string sqlZC = string.Empty;
            var beginMonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-11).ToString("yyyy-MM");
            var endMonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM");

            DateTime varDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2);
            string curMonth = string.Empty;
            string curMonthJT = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++)//遍历12次
                curMonth = varDate.AddMonths(-i).ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-01";
                int j = i+1;
                curMonthJT = varDate.AddMonths(-j).ToString("yyyy-MM");

                #region 累计在场
                sqlZC += @" select IFNULL(sum(t2.ZcNum),0) as ZcNum, DATE_FORMAT('" + curMonth + @"','%Y-%m-%d') as curMonth
		                                select t1.identity_card,case when sum(t1.InNum)-sum(t1.OutNum) >0 then 1 else 0 end ZcNum
					                                select b.identity_card,0 resumetype,count( InNum, 0 OutNum
					                                from hr_staff_pro_resume r 
					                                LEFT JOIN hr_staff_base b on r.base_id =
                                                    LEFT JOIN project_info p on r.project_id = and '" + projectId + @"'
					                                where r.resume_type = '已进场'
					                                AND r.in_date < DATE_FORMAT('" + curMonth + @"','%Y-%m-%d')
					                                GROUP BY b.identity_card
					                                union all
					                                select b.identity_card,1 resumetype,0 InNum,count( OutNum
					                                from hr_staff_pro_resume r 
					                                LEFT JOIN hr_staff_base b on r.base_id =
                                                    LEFT JOIN project_info p on r.project_id = and '" + projectId + @"'
					                                where r.resume_type = '已退场'
					                                AND r.out_date < DATE_FORMAT('" + curMonth + @"','%Y-%m-%d')
					                                GROUP BY b.identity_card
				                                ) t1
		                                group by t1.identity_card
                                ) t2 ";//累计在场

                #region 进场
                sqlIn += @" SELECT '" + curMonthJT + @"' AS curMonth, COUNT(*)  AS InNum
                                    FROM hr_staff_pro_resume t
                                    WHERE t.project_id = '" + projectId + @"'
                                    AND t.base_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM hr_staff_base WHERE isblacklist in (0,2))
                                    AND t.subpack_id IN (SELECT id FROM subcontractor_base WHERE isblacklist is null or isblacklist = 0)
                                    AND t.in_date IS NOT NULL
                                    AND DATE_FORMAT(t.in_date,'%Y-%m') = '" + curMonthJT + @"' ";//进场

                #region 退场
                sqlOut += @" SELECT '" + curMonthJT + @"' AS curMonth, COUNT(*) AS OutNum
                                    FROM hr_staff_pro_resume t
                                    WHERE t.project_id = '" + projectId + @"'
                                    AND t.base_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM hr_staff_base WHERE isblacklist in (0,2))
                                    AND t.subpack_id IN (
                                    SELECT id FROM subcontractor_base WHERE isblacklist is null or isblacklist = 0)
                                    AND t.out_date IS NOT NULL
                                    AND DATE_FORMAT(t.out_date,'%Y-%m') = '" + curMonthJT + @"' ";//退场

                if (i < 12)
                    sqlZC += @" 
                                    UNION ALL  

                    sqlIn += @" 
                                    UNION ALL  

                    sqlOut += @" 
                                    UNION ALL  
            DataTable dtZC = Context.FromSql(sqlZC).ToDataTable();
            DataTable dtIn = Context.FromSql(sqlIn).ToDataTable();
            DataTable dtOut = Context.FromSql(sqlOut).ToDataTable();

            List labourTrendList = new List();

            for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++)//遍历12次
                curMonth = varDate.AddMonths(-i).ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-01";
                int j = i + 1;
                curMonthJT = varDate.AddMonths(-j).ToString("yyyy-MM");

                LabourTrendItem item = new LabourTrendItem();
                if (dtZC != null && dtZC.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow[] dr = dtZC.Select("curMonth ='" + curMonth + "'");
                    foreach (DataRow row in dr)
                        item.Month = Convert.ToDateTime(row["curMonth"]);
                        item.AvailableCount = row["ZcNum"].ToString();//在场
                if (dtIn != null && dtIn.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow[] dr = dtIn.Select("curMonth ='"+ curMonthJT + "'");
                    foreach (DataRow row in dr)
                        item.Month = Convert.ToDateTime(row["curMonth"].ToString());
                        item.ComeCount = row["InNum"].ToString();//进场
                if (dtOut != null && dtOut.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow[] dr = dtOut.Select("curMonth ='" + curMonthJT + "'");
                    foreach (DataRow row in dr)
                        item.Month = Convert.ToDateTime(row["curMonth"].ToString());
                        item.OutCount = row["OutNum"].ToString();//退场
            return labourTrendList.OrderBy(t => t.Month).ToList();

