
Debezium is a set of distributed services to capture data changes in your databases so that your applications and see those changes and respond to them. Debezium records all row-level changes within each database table in a change event stream , and applications simply read these streams to see the change events in the same order in which they occurred.

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Debezium是一个开源项目,为捕获数据更改(Capture Data Change,CDC)提供了一个低延迟的流式处理平台,通过安装配置Debezium监控数据库,可以实时消费行级别(row-level)的更改。身为一个分布式系统,Debezium也拥有良好的容错性

Debezium的源端(即支持监控哪些数据库) : MySQL,MongoDB,PostgreSQL,Oracle,SQL Server
Debezium的目标端(即可以数据导入端) : Kafka

Debezium名字的由来 : The name is a combination of "DBs", as in the abbreviation for multiple databases, and the "-ium" suffix used in the names of many elements of the periodic table. Say it fast: "DBs-ium". If it helps, we say it like "dee-BEE-zee-uhm".

Debezium的应用 : 实时同步数据,实时消费数据
