
A business analyst can set up rules that tell the system how to initialize newlycreated objects.


For example, the business analyst can set the system up to number parts accordingto the company’s part numbering policies (e.g. auto-number). The business analyst may also set the system up to require the user to enter a manual number, oralternatively, set the system up so that if the user does not enter a number, the system will assign one.

举例来说,业务分析师可以设置系统最多数量的零件按照每个公司的部分编号的政策(如自动编号) 。业务分析师也设置系统要求用户输入手册编号, oralternatively ,设置。

As another example, the business analyst can set the system up to automatically assign objects of certain types to certain workflows; or, alternatively, the business analyst can configure the system with appropriate workflows by object types and it will be up to the end user to select the appropriate workflow to use. For more sophisticated needs, the business analyst can set the system up to route an object appropriately based on the values of meta-data attributes provided by the end user.


Object initialization rules provide significant flexibility in adapting a Windchill system to a specific customer’s environment and business process needs. For additional information, see the “Object Initialization Rules” chapter in the Windchill Business Administrator’s Guide.

