HtcLlinkifydispatcher fix

Heres the fix for Htclinkifydispather not allowing lnks to be clickable, just a small edit to the build prop. it worked great for me

Originally posted by Steal25: (the how-to)

in build.prop you will have this line

change to


then add just below that this line


I tried everything in smali and it would make one thing work and not another, this way allows all app associations and linkable to phone phone numbers. no smali edits allowed both.
what this will do is make app associations act like they did in gb and remove the app associations in settings. no mods to the apk itself were needed and you need to leave htclinkifydispatcher in the rom.
this only worked for me from a fresh boot, just adding it caused htc_linkify and facebook to FC. this worked for me in my Rom on the 3d hopefully it works for you guys here aswell.
