All below build steps are trivial, but i took like a week to get a grip of.. just documenting to be handy.
$MYDROID is root of your android source directory.
Quick Incremental Build
Setup the environment for your build setup, go to moudle's directory with and build.
`source $MYDROID/build/`
`cd ./hardware/ti/omap3/liboverlay`
`mm-B` will clean build all the libraries under a subdirectory.
Package build
Building .apk in android SDK. No need of eclipse or PDK.
`source $MYDROID/build/`
`mmm `
(say #mmm $MYDROID/packages/gallery)
Selective Clean
make clean-`
(eg. #make clean-libomxcommon )
Complete clean
`make clean` works but, "rm -rf ./out" is faster
Display full commands
`make showcommands`
Number of parallel threads
This is same as GNU make, and chose it based on number of cpu cores available.
`make -j`
Btw, complete android build guide is available at