



  	/*********************日历组件部分**************************** begin */
  	var dateArray = new Array();
	var printDateArray = function(){
	/** 班次数据源 */
	var classStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
		url: "./jxy/attendsystem/queryClassComboAction", 
		autoLoad: true,
		method  : 'post', 
		fields: ['id','clasName'],
		root: 'data',
		remoteSort: true,  
            load : function(store, records, options ){      
                var data = { "id": "0", "clasName": "休息"};      
                var rs = [new Ext.data.Record(data)];      

  	Ext.MyDatePicker = Ext.extend(Ext.DatePicker, {
			todayText : '确定',
		    okText : ' 确定 ',
		    cancelText : '取消',
		    todayTip : '{0} (Spacebar)',
		    minText : 'This date is before the minimum date', 
		    maxText : 'This date is after the maximum date',
		    format : 'Y-m-d',
		    disabledDaysText : 'Disabled',
		    disabledDatesText : 'Disabled',
		    dayNames : Date.dayNames,
		    nextText : 'Next Month (Control+Right)',
		    prevText : 'Previous Month (Control+Left)',
		    monthYearText : 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)',
		    startDay : 0,
		    showToday : true,
		    initComponent : function(){
		        this.value = this.value ?
		                 this.value.clearTime() : new Date().clearTime();
		            this.on('select', this.handler,  this.scope || this);
		    onRender : function(container, position){
		        var m = [
		                this.showToday ? '' : '',
', ' ', '', ' ', '
', '', '', '' ], dn = this.dayNames, i; for(i = 0; i < 7; ){ var d = this.startDay+i; if(d > 6){ d = d-7; } m.push('');//星期标题 i = i + 1; } m[m.length] = ''; for(i = 0; i < 42; ) { if(i % 7 === 0 && i !== 0){ m[m.length] = ''; } //m[m.length] = ''; m[m.length] = ''; i = i + 1; } m.push('
', '星期'+dn[d].substr(0,1), '
'); var el = document.createElement('div'); el.className = 'x-date-picker'; el.innerHTML = m.join(''); container.dom.insertBefore(el, position); this.el = Ext.get(el); this.eventEl = Ext.get(el.firstChild); this.prevRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(this.el.child('td.x-date-left a'), { handler: this.showPrevMonth, scope: this, preventDefault:true, stopDefault:true }); this.nextRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(this.el.child('td.x-date-right a'), { handler: this.showNextMonth, scope: this, preventDefault:true, stopDefault:true }); this.monthPicker = this.el.down('div.x-date-mp'); this.monthPicker.enableDisplayMode('block'); this.keyNav = new Ext.KeyNav(this.eventEl, { 'left' : function(e){ if(e.ctrlKey){ this.showPrevMonth(); }else{ this.update(this.activeDate.add('d', -1)); } }, 'right' : function(e){ if(e.ctrlKey){ this.showNextMonth(); }else{ this.update(this.activeDate.add('d', 1)); } }, 'up' : function(e){ if(e.ctrlKey){ this.showNextYear(); }else{ this.update(this.activeDate.add('d', -7)); } }, 'down' : function(e){ if(e.ctrlKey){ this.showPrevYear(); }else{ this.update(this.activeDate.add('d', 7)); } }, 'pageUp' : function(e){ this.showNextMonth(); }, 'pageDown' : function(e){ this.showPrevMonth(); }, 'enter' : function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); return true; }, scope : this }); this.el.unselectable(); this.cells = this.el.select('table.x-date-inner tbody td'); this.textNodes = this.el.query('table.x-date-inner tbody span'); this.mbtn = new Ext.Button({ text: ' ', tooltip: this.monthYearText, renderTo: this.el.child('td.x-date-middle', true) }); this.mbtn.el.child('em').addClass('x-btn-arrow'); if(this.showToday){ this.todayKeyListener = this.eventEl.addKeyListener(Ext.EventObject.SPACE, this.selectToday, this); var today = (new Date()).dateFormat(this.format); this.todayBtn = new Ext.Button({ renderTo: this.el.child('td.x-date-bottom', true), text: String.format(this.todayText, today), tooltip: String.format(this.todayTip, today), handler: this.selectToday, scope: this }); } this.mon(this.eventEl, 'mousewheel', this.handleMouseWheel, this); this.mon(this.eventEl, 'click', this.handleDateClick, this); this.mon(this.mbtn, 'click', this.showMonthPicker, this); this.onEnable(true); }, selectToday : function(){ if(this.todayBtn && !this.todayBtn.disabled){ printDateArray(); //返回结果 } }, handleDateClick : function(e, t){ //this.fireEvent('select', this, this.value); }, update : function(date, forceRefresh){ var vd = this.activeDate, vis = this.isVisible(); this.activeDate = date; if(!forceRefresh && vd && this.el){ var t = date.getTime(); if(vd.getMonth() == date.getMonth() && vd.getFullYear() == date.getFullYear()){ this.cells.removeClass('x-date-selected'); this.cells.each(function(c){ if(c.dom.firstChild.dateValue == t){ c.addClass('x-date-selected'); if(vis){ Ext.fly(c.dom.firstChild).focus(50); } return false; } }); return; } } var days = date.getDaysInMonth(); var firstOfMonth = date.getFirstDateOfMonth(); var startingPos = firstOfMonth.getDay()-this.startDay; if(startingPos <= this.startDay){ startingPos += 7; } var pm = date.add('mo', -1); var prevStart = pm.getDaysInMonth()-startingPos; var cells = this.cells.elements; var textEls = this.textNodes; days += startingPos; // convert everything to numbers so it's fast var day = 86400000; var d = (new Date(pm.getFullYear(), pm.getMonth(), prevStart)).clearTime(); var today = new Date().clearTime().getTime(); var sel = date.clearTime().getTime(); var min = this.minDate ? this.minDate.clearTime() : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var max = this.maxDate ? this.maxDate.clearTime() : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var ddMatch = this.disabledDatesRE; var ddText = this.disabledDatesText; var ddays = this.disabledDays ? this.disabledDays.join('') : false; var ddaysText = this.disabledDaysText; var format = this.format; if(this.showToday){ var td = new Date().clearTime(); var disable = (td < min || td > max || (ddMatch && format && ddMatch.test(td.dateFormat(format))) || (ddays && ddays.indexOf(td.getDay()) != -1)); if(!this.disabled){ this.todayBtn.setDisabled(disable); this.todayKeyListener[disable ? 'disable' : 'enable'](); } } var setCellClass = function(cal, cell){ cell.title = ''; var t = d.getTime(); cell.firstChild.dateValue = t; if(t == today){ cell.className += ' x-date-today'; cell.title = cal.todayText; } if(t == sel){ cell.className += ' x-date-selected'; if(vis){ Ext.fly(cell.firstChild).focus(50); } } // disabling if(t < min) { cell.className = ' x-date-disabled'; cell.title = cal.minText; return; } if(t > max) { cell.className = ' x-date-disabled'; cell.title = cal.maxText; return; } if(ddays){ if(ddays.indexOf(d.getDay()) != -1){ cell.title = ddaysText; cell.className = ' x-date-disabled'; } } if(ddMatch && format){ var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format); if(ddMatch.test(fvalue)){ cell.title = ddText.replace('%0', fvalue); cell.className = ' x-date-disabled'; } } }; var i = 0; for(; i < startingPos; ) { var tempId = "fruit"+i; d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format); textEls[i].innerHTML = '
'; cells[i].className = 'x-date-prevday'; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); i = i + 1; } for(; i < days; ){ var divId = "div"+i; var intDay = i - startingPos + 1; d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format); var comboId = "combo"+fvalue+"-"+i; var clas = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ store: classStore, id: comboId, width: 60, displayField: 'clasName', valueField: 'id', hiddenName: 'clasName1', typeAhead: true, triggerAction: 'all', forceSelection: true, selectOnFocus: true, mode: 'remote', editable: false }); //classStore.on('load',function(){Ext.getCmp(comboId).setValue("0");}); textEls[i].innerHTML = '
'; clas.render(divId); cells[i].className = 'x-date-active'; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); clas.on('select',function(combo,record,index ){ var str = "["+combo.id.substring(5,15)+" "+combo.getValue()+"]" dateArray[combo.id.substring(16,combo.id.length)] = str; }); i = i + 1; } var extraDays = 0; for(; i < 42; ) { var tempId = "fruit"+i; d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format); textEls[i].innerHTML = '
'; cells[i].className = 'x-date-nextday'; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); i = i + 1; } this.mbtn.setText(this.monthNames[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear()); if(!this.internalRender){ var main = this.el.dom.firstChild; var w = main.offsetWidth; this.el.setWidth(w + this.el.getBorderWidth('lr')); Ext.fly(main).setWidth(w); this.internalRender = true; // opera does not respect the auto grow header center column // then, after it gets a width opera refuses to recalculate // without a second pass if(Ext.isOpera && !this.secondPass){ main.rows[0].cells[1].style.width = (w - (main.rows[0].cells[0].offsetWidth+main.rows[0].cells[2].offsetWidth)) + 'px'; this.secondPass = true; this.update.defer(10, this, [date]); } } }, beforeDestroy : function() { if(this.rendered){ Ext.destroy( this.keyNav, this.monthPicker, this.eventEl, this.mbtn, this.nextRepeater, this.prevRepeater, this.cells.el, this.todayBtn ); delete this.textNodes; delete this.cells.elements; } } }); Ext.reg('mydatepicker', Ext.MyDatePicker); var myDate = new Ext.MyDatePicker(); /*********************日历组件部分**************************** end */


",,,,,,[2013-06-01 1],[2013-06-02 2],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,[2013-06-17 1],[2013-06-18 2],[2013-06-19 3],,,,,,,[2013-06-26 2]"


	if(dateArray != null && dateArray != "") {
		content = dateArray.join(',');	//数组的话,不识别,要转换成字符串才可以



		, {
	   		xtype: 'panel',
	   		style: 'margin-left:50;',
	   		layout: 'column',
	   		id: 'calendarArea',
	   		width: 700,
	   		height: 400,
	   		border: true,
	   		items: [{
	   			layout: 'form',
	   			width: '98%',
	   			height: '98%',
					/** 这里放置日历控件 */


		        var i = 0;
		        for(; i < startingPos; ) {
		            var tempId = "fruit"+i;
		            var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format);
		            textEls[i].innerHTML = '
'; cells[i].className = 'x-date-prevday'; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); i = i + 1; } for(; i < days; ){ var divId = "div"+i; var intDay = i - startingPos + 1; d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format); var comboId = "combo"+fvalue+"-"+i; var clas = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ store: classStore, id: comboId, width: 60, displayField: 'clasName', valueField: 'id', hiddenName: 'clasName1', typeAhead: true, triggerAction: 'all', forceSelection: true, selectOnFocus: true, mode: 'remote', editable: false }); //classStore.on('load',function(){Ext.getCmp(comboId).setValue("0");}); textEls[i].innerHTML = '
'; clas.render(divId); cells[i].className = 'x-date-active'; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); clas.on('select',function(combo,record,index ){ var str = "["+combo.id.substring(5,15)+" "+combo.getValue()+"]" dateArray[combo.id.substring(16,combo.id.length)] = str; }); i = i + 1; } var extraDays = 0; for(; i < 42; ) { var tempId = "fruit"+i; d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format); textEls[i].innerHTML = '
'; cells[i].className = 'x-date-nextday'; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); i = i + 1; }

