Efficient Modular NIZK Arguments from Shift and Product学习笔记

1. 背景知识

Prastudy Fauzi, Helger Lipmaa, and Bingsheng Zhang 2013年论文《Efficient Modular NIZK Arguments from Shift and Product》,提出:

  • 基于shift-by- ξ \xi ξ argument 和 rotation-by- ξ \xi ξ argument构建permutation argument,相应的security reduce to the Φ − P S D L \Phi-PSDL ΦPSDL assumption。
  • Hadamard product argument
  • SET-PARTITION argument,用于证明the prover knows a partition of the given set of integers to two sets that have the same sum。(可由2个product argument和1个shift argument组成。)
  • SUBSET-SUM argument,用于证明the prover knows a non-zero subset of the given set of integers that sums to 0。性能要优于2010年论文《Short Pairing-Based Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments》和2012年论文《Progression-Free Sets and Sublinear Pairing-Based Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments》的CIRCUIT-SAT argument。
  • DECISION-KNAPSACK argument,可基于SUBSET-SUM argument和range argument组合构建。
  • scan argument(可由shift argument构建),用于证明one vector is the scan (or sum-of-all-prefixes) of another vector。
  • range argument
  • 采用FFT based polynomial multiplication to reduce the prover’s computation from Θ ( n 2 ) \Theta(n^2) Θ(n2) to n 1 + o ( 1 ) n^{1+o(1)} n1+o(1) Z p − \mathbb{Z}_p- Zpmultiplications。
  • 采用Pippenger’s[31] algorithm to speed up multi-exponentiations运算。
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与2010年论文《Short Pairing-Based Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments》和2012年论文《Progression-Free Sets and Sublinear Pairing-Based Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments》的性能对比如下:
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2. 多项式分解

Polynomial factorization in Z p [ X ] \mathbb{Z}_p[X] Zp[X] can be done in polynomial time [25,230].
Let P o l y F a c t PolyFact PolyFact be an efficient polynomial factorization algorithm that on input a degree- d d d polynomial f f f outputs all d d d roots of f f f

3. Hadamard Product Argument

在2012年论文《Progression-Free Sets and Sublinear Pairing-Based Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments》的hadamard product argument的基础上,在CRS集合上做了优化,基本的算法思路仍然保持不变:
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4. Shift and Rotation argument

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可借助2010年论文《Short Pairing-Based Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments》中的permutation argument来证明,因为其中的permutation ρ \rho ρ为public known,只需要验证相应的 ρ \rho ρ即可。
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5. range argument

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6. scan argument

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scan argument(可由shift argument构建),用于证明one vector is the scan (or sum-of-all-prefixes) of another vector。

7. SET-PARTITION argument

SET-PARTITION argument,用于证明the prover knows a partition of the given set of integers to two sets that have the same sum。(可由2个product argument和1个shift argument组成。)
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8. SUBSET-SUM argument

SUBSET-SUM argument,用于证明the prover knows a non-zero subset of the given set of integers that sums to 0。
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相比于2010年论文《Short Pairing-Based Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments》和2012年论文《Progression-Free Sets and Sublinear Pairing-Based Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments》的CIRCUIT-SAT argument(需要 ≥ 7 \geq 7 7个product和permutation argument),SUBSET-SUM argument更简单且仅需要product argument和a more efficient right shift-by-1 argument (zero argument is trivial).

8.1 非零向量证明

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DECISION-KNAPSACK argument,可基于SUBSET-SUM argument和range argument组合构建。
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[1] 2013年论文 Efficient Modular NIZK Arguments from Shift and Product
[2] ppt Efficient Modular NIZK Arguments from Shift and Product
