In China, allregistered companies that require value-added tax (VAT) refunds have to issuetheir VAT invoices using a government-owned proprietary tax system calledGolden Tax System (GTS).
The SAPsystem provides an interface to GTS that automates VAT processing.
You musthave the Sales and Distribution (SD) component.
The systemsupports the processes of VATinvoice creation and VATinvoice cancellation.
Invoicenumbering and printing, cancellation of official invoice numbers, and statutoryreporting of VAT invoices are all done from within GTS
Thisprocess describes how you create the value-added tax (VAT) invoice in the SAPsystem, communicate with Golden Tax System (GTS), and finally update the SAPsystem with the invoice details from GTS
Createan invoice following the standard procedure (link).
Createa file to send to GTS, using the Creationof Outbound File for Golden Tax Interface (China) report.
Selectthe relevant invoices and generate a file of type 1 (GTI File forInvoice-Number Creation ) containing invoice details, to send to Golden TaxSystem [link to report]
Thesystem stores this file on the presentation server.
Uploadthe file from the presentation server to the GTS.
Log onto GTS and perform the following steps following the documentation of GTS:
GenerateVAT invoice numbers and other details for the invoices included in the file
1. Printthe invoices
1. Createan inbound file to transfer the invoice details back to the SAP system
2. Uploadthe inbound file from GTS into the SAP system
Uploadthe invoice details to the SAP system, by running the Uploadof Inbound File from Golden Tax Interface (China) report.
TheSAP system updates its database with the invoice details.
You usethis report to create a file containing invoice details to send to the GoldenTax System (GTS), in the format defined by the law. Based on your selectioncriteria, the report can generate an outbound file that contains details forone of the following:
· Generatingrequired invoice numbers (seeVAT Invoice Creation)
· Cancelinginvoice numbers (seeVAT Invoice Cancellation)
If yourequire, the report enables an invoice split and the generation of a goodslist.
You canalso use the report to display the document flow for your invoices.
Enter dataas required, including:
1. Generalselection criteria for including invoice details in the file
· Enterthe file type that is to be generated: 1 for invoice-number creation, or 2 for invoice cancellation
· Enterthe maximum number of line items that an invoice can contain without a goodslist being created
1. Previewmode: You can simulate the report results as desired
2. Split criteria: If you want the report tosplit invoices based on the their invoice amount, enter the maximum amount foran invoice in the Amount field, and the report splitsinvoices whose amount exceeds this amount
3. Storageof generated file: Specify the path under which the generated file is to bestored, including the file name (*txt)
The reportgenerates the file contents, and the output screen displays the invoice detailsincluded in the generated file.
Ifrequired, enter a name of a goods list for relevant invoices for file type 1.
Choose Save and the system saves the flat file under thepath and file name you specified.
Thesystem only saves the generated file to the presentation server when youexplicitly choose Save.
The file forVAT invoice creation contains the following information:
1. Split invoice number
2. Numberof line items
3. Buyer'sname
4. Buyer'sVAT registration number
5. Buyer'saddress and telephone
6. Buyer'sbank account
7. Note
8. Nameof goods list
9. Billingdate
10. Material description
11. Base unit of measure
12. Billed quantity
13. Invoice amount
14. Tax rate
15. Discount
16. Tax amount
17. Tax discount
18. Discount rate
19. Unit Price
20. Mode of unit price
The filefor VAT invoice cancellation contains the following information:
1. Note
1. Billnumber
To accessthe report, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® Accounts Receivable ® Periodic Processing® Country-Specific Functions ® China ® Create Outbound File for GT
You havecreated the inbound file in GTS (see VATInvoice Creation and VATInvoice Cancellation).
Specify thelocation of the file on the presentation server, including the path and filename.
The SAPsystem updates its database with the invoice details in the inbound file. Thefile has the following structure:
¡ Field 1 - Cancellation Indicator(select 1)
¡ Field 2 - Invoice type indicator(select 1)
¡ Field 3 - Invoice type code(Character field, Length 10)
¡ Field 4 - Invoice number (Characterfield, Length 8)
¡ Field 5 - Number of line items(Integer, length 4)
¡ Field 5 - Invoice date (DateYYYYMMDD)
To accessthe report, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® Accounts Receivable ® Periodic Processing ® Country-Specific Functions ® China ® Upload InboundFile from GT.