
  • Adaptive Software Development (ASD)

ASD is based on Complex Adaptive Systems theory and treats software development as a collaborative learning exercise.

ASD is based on the “Adaptive Life Cycle” (which continually cycles through three phases named “Speculate,” “Collaborate,” and “Learn) and the “Adaptive Management Model” (also called “Leadership-Collaboration” management).

  • Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)

DSDM is not properly a “method” because it does not provide guidance about how development projects should be run. Rather, it is mainly a philosophy about system development that consists of nine principles.

DSDM focuses on system development and does not get into the details of writing software, so it can be used in conjunction with any of the more software-intensive Agile methods, like XP.

  • Extreme Programming (XP)

XP is a collection of 12 practices that focus specifically on the mechanics of developing software.
These practices include such topics as The Planning Game, Pair Programming, Refactoring, and Testing.

  • Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

FDD treats software development as a collection of features that are implemented one at a time.

Unlike the other Agile methods, FDD includes upfront architectural analysis, such as the development of a Domain Object Model, which becomes the basis for planning the project iterations.

It also includes a unique (among the Agile methods) mechanism for objectively reporting progress against plan.

  • Lean Software Development (LD)

is not really a software development method. Based on the principles of lean manufacturing, LD provides a set of seven principles for making software development more efficient, and it amplifies those principles with 22 tools.

  • Scrum

is primarily a product development method. Its seven practices focus on planning and managing a development project but do not address any specifics about software.
Therefore, it can be used in conjunction with any software development method.




