想测试一下 安装的tensorflow如何
import tensorflow as tf出现如下一堆乱七八糟的东西
/home/image/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/dtypes.py:526: FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or ‘1type’ as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / ‘(1,)type’.
_np_qint8 = np.dtype([(“qint8”, np.int8, 1)])
/home/image/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/dtypes.py:527: FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or ‘1type’ as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / ‘(1,)type’.
_np_quint8 = np.dtype([(“quint8”, np.uint8, 1)])
/home/image/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/dtypes.py:528: FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or ‘1type’ as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / ‘(1,)type’.
_np_qint16 = np.dtype([(“qint16”, np.int16, 1)])
/home/image/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/dtypes.py:529: FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or ‘1type’ as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / ‘(1,)type’.
_np_quint16 = np.dtype([(“quint16”, np.uint16, 1)])
/home/image/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/dtypes.py:530: FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or ‘1type’ as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / ‘(1,)type’.
_np_qint32 = np.dtype([(“qint32”, np.int32, 1)])
/home/image/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/dtypes.py:535: FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or ‘1type’ as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / ‘(1,)type’.
np_resource = np.dtype([(“resource”, np.ubyte, 1)])
仔细看看 时这个dtypes.py文件在作怪。
找到它 ,cd /home/image/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework
然后 vim dtypes.py
_np_qint8 = np.dtype([(“qint8”, np.int8, 1)])
_np_quint8 = np.dtype([(“quint8”, np.uint8, 1)])
_np_qint16 = np.dtype([(“qint16”, np.int16, 1)])
_np_quint16 = np.dtype([(“quint16”, np.uint16, 1)])
_np_qint32 = np.dtype([(“qint32”, np.int32, 1)])
_np_qint8 = np.dtype([(“qint8”, np.int8, (1,))])
_np_quint8 = np.dtype([(“quint8”, np.uint8, (1,))])
_np_qint16 = np.dtype([(“qint16”, np.int16, (1,))])
_np_quint16 = np.dtype([(“quint16”, np.uint16, (1,))])
_np_qint32 = np.dtype([(“qint32”, np.int32, (1,))])
注意句点和逗号 的区别。输入法 英文
要看清楚 改的哪里。
然后就从新执行import tensorflow as