缩写 | 全称 |
DCL | Double-checked locking |
JMM | Java memory model |
DCL的全称为Double-checked locking。Double-checked locking是为了在并发环境下减少锁操作,加快计算速度而诞生的“双检测锁”机制。外层检测机制用于检测“是否有必要进行锁操作”,内层检测机制用于检测“锁内部的逻辑是否应该发生”。
Single-checked without locking示例代码:
* Single-checked without locking locking pattern
* @author yongqing_wang
public class SingleCheckedNoLocking {
private static SingleCheckedNoLocking instance = null;
* If instance is null, initialize it and then get the new instance
* @return
public static SingleCheckedNoLocking getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new SingleCheckedNoLocking();
return instance;
public SingleCheckedNoLocking() {
instance = new SingleCheckedNoLocking();
图1. Single-checked without locking 问题展现
在并发环境下,如果两个线程对getInstance()的调用及发生关系如图1(左)所示,那么线程1在step 4所获得的实例其实为线程2创建的实例instance。
又或者,两个线程对getInstance()的调用及发生关系如图1(右)所示,那么线程2在step 4很有可能会获得一个还未实例化完成的对象(new SingleCheckedNoLocking()正在初始化过程中,但已获得instance的对象指针,因此instance不为null,具体一个类的初始化过程请参看其他关于Java的参考资料),此时返回的instance极有可能会发生空指针访问错误。
Single-checked locking示例代码:
* Single-checked locking pattern
* @author yongqing_wang
public class SingleCheckedLocking {
private static SingleCheckedLocking instance = null;
* If instance is null, initialize it and then get the new instance
* @return
public static SingleCheckedLocking getInstance() {
synchronized (SingleCheckedLocking.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new SingleCheckedLocking();
return instance;
public SingleCheckedLocking() {
instance = new SingleCheckedLocking();
3)利用Double-checked locking进行提速
Double-checked locking示例代码:
* Double-checked locking pattern
* @author yongqing_wang
public class DoubleCheckedLocking {
private static DoubleCheckedLocking instance = null;
* If instance is null, initialize it and then get the new instance
* @return
public static DoubleCheckedLocking getInstance() {
if (null == instance) {
synchronized (DoubleCheckedLocking.class) {
if (null == instance) {
instance = new DoubleCheckedLocking();
return instance;
public DoubleCheckedLocking() {
instance = new DoubleCheckedLocking();
1. 原子性(Atomicity)
2. 可见性(Visibility)
3. 有序性(Ordering)
图2. DCL中对于原子性的挑战
图2 是第一节中所提到的DCL代码块被两个线程执行的可能顺序。当线程1执行至step 2时,因为线程1极有可能还未真正初始化完毕,但此时instance已有其对象指针。因此,在step 3中,线程2认为instance非空,并立刻跳转至step 4返回一个未被初始化完全的instance实例,从而造成空指针访问异常。可见,此时多线程间的代码块并未按照编程者的意图有序执行,JVM无法保证在类的初始化过程中能够先初始化完毕类的实例对象再返回对象指针。
* Double-checked locking pattern
* To deal with the ordering problem
* @author yongqing_wang
public class Singleton {
private static Singleton instance;
public static Singleton getInstance() {
Singleton helper = instance;
if (null == helper) {
synchronized (Singleton.class) {
if (null == helper) {
instance = new Singleton();
helper = instance;
return instance;
2. 挑战:保证原子性
刚才的代码内其解决问题的基础是假定helper=instance必定发生在instance=new Singleton()之后,那么事实是否如此呢?不是!计算机为了保证指令执行的高效,会将部分指令重排后执行。也就是说尽管JVM规定了程序代码按照书写的先后顺序按控制流顺序发生(考虑分支、循环等操作),但具体到CPU执行时并不是这样的。计算机会在允许的范围内进行指令重排,从而导致helper=instance可能会先于instance的实例化完毕后发生。即,指令的执行无法保证instance=new Singleton()的原子性。
* Double-checked locking pattern
* To deal with the atomicity problem
* @author yongqing_wang
public class Singleton {
private volatile static Singleton instance;
public static Singleton getInstance() throws InterruptedException {
Singleton helper = instance;
if (null == helper) {
synchronized (Singleton.class) {
if (null == helper) {
instance = new Singleton();
helper = instance;
return instance;
1)A use operation by T on V is permitted only if the previous operation by T on V was load, and a load operation by T on V is permitted only if the next operation by T on V is use. The use operation is said to be "associated" with the read operation that corresponds to the load.
2)A store operation by T on V is permitted only if the previous operation by T on V was assign, and an assign operation by T on V is permitted only if the next operation by T on V is store. The assign operation is said to be "associated" with the write operation that corresponds to the store.
3)Let action A be a use or assign by thread T on variable V, let action F be the load or store associated with A, and let action P be the read or write of V that corresponds to F. Similarly, let action B be a use or assign by thread T on variable W, let action G be the load or store associated with B, and let action Q be the read or write of W that corresponds to G. If A precedes B, then P must precede Q. (Less formally: operations on the master copies of volatile variables on behalf of a thread are performed by the main memory in exactly the order that the thread requested.)
(懒得翻译了)其大致含义总结归纳并对应我们的问题就是:保证了helper=instance只能发生于instance=new Singleton()后,所有被标注为volatile的变量,就像是一堵“屏障”保证了其前、后代码无法颠倒执行。
至此,DCL的问题大抵就结束了。但是,似乎我们还没有提过任何关于可见性的问题。那是因为,可见性的问题在JMM中已经利用Happen-Before原则进行保证,在DCL问题中很难表现出来。Happen-Before原则规定了JMM中八种操作的执行顺序,即lock, unlock, read, load, use, assign, store, write的执行顺序。在文献4中会有一定的涉及,可做扩展阅读。
[1] Double-checked locking问题介绍 from wiki -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-checked_locking
[2] 《深入理解Java虚拟机》
[3] JVM Specification(JVM规范) -- http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jvms/second_edition/html/VMSpecTOC.doc.html
[4] 三问JMM by Xiaorong -- http://download.csdn.net/detail/casia_wyq/3937957