The coherence is used as a supervisory signal over the unlabeled data, and is used to improve the performance on a supervised task of interest.
work on some pose invariant object and face recognition tasks
Classical semi-supervised learning and transduction
If the unlabeld data is coming from heterogeneous sources then in general no class membership assumptions can be made, and cannot rely on these methods.
A source of images constrained by temporal coherence
Leverage temporal coherence in video to boost the performance of object recognition tasks.
A deep convolutional network architecture + training objective with a temporal coherence regularizer
Can be applied to other sequential data with temporal coherence, and when minimizing other choices of loss
Dataset and article structure
A chain of filters and resolution redution steps
- take the topology of 2D data into account
In order to limit the number of hyper-parameters, giving the same weight to each task and minization achieved by alternating stochastic updates from each of the two tasks
Wiskoot and Sjnowski
learn invariant features from unsupervise video based on reconstruction loss —> can be used for a supervised task but is not trained at the same time
Using a fully connect neural network algorithm which introdces extra neurons, called contextual gating units
applied to rotating objectes, showed improvements over not taking into accout the temporal context
Becker and Hinton
IMAX method
Maximizing the mutual information between different output units (apply to learning spacial or temporal coherency.
- Trapped in poor local minima
Like TSVMs, maximizing the margin on a set of unlabeled examples which come from the same distribution as the training data.
Like make an assumption that the decision rule lies in a region of low density.
Use the unlabeled data by consturcing a graph based on a chosen similarity
Use in an unsupervised rather than supervised setup
- computation
object and face recognition
SpinGlass MRF
Use an energy function
Reduce space
- Build a hierarchy of biologically inspired feature detectors
- All 100 objects of COLL are considered in the experiment
- Only 30 labeled objects out of 100 are studied( for both training and testing)
In either case, 4 out of 72 views (at 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees) per object are used for traing, and the rest of the 68 views are used for testing
All the reported numbers are based on averaging the classification rate on the test data over 10 training runs.
10 different gray scale images for each of the 40 distince subjects
Placed in a “video” sequency by concatenating 40 segments, one for each subject, ordering according to the numbering system in the dataset
如果不共享权值,叫做伪孪生神经网络 pseudo-siamese network
对X的不确定性 H(X)
知道Y后,对X的不确定性 H(X|Y)
不确定的减少量,互信息 I(X;Y) = H(X) - H(X|Y)
Bandpass filters, using in image processing for feature extraction, texture annlysis, and stereo disparity estimation
Created by multiplying an Gaussian envelope function with a complex oscillation