[TOOLS] 解决Verdi 无法打开部分波形

使用Verdi dump waveform经常会遇到部分信号无法打开,可尝试一下办法:

1. 查看filelist中是否加入-v ,如果加入-v 则把他删除; 

 -v filename

        Specifies a Verilog library file. VCS looks in this file for definitions of the module and UDP instances that VCS found in your  source code, but for which it did not find the corresponding module or UDP definitions in your source code.



-y directory

Specifies a Verilog library directory. VCS looks in the source files in this directory for definitions of the module and UDP instances that VCS found in your source code, but for which it did not find the corresponding module or UDP definitions in your source code. VCS looks in this directory for a file with the same name as the module or UDP identifier in the instance (not the instance name). If it finds this file, VCS looks in the file for the module or UDP definition to resolve the instance.


2. 如果去掉-v 后仍然无法打开信号:

  • 编译选项加入 -debug_access,-debug_region=cell+lib;
  • 如果有编译选项 -debug_access+all则换成 -debug_all;


            两者基本等效除了debug_access+all 不能作用与cells 和加密模块。

           -debug_access+all does not apply capability inside cells and encrypted modules.

        [TOOLS] 解决Verdi 无法打开部分波形_第1张图片

  • 查看是否存在+nocelldefinepli+,如果有则删除;






