
/* add.h */

#ifndef  _TEST_H_   //防止头文件重复定义
#define  _TEST_H_

int   g_var;
extern  int add(inta,intb);                                                                         #endif      
#define  _TEST_H_

int   g_var;
extern  int add(inta,intb);                                                                         #endif      


#include "linker.h"

void init_list(st_node **head)
     *head = NULL;

int insert_list_head(st_node **head, item data)
     st_node       *new = NULL;
     /* malloc for new node and fill it  */
     new= malloc( sizeof(st_node) );
     if( new == NULL )
         printf("malloc failure\n");
         return -1;
     new->data = data;
     new->next = NULL;

     if( NULL==*head ) 
         /* link list is empty then let it be the first node */
         *head = new; 
         /* link list is not empty then add new node after $head */
         new->next = *head;
         *head = new;
     return 0;

int insert_list_tail(st_node **head, item data)
     st_node       *node = *head;
     st_node       *new = NULL;
     /* malloc for new node and fill it  */
     new= malloc( sizeof(st_node) );
     if( node == NULL )
         printf("malloc failure\n");
         return -1;
     new->data = data;
     new->next = NULL;

     /* link list is empty, then add new node after $head */
     if( node == NULL )
        *head = new;
        return 0;

     /* find last node in link list */
     while(node->next != NULL)
         node = node->next;

     /* add new node on the tail of link list  */
     node->next = new; 

     return 0;

void traval_list(st_node *head, int (*proc)(st_node *node) )
      st_node   *node = head;

      while( node != NULL )
           node = node->next;

void destroy_list(st_node **head)
      st_node    *node = *head;
      st_node    *tmp = NULL;

      while( node != NULL )
             tmp = node;
             node = node->next;
             printf("free node[%d]\n", tmp->data);

      *head = NULL;

#ifndef  _LINKER_H_
#define  _LINKER_H_

typedef int                item;

typedef struct _st_node
    item                  data;
    struct _st_node      *next;
} st_node; 

/* initial link list  */
extern void init_list(st_node **head);

/* add $data into link list on head */
extern int insert_list_head(st_node **head, item data);

/* add $data into link list on tail */
extern int insert_list_tail(st_node **head, item data);

/* traval link list and callback $proc to process the data  */
void traval_list(st_node *head, int (*proc)(st_node *node) );

/* destory link list  */
void destroy_list(st_node **head);

#endif   /* ----- #ifndef _LINKER_H_  ----- */

/* main.c */

#include "linker.h"

int print_data(st_node *node);
int print_total(st_node *node);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    st_node         *head;    
    st_node         *node = NULL;    
    int             i;


    for(i=0; i<10; i++)
       insert_list_head(&head, i+1);

    for( ; i<20; i++)
       insert_list_tail(&head, i+1);

    traval_list(head, print_data);
    traval_list(head, print_total);


    return 0;

int print_data(st_node *node)
   printf("add[%d]\n", node->data);

int print_total(st_node *node)
   static int     total = 0;

   total += node->data;

   printf("total[%d]\n", total);

/* makefile */


SRCS+=linker.c add.c

all:  shared_lib static_lib
	${GCC} main.c -o ${APP} -L. -l${LIBNAME}

	@${GCC} -shared -fPIC  ${SRCS} -o lib${LIBNAME}.so 

	@${GCC} -c ${SRCS}
	@ar -rcs lib${LIBNAME}.a *.o

	cp ${APP} /tftp

	rm -f *.o

distclean: clean
	rm -f ${APP}
	rm -f *.a 
	rm -f *.so




