
Getting Started

Get started with BootstrapVue, based on the world's most popular framework - Bootstrap v4, for building responsive, mobile-first sites using Vue.js.

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  • Vue.js v2.6 is required, v2.6.11 is recommended
  • Bootstrap 4.3.1 is required, v4.4.1 is recommended
  • PortalVue v2.1 is required by Toasts, v2.1.7 is recommended
  • jQuery is not required

Check out what is new in BootstrapVue release v2.6.1.

If you are migrating from a previous v2.0.0-rc.## release, please see the v2.0.0 migration guide.

Documentation sections

The online documentation is comprised of the following sections:

  • Components - Components and component plugin documentation
  • Directives - Directives and directive plugin documentation
  • Icons - Icons and icon plugin documentation v2.2.0+
  • Reference - Reference information and documentation
  • Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous information
  • Playground - Online playground


Before getting started with BootstrapVue, you should have general familiarity with Vue functionality and Bootstrap v4 CSS. If you are unfamiliar with Vue and/or Bootstrap, some good starting points would be:

  • Vue Guide
  • Vue API
  • Bootstrap v4.4 documentation
  • Vue loader scoped CSS, if using scoped styles in SFC (Single File Component) .vue files

Documentation information

In many of the examples shown in BootstrapVue's documentation, you may see the use of CSS classes such as ml-2py-1, etc. These are Bootstrap v4.4 utility classes that help control padding, margins, positioning and more. You can find information on these classes in the Utility Classes reference section.

Many of the examples in this documentation are live and can be edited in-place for an enhanced learning experience (note some examples may not work in IE 11 due to use of ES6 JavaScript code in the