(精华)2020年8月15日 C#基础知识点 cache缓存的实现


        ///  1 客户端缓存-CDN缓存-反向代理缓存-本地缓存
        ///  2 本地缓存原理和手写基础实现
        ///  3 缓存更新/过期/多线程测试 
        ///  4 缓存类库封装和缓存应用总结 
        static void Main(string[] args)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //会重复查询数据
                        Console.WriteLine($"获取{nameof(DBHelper)} {i}次 {DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss.fff")}");
                        List<Program> programList = null;
                        string key = $"{nameof(Program)}_DBHelper.Query_{123}";
                        programList = CustomCache.GetT<List<Program>>(key, () =>
                            return DBHelper.Query<Program>(123);
            catch (Exception ex)
    public class DBHelper
        /// 1 耗时耗资源
        /// 2 参数固定时,结果不变
        public static List<T> Query<T>(int index)
            Console.WriteLine("This is {0} Query", typeof(DBHelper));
            long lResult = 0;
            for (int i = index; i < 1_000_000_000; i++)
                lResult += i;

            ///只要Index不变  返回值是不变的!
            List<T> tList = new List<T>();
            for (int i = 0; i < index % 3; i++)
            return tList;

public class CustomCache
        /// 字典缓存
        /// static:不会被Gc回收;
        /// Private:不让外部访问他 
        private static Dictionary<string, object> CustomCacheDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        public static void Add(string key, object value)
            CustomCacheDictionary.Add(key, value);

        public static T Get<T>(string key)
            return (T)CustomCacheDictionary[key];

        public static bool Exists(string key)
            return CustomCacheDictionary.ContainsKey(key);

        public static T GetT<T>(string key, Func<T> func)
            T t = default(T);
            if (!Exists(key))
                t = func.Invoke();
                Add(key, t);
                t = Get<T>(key);
            return t;


    /// Cache manager interface
    public interface ICache
        /// Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.
        /// Type
        /// The key of the value to get.
        /// The value associated with the specified key.
        T Get<T>(string key);

        /// Adds the specified key and object to the cache.
        /// key
        /// Data
        /// Cache time
        void Add(string key, object data, int cacheTime = 30);

        /// Gets a value indicating whether the value associated with the specified key is cached
        /// key
        /// Result
        bool Contains(string key);

        /// Removes the value with the specified key from the cache
        /// /key
        void Remove(string key);

        /// Clear all cache data
        void RemoveAll();

        object this[string key] { get; set; }

        int Count { get; }
    /// MemoryCacheCache
    public class MemoryCacheCache : ICache
        public MemoryCacheCache() { }

        protected ObjectCache Cache
                return MemoryCache.Default;

        /// 读取缓存
        public T Get<T>(string key)
            if (Cache.Contains(key))
                return (T)Cache[key];
                return default(T);

        public object Get(string key)
            return Cache[key];

        /// 增加缓存
        /// 分钟
        public void Add(string key, object data, int cacheTime = 30)
            if (data == null)

            var policy = new CacheItemPolicy();
            policy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cacheTime);
            Cache.Add(new CacheItem(key, data), policy);

        /// 是否包含
        public bool Contains(string key)
            return Cache.Contains(key);

        public int Count { get { return (int)(Cache.GetCount()); } }

        /// 单个清除
        /// /key
        public void Remove(string key)

        /// 正则表达式移除
        /// pattern
        public void RemoveByPattern(string pattern)
            var regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            var keysToRemove = new List<String>();

            foreach (var item in Cache)
                if (regex.IsMatch(item.Key))

            foreach (string key in keysToRemove)

        /// 根据键值返回缓存数据
        public object this[string key]
            get { return Cache.Get(key); }
            set { Add(key, value); }

        /// 清除全部数据
        public void RemoveAll()
            foreach (var item in Cache)


public class CacheManager
        #region Identity
        private CacheManager()
        { }

        private static ICache cache = null;

        static CacheManager()
            cache = (ICache)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(MemoryCacheCache));
            // 这里可以根据配置文件来选择
            //cache = (ICache)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(CustomerCache));
        #endregion Identity

        #region ICache
        /// 当前缓存数据项的个数
        public static int Count
            get { return cache.Count; }

        /// 如果缓存中已存在数据项键值,则返回true
        /// 数据项键值
        /// 数据项是否存在
        public static bool Contains(string key)
            return cache.Contains(key);

        /// 获取缓存数据
        public static T GetData<T>(string key)
            return cache.Get<T>(key);

        /// 缓存的项
        /// 没有缓存的时候获取数据的方式
        /// 单位分钟  默认30
        public static T Get<T>(string key, Func<T> acquire, int cacheTime = 30)
            if (!cache.Contains(key))
                T result = acquire.Invoke();
                cache.Add(key, result, cacheTime);
            return GetData<T>(key);

        /// 添加缓存数据。
        /// 如果另一个相同键值的数据已经存在,原数据项将被删除,新数据项被添加。
        /// 缓存数据的键值
        /// 缓存的数据,可以为null值
        /// 缓存过期时间间隔(单位:分钟)
        public static void Add(string key, object value, int expiratTime = 30)
            if (Contains(key))
            cache.Add(key, value, expiratTime);

        /// 删除缓存数据项
        public static void Remove(string key)

        /// 删除所有缓存数据项
        public static void RemoveAll()


    /// 永不过期:当前就是
    /// 绝对过期:过了多长时间以后,就过期了 就不能用了
    /// 滑动过期:设定好过期时间后,如果在有效期内使用过,就往后滑动
    /// 1.Value;数据;
    /// 2.过期时间点:
    /// 3.滑动时间
    /// 普通cache
    public class CustomCache
        static CustomCache() //CLR调用  整个进程执行且只执行一次
            Task.Run(() => //
                while (true) //死循环来判断
                        List<string> delKeyList = new List<string>();

                        lock (obj_Lock)
                            foreach (var key in CustomCacheDictionary.Keys)
                                DataModel model = CustomCacheDictionary[key];
                                if (model.Deadline < DateTime.Now && model.ObsloteType != ObsloteType.Never)
                        delKeyList.ForEach(key => Remove(key));
                    catch (Exception ex)

        /// static:不会被Gc回收;
        /// Private:不让外部访问他 
        private static Dictionary<string, DataModel> CustomCacheDictionary = new Dictionary<string, DataModel>();

        private static readonly object obj_Lock = new object();

        /// 默认你是不过期
        public static void Add(string key, object value)
            lock (obj_Lock)
                CustomCacheDictionary.Add(key, new DataModel()
                    Value = value,
                    ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Never

        /// 绝对过期
        public static void Add(string key, object value, int timeOutSecond) //3000
            lock (obj_Lock)
                CustomCacheDictionary.Add(key, new DataModel()
                    Value = value,
                    ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Absolutely,
                    Deadline = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(timeOutSecond)
                }); ;

        public static void Add(string key, object value, TimeSpan durtion)
            lock (obj_Lock)
                CustomCacheDictionary.Add(key, new DataModel()
                    Value = value,
                    ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Relative,
                    Deadline = DateTime.Now.Add(durtion),
                    Duraton = durtion
                }); ; ;

        public static void RemoveAll()
            lock (obj_Lock)

        public static void Remove(string key)
            lock (obj_Lock)

        public static void RemoveCondition(Func<string, bool> func)
            List<string> keyList = new List<string>();
            lock (obj_Lock)
                foreach (var key in CustomCacheDictionary.Keys)
                    if (func.Invoke(key))
            keyList.ForEach(s => Remove(s));

        public static T Get<T>(string key)
            return (T)(CustomCacheDictionary[key]).Value;

        public static bool Exists(string key)
            if (CustomCacheDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                DataModel model = CustomCacheDictionary[key];
                if (model.ObsloteType == ObsloteType.Never)
                    return true;
                else if (model.Deadline < DateTime.Now) //
                    lock (obj_Lock)

                        return false;

                    if (model.ObsloteType == ObsloteType.Relative)
                        model.Deadline = DateTime.Now.Add(model.Duraton);
                    return true;
                return false;

        public static T GetT<T>(string key, Func<T> func)
            T t = default(T);
            if (!Exists(key))
                t = func.Invoke();
                Add(key, t);
                t = Get<T>(key);
            return t;
    /// 线程安全cache
    public class CustomCacheNew

        static CustomCacheNew() //
            Task.Run(() => //
                while (true) //死循环来判断
                        //Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000 * 10); //十分钟后开始清理缓存
                        List<string> delKeyList = new List<string>();
                        foreach (var key in CustomCacheDictionary.Keys)
                            DataModel model = CustomCacheDictionary[key];
                            if (model.Deadline < DateTime.Now && model.ObsloteType != ObsloteType.Never) //
                        delKeyList.ForEach(key => Remove(key));
                    catch (Exception ex)


        /// static:不会被Gc回收;
        /// Private:不让外部访问他 
        /// 线程安全字典
        private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, DataModel> CustomCacheDictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, DataModel>();

        /// 默认你是不过期
        public static void Add(string key, object value)
            CustomCacheDictionary.TryAdd(key, new DataModel()
                Value = value,
                ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Never

        /// 绝对过期
        public static void Add(string key, object value, int timeOutSecond) //3000
            CustomCacheDictionary.TryAdd(key, new DataModel()
                Value = value,
                ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Absolutely,
                Deadline = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(timeOutSecond)
            }); ;

        public static void Add(string key, object value, TimeSpan durtion)
            CustomCacheDictionary.TryAdd(key, new DataModel()
                Value = value,
                ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Relative,
                Deadline = DateTime.Now.Add(durtion),
                Duraton = durtion
            }); ; ;

        public static void RemoveAll()

        public static void Remove(string key)
            DataModel data = null;
            CustomCacheDictionary.TryRemove(key, out data);

        public static T Get<T>(string key)
            return (T)(CustomCacheDictionary[key]).Value;

        /// 判断是否存在
        public static bool Exists(string key)
            if (CustomCacheDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                DataModel model = CustomCacheDictionary[key];
                if (model.ObsloteType == ObsloteType.Never)
                    return true;
                else if (model.Deadline < DateTime.Now) //
                    DataModel data = null;
                    CustomCacheDictionary.TryRemove(key, out data);
                    return false;
                    if (model.ObsloteType == ObsloteType.Relative)
                        model.Deadline = DateTime.Now.Add(model.Duraton);
                    return true;
                return false;

        public static T GetT<T>(string key, Func<T> func)
            T t = default(T);
            if (!Exists(key))
                t = func.Invoke();
                Add(key, t);
                t = Get<T>(key);
            return t;

    internal class DataModel
        public object Value { get; set; }

        public ObsloteType ObsloteType { get; set; }

        public DateTime Deadline { get; set; }

        public TimeSpan Duraton { get; set; }

    public enum ObsloteType

    /// 解决性能问题
    public class CustomCacheNewproblem

        private static List<Dictionary<string, DataModel>> dicCacheList = new List<Dictionary<string, DataModel>>();
        private static List<object> lockList = new List<object>();

        public static int CupNum = 0;
        static CustomCacheNewproblem()
            CupNum = 3;//模拟获取获取CPU片数  
            for (int i = 0; i < CupNum; i++)
                dicCacheList.Add(new Dictionary<string, DataModel>()); //CPU 有几片 就来几个字典
                lockList.Add(new object());//没个字典对应一个锁

            Task.Run(() => //
                while (true) //死循环来判断

                        for (int i = 0; i < CupNum; i++)
                            lock (lockList[i])
                                //Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000 * 10); //十分钟后开始清理缓存
                                List<string> delKeyList = new List<string>();
                                foreach (var key in dicCacheList[i].Keys)
                                    DataModel model = dicCacheList[i][key];
                                    if (model.Deadline < DateTime.Now && model.ObsloteType != ObsloteType.Never) //
                                delKeyList.ForEach(key => dicCacheList[i].Remove(key));

                    catch (Exception ex)


        /// 默认你是不过期
        public static void Add(string key, object value)
            int hash = key.GetHashCode() * (-1); //只要字符串变,hash值不变!
            int index = hash % CupNum;
            lock (lockList[index])
                dicCacheList[index].Add(key, new DataModel()
                    Value = value,
                    ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Never

        /// 绝对过期
        public static void Add(string key, object value, int timeOutSecond) //3000
            int hash = key.GetHashCode() * (-1); //只要字符串变,hash值不变!
            int index = hash % CupNum;
            lock (lockList[index])
                dicCacheList[index].Add(key, new DataModel()
                    Value = value,
                    ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Absolutely,
                    Deadline = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(timeOutSecond)
                }); ;

        public static void Add(string key, object value, TimeSpan durtion)
            int hash = key.GetHashCode() * (-1); //只要字符串变,hash值不变!
            int index = hash % CupNum;
            lock (lockList[index])
                dicCacheList[index].Add(key, new DataModel()
                    Value = value,
                    ObsloteType = ObsloteType.Relative,
                    Deadline = DateTime.Now.Add(durtion),
                    Duraton = durtion
                }); ; ;

        public static void RemoveAll()
            for (int i = 0; i < CupNum; i++)

        public static void Remove(string key)
            int hash = key.GetHashCode() * (-1); //只要字符串变,hash值不变!
            int index = hash % CupNum;

            if (dicCacheList[index].ContainsKey(key))


        public static T Get<T>(string key)
            int hash = key.GetHashCode() * (-1); //只要字符串变,hash值不变!
            int index = hash % CupNum;

            return (T)(dicCacheList[index][key]).Value;

        /// 判断是否存在
        public static bool Exists(string key)
            int hash = key.GetHashCode() * (-1); //只要字符串变,hash值不变!
            int index = hash % CupNum;
            if (dicCacheList[index].ContainsKey(key))
                DataModel model = dicCacheList[index][key];
                if (model.ObsloteType == ObsloteType.Never)
                    return true;
                else if (model.Deadline < DateTime.Now) //
                    return false;
                    if (model.ObsloteType == ObsloteType.Relative)
                        model.Deadline = DateTime.Now.Add(model.Duraton);
                    return true;
                return false;

        public static T GetT<T>(string key, Func<T> func)
            T t = default(T);
            if (!Exists(key))
                t = func.Invoke();
                Add(key, t);
                t = Get<T>(key);
            return t;
