【11】Redis .net 实例 StackExchange.Redis框架


PM> Install-Package StackExchange.Redis

【11】Redis .net 实例 StackExchange.Redis框架_第1张图片

2.创建 RedisHelper类

public class RedisHelper
	private static string _conn = "";

	#region string类型
	/// 根据Key获取值
	/// 键值
	/// System.String.
	public static string StringGet(string key)
			using (var client = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_conn))
				return client.GetDatabase().StringGet(key);
		catch (Exception)
			return null;

	/// 批量获取值
	public static string[] StringGetMany(string[] keyStrs)
		var count = keyStrs.Length;
		var keys = new RedisKey[count];
		var addrs = new string[count];

		for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
			keys[i] = keyStrs[i];
			using (var client = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_conn))
				var values = client.GetDatabase().StringGet(keys);
				for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
					addrs[i] = values[i];
				return addrs;
		catch (Exception)
			return null;

	/// 单条存值
	/// key
	/// The value.
	/// true if XXXX, false otherwise.
	public static bool StringSet(string key, string value)

		using (var client = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_conn))
			return client.GetDatabase().StringSet(key, value);

	/// 批量存值
	/// key
	/// The value.
	/// true if XXXX, false otherwise.
	public static bool StringSetMany(string[] keysStr, string[] valuesStr)
		var count = keysStr.Length;
		var keyValuePair = new KeyValuePair[count];
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
			keyValuePair[i] = new KeyValuePair(keysStr[i], valuesStr[i]);
		using (var client = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_conn))
			return client.GetDatabase().StringSet(keyValuePair);


	#region 泛型
	/// 存值并设置过期时间
	/// key
	/// 实体
	/// 过期时间间隔
	/// true if XXXX, false otherwise.
	public static bool Set(string key, T t, TimeSpan ts)
		var str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(t);
		using (var client = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_conn))
			return client.GetDatabase().StringSet(key, str, ts);

	/// 根据Key获取值
	/// The key.
	/// T.
	public static T Get(string key) where T : class
		using (var client = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_conn))
			var strValue = client.GetDatabase().StringGet(key);
			return string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue) ? null : JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(strValue);


    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string key = "test", value = "http://www.sina.com";
            bool isRight = RedisHelper.StringSet(key, value);
                Console.WriteLine("保存Redis:key.{0} value.{1}成功", key, value);
            string result = RedisHelper.StringGet(key);
            Console.WriteLine("Redis:key.{0} value.{1}", key, result);
            var model = new TestModel() { Id = 100, Name = "RedisValue" };
            isRight = RedisHelper.Set("model", model, new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0));
            var modelResult = RedisHelper.Get("model");
            if(modelResult != null)
                Console.WriteLine("RedisModel:Id.{0} Name.{1}", modelResult.Id, modelResult.Name);

    public class TestModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }


【11】Redis .net 实例 StackExchange.Redis框架_第2张图片

