转发:在ASP.NET MVC中引入 后台模板ACE Bootstrap



Good day young padawans :) 

What is  Bootstrap ? Its a free and open-source collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Developed by Twitter web devs. 

Ace - Responsive Admin Template  is payed and lightweight, feature-rich and easy to use admin template based on Bootstrap. 

Today I will share my experience about how do I implement this complex  Bootstrap  theme ( Ace ) in MVC 5 web application. After all you will have 100% working theme whit all included features and layouts that are supported by theme developers. 

If you wondering how to create ASP.NET MVC 5 application in ubuntu, just follow   THIS  guide!

So let`s Start  

1. Start  Visual Studio  and create new project web application.
转发:在ASP.NET MVC中引入 后台模板ACE Bootstrap_第1张图片

转发:在ASP.NET MVC中引入 后台模板ACE Bootstrap_第2张图片

2. Choose MVC from next window.

转发:在ASP.NET MVC中引入 后台模板ACE Bootstrap_第3张图片

3. Copy root theme (ace) folder in Content/ folder.

转发:在ASP.NET MVC中引入 后台模板ACE Bootstrap_第4张图片

4. Now copy all html code from ace/html/empty.html to your /Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
Tip: first i have create a copy of _Layout.cshtml if something wrong.
转发:在ASP.NET MVC中引入 后台模板ACE Bootstrap_第5张图片

转发:在ASP.NET MVC中引入 后台模板ACE Bootstrap_第6张图片

5. Fix all .css and .js files path by adding Content/ace/ befour assets/css/"file.css". 
From this

to this

Tip: fix all .css and .js includes, not only screenshotted rows!

6. Add @RenderBody() to your root page. Find this piece of code and add @RenderBody() to render other page context.
转发:在ASP.NET MVC中引入 后台模板ACE Bootstrap_第7张图片

7. Run your web application and voila, ACE them for your web application MVC 5.
