Open source software PRIDE-PPPAR and phase clock/bias products from PRIDE Lab, GNSS Center, Wuhan Un...

 I. Open source software PRIDE-PPPAR
 1.1 Acknowledgement
    PRIDE-PPPAR originates in Dr. Maorong Ge's efforts on PPP-AR and later developed and improved by Dr. Jianghui Geng. It is an open-source software package which is based on many GNSS professionals' collective work in GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University. We would like to thank them all for their brilliant contributions to this software. We make this package open source with the goal of benefiting those professionals in their early career, and also advocate the geodetic and geophysical applications of PPP-AR. Especially, we hope that this package can contribute to high-precision applications in geosciences such as crustal motion and troposphere sounding studies. The entire open source project is funded by National Science Foundation of China (No. 41674033 and 41861134009) and is under the auspices of IAG JWG 4.4.1 "New GNSS Signals for Crustal Motion Studies".
    PRIDE-PPPAR (Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution) aims at post-processing of GPS data. It is worth noting that PRIDE-PPPAR is capable of processing high-rate GPS data (i.e. 1Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz), which will be useful to GNSS seismology. We are developing multi-GNSS version, and keep an eye on our website for future upgrade. We hope you enjoy the software and will keep attention to the copyright issues.
    The copyright of this package is protected by GNU General Public License (version 3). Only a few source code are not open to the public due to technical restrictions and conflicts with existing commerical packages, and thus will be available as a dynamic link library. We note that some source code is from the third party and may be protected by other licenses, though open to the public as well. They are the DE405 which is from NASA JPL ( which we believe to be freely open the all; the LAMBDA (Least-squares Ambiguity Decorrelation Adjustment) package from TUDelft( which is a redistribution here. We are grateful to both software packages.
    PRIDE-PPPAR requires the phase clock/bias products in the bias-SINEX format computed and released by Wuhan University ( If you use this software or/and the phase clock/bias products, please acknowledge or cite the following publications,
1.Geng J et al. (2019) A modified phase clock/bias model for PPP ambiguity resolution. (under revision)

2.Geng J and Chen X (2018) Phase bias product and open-source software for undifferenced ambiguity resolution at Wuhan University. IGS workshop 2018, Oct. 29-Nov. 2, Wuhan, China.

3.Geng J et al. (2019) PRIDE PPP-AR: an open-source high-precision GNSS positioning software. (under revision).

1.2 System Requirements

Linux version
(x64 default)

gfortran version






     Pre-install 'gfortran' before installation
     Test result is consistent with the reference




     Test result is consistent with the reference

CentOS 6.5



     Test result is consistent with the reference

1.3 Structures of PRIDE-PPPAR





Executable program



Pre-processing RINEX files



Transform sp3 into self-defined binary file



Least squares adjustment



Residual editing



Ambiguity resolution



Get configuration parameters



Merge erp(3 files) into one



Merge sp3(3 files) into one



Convert XYZ to ENU



Open source program form RTKLIB( )


teqc, crxrnx

Third-party programs, refer to UNAVCO( and


Some scripts for efficient data processing

Get initial coordinates of stations

Update leap second file (leap.sec)

Automatic processing Shell script


Source programs



Header files



Ambiguity resolution



JPL planetary ephemeris



Get configuration parameters






Library functions, and ‘’



Least squares adjustment



Sp3orb, mergeerp, mergesp3



Residual editing



Pre-processing RINEX files







Antenna phase center offsets and variations



Planetary ephemeris file



Leap second between TAI and UTC(Need to be updated)



Ocean tide loading file



File names definition of PRIDE-PPPAR

Initial coordinates of all stations


Installation script




Test script



Example data



Configuration files



Reference results for examples


PRIDE-PPPAR project of Code::Blocks for IDE users(cross-platform)


1.4 Modules of PRIDE-PPPAR

1.5 How to use this package of software?
Please refer to the manual of PRIDE-PPPAR.  Click here to download the PRIDE-PPPAR manual

1.6 Download source code
     Download link 1
     Download link 2 
     Makefile amendment (If you encounter problems in compiling, please replace the previous Makefile in src folder with this one)

1.7 Download example and tables
Click here to download the example 【Note: please move the downloaded example to source code folder】
Click here to download the tables     【Note: please move the downloaded tables to source code folder】

II. Phase Clock/Bias Products

2.1 Characteristics of phase clock/bias products
(1) The phase clock/bias products are equivalent to integer clock products in theory.
(2) Both widelane and narrawlane phase biases are a value per day respectively.
(3) Users can apply the products on GNSS raw measurements directly.

2.2 How to use the phase clock/bias products?
    Users must use the final orbit products from CODE ( along with our phase clock/bias products to achieve ambiguity resolution. It will have the best performance using our open source software PRIDE-PPPAR. The procedure to use our products are listed in the following,
(1)  Users only need to apply the products on L1/L2, P1/P2 raw measurements and then perform ionosphere-free combination to get float PPP ambiguities.
(2)  Use the calibrated L1/L2, P1/P2 measurements to fix widelane ambiguities. A particular note is that users must utilize the P1, P2 pseudorange observations in data processing.
(3)  Fix narrowlane ambiguities with integer method after fixing widelane ambiguities.
(4)  After having integer widelane and narrow ambiguities, users can obtain fixed PPP solutions by updating observation equations with these fixed ambiguities.

2.3 Download the phase clock/bias products
Click here to transfer to the page of phase clock/bias products


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