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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function runEx(cod1)  {
  var code=cod.value;
  if (code!=""){
  var newwin=window.open('','','');  //打开一个窗口并赋给变量newwin。
  newwin.opener = null // 防止代码对论谈页面修改
  newwin.document.write(code);  //向这个打开的窗口中写入代码code,这样就实现了运行代码功能。
function GetClipboardHTML()
var oDiv = document.getElementById("divTemp")
oDiv.innerHTML = "" ;
var oTextRange = document.body.createTextRange() ;
oTextRange.moveToElementText(oDiv) ;
oTextRange.execCommand("Paste") ;
var sData = oDiv.innerHTML ;
oDiv.innerHTML = "" ;
return sData ;
function cleanAndPaste( html )
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// Remove all tr tags
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// Remove all table tags
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// Remove XML elements and declarations
html = html.replace(/<\\?\?xml[^>]*>/gi, "") ;
// Remove Tags with XML namespace declarations: 
html = html.replace(/<\/?\w+:[^>]*>/gi, "") ;
// Replace the  
html = html.replace(/ /, "" );
//replace H to 

html = html.replace( /

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//把td里面的p去除 var re = new RegExp("(

[^>]*]*>.*?)(<\/P><\/td>)","gi") ; // Different because of a IE 5.0 error html = html.replace( re, "" ) ; //删除p空格 html = html.replace(/<(p[^>]*)><\/p>/gi, ""); html = html.replace(/<(p[^>]*)> <\/p>/gi, ""); //insertHtml( html ) ; //return html; Form1.my.value = html; } function Paste() { var sHTML = GetClipboardHTML() ; var re = /<\w[^>]* class="?MsoNormal"?/gi ; var re2 = /<\w[^>]* class="?xl"?/gi ; if ( re.test( sHTML ) ) { alert("您要粘贴的内容好像是来自 Word,系统将清除 Word 格式后再粘贴!") } if ( re2.test( sHTML ) ) { alert("您要粘贴的内容好像是来自 Excel,系统将清除 Excel 格式后再粘贴!") } cleanAndPaste( sHTML ) ; } script> <Form id="Form1" name="Form1"> <p>点击粘贴p> <input type="button" value="粘贴" onclick="Paste()"> <br/> <textarea name="my" cols="60" rows="10" id="rn01">textarea> <br/> <INPUT onclick="runEx('rn01')" type="button" value="运行代码" style="cursor:hand"> <div id=divTemp style="VISIBILITY: hidden; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 1px; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 1px">div> Form> BODY> HTML>
