强化学习经典算法笔记(二十):交叉熵方法Cross Entropy Method

强化学习经典算法笔记(二十):交叉熵方法Cross Entropy Method

感谢 https://the0demiurge.blogspot.com/2017/08/cross-entropy-method-cem.html
感谢 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-entropy_method


交叉熵方法是一种蒙特卡洛方法,主要用来优化和重要性采样。和进化算法类似,进化算法在空间中按照某种规则撒点,获得每个点的误差,再根据这些误差信息决定下一轮撒点的规则。交叉熵方法之所以叫这个名字,是因为该方法(从理论上来说)目标是最小化随机撒点得到的数据分布与数据实际分布的交叉熵(等价于最小化KL 距离),尽量使采样分布(撒的点)与实际情况同分布。


  1. 首先,建模,将问题的解参数化。比如强化学习中,假设状态 S 为一个 n n n 维向量,动作总共有 2 种,最简单的想法就是建立一个 n n n 维参数向量 W W W ,求 S T × W S^T× W ST×W 得到一个标量 Q Q Q ,当 Q > 0 则采取第一个动作,否则采取第二个。可以使用任何优化算法求解最优的 W ,只不过交叉熵方法可以很快很稳定地收敛。
  2. 假设参数 W 属于高斯分布,随机设置一个 n n n 维向量 μ μ μ 和一个 n 维向量 σ 2 σ^2 σ2 ,分别对应于 W W W 的每一维。
  3. μ \mu μ σ 2 \sigma^2 σ2为均值、方差采样得到 m 组参数 w 1 , w 2 , w 3 , . . . , w m w_1,w_2,w_3,...,w_m w1,w2,w3,...,wm
  4. 计算每一组 w w w 的回报 reward
  5. 选取回报最高的 k ( k < m ) k (kk(k<m) 组参数,计算这组参数的均值和方差,并将 μ μ μ σ 2 σ^2 σ2 更新为刚刚计算的均值和方差。
  6. 如果收敛则返回 reward 最大的一组 w w w, 否则重复步骤3~6

Cross Entropy Method的伪代码,来自Wikipedia。

// Initialize parameters
μ := −6
σ2 := 100
t := 0
maxits := 100
N := 100
Ne := 10
// While maxits not exceeded and not converged
while t < maxits and σ2 > ε do
    // Obtain N samples from current sampling distribution
    X := SampleGaussian(μ, σ2, N)
    // Evaluate objective function at sampled points
    S := exp(−(X − 2) ^ 2) + 0.8 exp(−(X + 2) ^ 2)
    // Sort X by objective function values in descending order
    X := sort(X, S)
    // Update parameters of sampling distribution                  
    μ := mean(X(1:Ne))
    σ2 := var(X(1:Ne))
    t := t + 1
// Return mean of final sampling distribution as solution
return mu


# modified from https://gist.github.com/andrewliao11/d52125b52f76a4af73433e1cf8405a8f
import gym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
env = env.unwrapped
# env.render()

#vector of means(mu) and standard dev(sigma) for each paramater
mu = np.random.uniform(size = env.observation_space.shape)
sigma = np.random.uniform(low = 0.001,size = env.observation_space.shape)

def noisy_evaluation(env,W,render = False,):
    uses parameter vector W to choose policy for 1 episode,
    returns reward from that episode
    reward_sum = 0
    state = env.reset()
    t = 0
    while True:
      t += 1
      action = int(np.dot(W,state)>0) # use parameters/state to choose action
      state,reward,done,info = env.step(action)
      reward_sum += reward
      if render and t%3 == 0: env.render()
      if done or t > 2000: # 
            #print("finished episode, got reward:{}".format(reward_sum)) 

    return reward_sum
def init_params(mu,sigma,n):
    l = mu.shape[0] # l=4
    w_matrix = np.zeros((n,l))
    for p in range(l):
        w_matrix[:,p] = np.random.normal(loc = mu[p],scale = sigma[p]+1e-7,size = (n,))
    return w_matrix

def get_constant_noise(step):
    return np.clip(5-step/10., a_max=1,a_min=0.5)

running_reward = 0
n = 40;p = 8;n_iter = 40;render = False 

state = env.reset()
i = 0
while i < n_iter:
    #initialize an array of parameter vectors
    wvector_array = init_params(mu,sigma,n)
    reward_sums = np.zeros((n))
    for k in range(n):
        #sample rewards based on policy parameters in row k of wvector_array
        reward_sums[k] = noisy_evaluation(env,wvector_array[k,:],render)

    #sort params/vectors based on total reward of an episode using that policy
    rankings = np.argsort(reward_sums)
    #pick p vectors with highest reward
    top_vectors = wvector_array[rankings,:]
    top_vectors = top_vectors[-p:,:]
    print("top vectors shpae:{}".format(top_vectors.shape))
    #fit new gaussian from which to sample policy
    for q in range(top_vectors.shape[1]):
        mu[q] = top_vectors[:,q].mean()
        sigma[q] = top_vectors[:,q].std()+get_constant_noise(i) # 在方差更新项加入扰动

    running_reward = 0.99*running_reward + 0.01*reward_sums.mean()
    print("iteration:{},mean reward:{}, running reward mean:{} \n"
            " reward range:{} to {},".format(
                i, reward_sums.mean(),running_reward,reward_sums.min(),reward_sums.max(),
    i += 1
