LintCode 816: Traveling Salesman Problem (著名的旅行商游历NP问题。状态压缩DP经典)

816. Traveling Salesman Problem

Give n cities(labeled from 1 to n), and the undirected road's cost among the cities as a three-tuple [A, B, c](i.e there is a road between city A and city B and the cost is c). We need to find the smallest cost to travel all the cities starting from 1.


Example 1

n = 3
tuple = [[1,2,1],[2,3,2],[1,3,3]]
Output: 3
Explanation: The shortest path is 1->2->3

Example 2

n = 1
tuple = []
Output: 0


1.A city can only be passed once.
2.You can assume that you can reach all the rest cities.

Input test data (one parameter per line)How to understand a testcase?


1) 什么样的问题适合状压呢?
a) 状压是指数级,所以这种题目的数据范围都非常小,在20左右。
b) 一般对于每个物品,我们只关心它有没有/是不是,这样的问题。

时间复杂度O(n^2 * 2^n)。可以看出它是关于n的指数级。
空间复杂度O(n* 2^n)。

class Solution {
     * @param n: an integer,denote the number of cities
     * @param roads: a list of three-tuples,denote the road between cities
     * @return: return the minimum cost to travel all cities
    int minCost(int n, vector> &roads) {
        int len = roads.size();
        int inf = 1000000000;
        graph.resize(n + 1, vector(n + 1, inf));
        constructGraph(roads, n);
        int state_size = (1 << n); //0000 - 1111
        //dp[i][j] : the min cost when state is i, the last passed city is j
        vector> dp(state_size, vector(n + 1, inf));

        dp[1][1] = 0; // start from city 1, state is 0000001, minCost is 0
        for (int state = 0; state < state_size; ++state) {
            for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
                if ((state & (1 << (i - 1))) == 0) continue; //state为当前状态。若当前状态没有经历城市i,不考虑。这里i-1是因为index从0开始。
                int prev_state = state ^ (1 << (i - 1)); //这里城市i肯定为1,异或掉,则只有上一个城市的状态了。
                for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
                    if (i == j) continue;
                    dp[state][i] = min(dp[state][i], dp[prev_state][j] + graph[j][i]);
        int min_cost = inf;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
            min_cost = min(min_cost, dp[state_size - 1][i]);
        return min_cost;
    vector> graph;
    void constructGraph(vector> & roads, int n) {
        int len = roads.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            int source = roads[i][0];
            int destination = roads[i][1];
            int cost = roads[i][2];
        //    graph[source][destination] = cost;
        //    graph[destination][source] = cost;
            graph[source][destination] = min(graph[source][destination], cost);
            graph[destination][source] = min(graph[destination][source], cost);


解法2:优先队列式分支限界法 (branch and bound)。其实就是BFS。注意BFS 空间复杂度大。

class Solution {
     * @param n: an integer,denote the number of cities
     * @param roads: a list of three-tuples,denote the road between cities
     * @return: return the minimum cost to travel all cities
    int minCost(int n, vector> &roads) {
        vector> cityLink(n, vector(n, INT_MAX));
        vector> dp(n, vector(1 << n, INT_MAX));
        for (auto & road: roads){
            int cityA = road[0] - 1, cityB = road[1] - 1, dist = road[2];
            cityLink[cityA][cityB] = cityLink[cityB][cityA] = min(cityLink[cityA][cityB], dist);

        priority_queue>> maxHeap; //>, sort by cost
        maxHeap.push({0, {0, 1}}); //init: the first city is visited
        dp[0][1] = 0; //cost of city 0 to itself is 0
        while (!maxHeap.empty()){
            auto now =;
    		int cost = now.first, city = now.second.first, state = now.second.second;
    		for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
    		    if (cityLink[city][i] == INT_MAX) continue;
    		    if ((state & (1 << i)) == 0) { //if city i has not been visited
        			int new_state = (state | (1 << i)); //old state + city i
        			if(dp[i][new_state] > dp[city][state] + cityLink[city][i]) {
        				dp[i][new_state] = dp[city][state] + cityLink[city][i];
        				maxHeap.push({dp[i][new_state], {i, new_state}});
        int minCost = dp[0][0];
    	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    		minCost = min(minCost, dp[i][(1 << n) - 1]);
    	return minCost;


class Solution {
     * @param n: an integer,denote the number of cities
     * @param roads: a list of three-tuples,denote the road between cities
     * @return: return the minimum cost to travel all cities
    int minCost(int n, vector> &roads) {
        vector> cityLink(n, vector(n, INT_MAX));
        for (auto & road: roads){
            int cityA = road[0] - 1, cityB = road[1] - 1, dist = road[2];
            cityLink[cityA][cityB] = cityLink[cityB][cityA] = min(cityLink[cityA][cityB], dist);
        vector visited(n, false);
        vector subset;
        subset.push_back(0); //city 0 
        visited[0] = true;
        dfs(cityLink, subset, visited, 0);
    	return minTravelCost;

    int minTravelCost = INT_MAX;
    void dfs(vector> & cityLink, vector & subset, vector & visited, int cost) {
        int n = cityLink.size();
        if (subset.size() == n) {
            minTravelCost = min(minTravelCost, cost);
        if (cost > minTravelCost) return;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            int lastCity = subset.back();
            if (visited[i] || cityLink[lastCity][i] == INT_MAX) continue;
            visited[i] = true;
            dfs(cityLink, subset, visited, cost + cityLink[lastCity][i]);
            visited[i] = false;

