

  伴随着APEX像火箭一样起飞,2015年将被众人所铭记。This isn’t a mere[mɪə] wish(这不单单是一个愿望). We, at Oracle, know it. Get ready for a monumental[mɒnjʊ’ment(ə)l] year for all of us in the Oracle Application Express community.(我们Oracle APEX社区的所有人都做好准备来迎接这有着纪念意义的一年).
  被期待已久的Oracle APEX 5.0将在2015年发行。Oracle Application Express 5.0 is the largest and most significant release in the 10-year production history of Oracle Application Express, measured in both man years of development and financial investment(从开发的人年和财务投入这两个方面看,Oracle APEX 5.0是Oracle APEX 10年产品史当中最大、最多意义的发行版). While Oracle Application Express 5.0 is a dramatic[drə’mætɪk;引人注目的] leap[liːp;跳跃] in developer productivity, Oracle Application Express 5.0 is also a huge step forward in the easy development of beautiful, modern, responsive Web applications(在APEX5一跃成为开发者中备受关注的开发利器同时,APEX5也向着成为最牛逼的Web应用开发工具向前迈了一大步). If you’re a database developer building Web applications or looking to extend the Oracle eBusiness Suite with Oracle Application Express, get ready for a banner year. And get accustomed to being the hero(如果你是开发Web应用的database开发者或者希望用APEX来扩展EBS,准备好庆祝的横幅,你将成为大神).
  如果你对APEX感兴趣,或者你是一个有经验的用户,想要学习如何capitalize on APEX5,有一些conferences,现在你应该在你的日历上圈出来。
- APEX World (March 25, 2015)
- ODTUG APEXposed! 2015 (May 6, 2015)
- 2015 Great Lakes Oracle Conference (May 18, 2015 - May 20, 2015)
- APEX Connect 2015 (June 9, 2015 - June 10, 2015)
- ODTUG Kscope15 (June 21, 2015 - June 25, 2015)
- DOAG Konferenz + Ausstellung (November 17, 2014 - November 20, 2015)
- UKOUG Technology Conference and Exhibition (December 7, 2015 - December 9, 2015)
  在这些会议最后,不要忘记Oracle APEX Meetup groups, which are taking off across the globe. To date, there are 25 groups across 4 continents[‘kɒntɪnənt;大洲], and growing. Come join one of the most passionate[‘pæʃ(ə)nət;热情的] and enthusiastic[ɪn,θjuːzɪ’æstɪk;热情的] user communities on the planet!
