


 * Nextcloud setup wizard
 * @author Frank Karlitschek
 * @copyright 2012 Frank Karlitschek [email protected]
 * @author Lukas Reschke
 * @copyright 2013-2015 Lukas Reschke [email protected]
 * @copyright 2016 Lukas Reschke [email protected]
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
 * License along with this library.  If not, see .

 * Please copy this file into your webserver root and open it with a browser. The setup wizard checks the dependency, downloads the newest Nextcloud version, unpacks it and redirects to the Nextcloud first run wizard.

// Nextcloud version with possible values from*.zip
define('NC_VERSION', 'latest');

// init
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

 * Setup class with a few helper functions
class Setup {

	private static $requirements = array(
			'classes' => array(
				'ZipArchive' => 'zip',
				'DOMDocument' => 'dom',
				'XMLWriter' => 'XMLWriter'
			'functions' => array(
				'xml_parser_create' => 'libxml',
				'mb_detect_encoding' => 'mb multibyte',
				'ctype_digit' => 'ctype',
				'json_encode' => 'JSON',
				'gd_info' => 'GD',
				'gzencode' => 'zlib',
				'iconv' => 'iconv',
				'simplexml_load_string' => 'SimpleXML',
				'hash' => 'HASH Message Digest Framework',
				'curl_init' => 'curl',
			'defined' => array(

	* Checks if all the Nextcloud dependencies are installed
	* @return string with error messages
	static public function checkDependencies() {
		$error = '';
		$missingDependencies = array();

		// do we have PHP 7.2.0 or newer?
		if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '<')) {
			$error.='PHP 7.2.0 is required. Please ask your server administrator to update PHP to version 7.2.0 or higher.
; } // running oC on windows is unsupported since 8.1 if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) === "WIN") { $error.='Nextcloud Server does not support Microsoft Windows.
; } foreach (self::$requirements[0]['classes'] as $class => $module) { if (!class_exists($class)) { $missingDependencies[] = array($module); } } foreach (self::$requirements[0]['functions'] as $function => $module) { if (!function_exists($function)) { $missingDependencies[] = array($module); } } foreach (self::$requirements[0]['defined'] as $defined => $module) { if (!defined($defined)) { $missingDependencies[] = array($module); } } if(!empty($missingDependencies)) { $error .= 'The following PHP modules are required to use Nextcloud:
; } foreach($missingDependencies as $missingDependency) { $error .= '
  • '.$missingDependency[0].'
  • '
    ; } if(!empty($missingDependencies)) { $error .= '

    Please contact your server administrator to install the missing modules.

    ; } // do we have write permission? if(!is_writable('.')) { $error.='Can\'t write to the current directory. Please fix this by giving the webserver user write access to the directory.
    ; } return($error); } /** * Check the cURL version * @return bool status of CURLOPT_CERTINFO implementation */ static public function isCertInfoAvailable() { $curlDetails = curl_version(); return version_compare($curlDetails['version'], '7.19.1') != -1; } /** * Performs the Nextcloud install. * @return string with error messages */ static public function install() { $error = ''; $directory = trim($_GET['directory']); // Test if folder already exists if(file_exists('./'.$directory.'/status.php')) { return 'The selected folder seems to already contain a Nextcloud installation. - You cannot use this script to update existing installations.'; } // downloading latest release if (!file_exists('')) { $error .= Setup::getFile(''.NC_VERSION.'.zip',''); } // unpacking into nextcloud folder $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open(''); if ($res==true) { // Extract it to the tmp dir $nextcloud_tmp_dir = 'tmp-nextcloud'.time(); $zip->extractTo($nextcloud_tmp_dir); $zip->close(); // Move it to the folder if ($_GET['directory'] === '.') { foreach (array_diff(scandir($nextcloud_tmp_dir.'/nextcloud'), array('..', '.')) as $item) { rename($nextcloud_tmp_dir.'/nextcloud/'.$item, './'.$item); } rmdir($nextcloud_tmp_dir.'/nextcloud'); } else { rename($nextcloud_tmp_dir.'/nextcloud', './'.$directory); } // Delete the tmp folder rmdir($nextcloud_tmp_dir); } else { $error.='unzip of nextcloud source file failed.
    ; } // deleting zip file $result=@unlink(''); if($result==false) $error.='deleting of failed.
    ; return($error); } /** * Downloads a file and stores it in the local filesystem * @param string $url * @param string$path * @return string with error messages */ static public function getFile($url,$path) { $error=''; $fp = fopen ($path, 'w+'); $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if (Setup::isCertInfoAvailable()){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CERTINFO, TRUE); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE); $data=curl_exec($ch); $curlError=curl_error($ch); curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); if($data==false){ $error.='download of Nextcloud source file failed.
    .$curlError; } return($error.$curlError); } /** * Shows the html header of the setup page */ static public function showHeader() { echo(' Nextcloud Setup '); } /** * Shows the html footer of the setup page */ static public function showFooter() { echo(' '); } /** * Shows the html content part of the setup page * @param string $title * @param string $content * @param string $nextpage */ static public function showContent($title, $content, $nextpage=''){ echo('



    .$nextpage.'" /> '); if($nextpage === 2) { echo ('

    Enter a single "." to install in the current directory, or enter a subdirectory to install to:

    ); } if($nextpage === 3) { echo ('.$_GET['directory'].'" name="directory" />'); } if($nextpage<>'') echo(''); echo('
    ); } /** * JS function to check if user deleted this script * N.B. We can't reload the page to check this with PHP: * once script is deleted we end up with 404 */ static public function showJsValidation(){ echo ' '; } /** * Shows the welcome screen of the setup wizard */ static public function showWelcome() { $txt='Welcome to the Setup Wizard for

    This wizard will:
    1. Check the server dependencies
    2. Download Nextcloud
    3. Install Nextcloud in a few simple steps'
    ; Setup::showContent('Setup Wizard',$txt,1); } /** * Shows the check dependencies screen */ static public function showCheckDependencies() { $error=Setup::checkDependencies(); if($error=='') { $txt='All Nextcloud dependencies found'; Setup::showContent('Dependency check',$txt,2); }else{ $txt='Dependencies not found.
    .$error; Setup::showContent('Dependency check',$txt); } } /** * Shows the install screen */ static public function showInstall() { $error=Setup::install(); if($error=='') { $txt='Nextcloud is now installed'; Setup::showContent('Success',$txt,3); }else{ $txt='Nextcloud is NOT installed
    .$error; Setup::showContent('Error',$txt); } } /** * Shows the redirect screen */ static public function showRedirect() { // delete own file @unlink(__FILE__); clearstatcache(); if (file_exists(__FILE__)){ Setup::showJsValidation(); Setup::showContent( 'Warning', 'Failed to remove installer script. Please remove ' . __FILE__ . ' manually', 3 ); } else { // redirect to Nextcloud header("Location: " . $_GET['directory']); } } } // read the step get variable $step = isset($_GET['step']) ? $_GET['step'] : 0; // show the header Setup::showHeader(); // show the right step if ($step==0) Setup::showWelcome(); elseif ($step==1) Setup::showCheckDependencies(); elseif ($step==2) Setup::showInstall(); elseif ($step==3) Setup::showRedirect(); else echo('Internal error. Please try again.'); // show the footer Setup::showFooter();
