The NEC IR transmission protocol uses pulse distance encoding of the message bits. Each pulse burst (mark – RC transmitter ON) is 562.5µs in length, at a carrier frequency of 38kHz (26.3µs). Logical bits are transmitted as follows:
Logical ‘0’ – a 562.5µs pulse burst followed by a 562.5µs space, with a total transmit time of 1.125ms
Logical ‘1’ – a 562.5µs pulse burst followed by a 1.6875ms space, with a total transmit time of 2.25ms
When transmitting or receiving remote control codes using the NEC IR transmission protocol, the WB_IRRC performs optimally when the carrier frequency (used for modulation/demodulation) is set to 38.222kHz.
When a key is pressed on the remote controller, the message transmitted consists of the following, in order:
■ a 9ms leading pulse burst (16 times the pulse burst length used for a logical data bit)
■ a 4.5ms space
■ the 8-bit address for the receiving device
■ the 8-bit logical inverse of the address
■ the 8-bit command
■ the 8-bit logical inverse of the command
■ a final 562.5µs pulse burst to signify the end of message transmission.
The four bytes of data bits are each sent least significant bit first. Figure 1 illustrates the format of an NEC IR transmission frame, for an address of 00h (00000000b) and a command of ADh (10101101b).
Figure 1. Example message frame using the NEC IR transmission protocol.
Notice from Figure 1 that it takes:
■ 27ms to transmit both the 16 bits for the address (address + inverse) and the 16 bits for the command (command + inverse). This comes from each of the 16 bit blocks ultimately containing eight '0’s and eight '1’s - giving (8 * 1.125ms) + (8 * 2.25ms).
■ 67.5ms to fully transmit the message frame (discounting the final 562.5µs pulse burst that signifies the end of message).
If the key on the remote controller is kept depressed, a repeat code will be issued, typically around 40ms after the pulse burst that signified the end of the message. A repeat code will continue to be sent out at 108ms intervals, until the key is finally released. The repeat code consists of the following, in order:
■ a 9ms leading pulse burst
■ a 2.25ms space
■ a 562.5µs pulse burst to mark the end of the space (and hence end of the transmitted repeat code).
Figure 2 illustrates the transmission of two repeat codes after an initial message frame is sent.
Figure 2. Example repeat codes sent for a key held down on the transmitting remote controller.
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
PIN = 18 #定义红外接收器引脚
GPIO.setup(PIN, GPIO.IN, GPIO.PUD_UP) #设置红外接收引脚为上拉模式
def getKey():
byte = [0, 0, 0, 0]
if IRStart() == False: #判断红外引导脉冲
time.sleep(0.11) # One message frame lasts 108 ms.
return ERROR
for i in range(0, 4):
byte[i] = getByte() #接收32位红外数据(地址、地址反码、数据、数据反码)
if byte[0] + byte[1] == 0xff and byte[2] + byte[3] == 0xff: #校验接收数据是否正确
return byte[2]
return ERROR
#return byte[2]
def IRStart(): #判断红外引导脉冲
timeFallingEdge = [0, 0]
timeRisingEdge = 0
timeSpan = [0, 0]
GPIO.wait_for_edge(PIN, GPIO.FALLING)
timeFallingEdge[0] = time.time()
GPIO.wait_for_edge(PIN, GPIO.RISING)
timeRisingEdge = time.time()
GPIO.wait_for_edge(PIN, GPIO.FALLING)
timeFallingEdge[1] = time.time()
timeSpan[0] = timeRisingEdge - timeFallingEdge[0] #第一个脉冲时间
timeSpan[1] = timeFallingEdge[1] - timeRisingEdge #第二个脉冲时间
if timeSpan[0] > 0.0085 and \ #判断第一个和第二个脉冲是否是红外引导脉冲
timeSpan[0] < 0.0095 and \
timeSpan[1] > 0.004 and \
timeSpan[1] < 0.005:
return True
return False
def getByte(): #接收32位红外数据(地址、地址反码、数据、数据反码)
byte = 0
timeRisingEdge = 0
timeFallingEdge = 0
timeSpan = 0
for i in range(0, 8):
GPIO.wait_for_edge(PIN, GPIO.RISING)
timeRisingEdge = time.time()
GPIO.wait_for_edge(PIN, GPIO.FALLING)
timeFallingEdge = time.time()
timeSpan = timeFallingEdge - timeRisingEdge #读取脉冲时间
if timeSpan > 0.0016 and timeSpan < 0.0018: #判断脉冲是否为代表1
byte |= 1 << i
return byte
print('IRM Test Start ...')
while True:
key = getKey() #读取红外脉冲
if(key != ERROR): #打印红外脉冲值
print("Get the key: 0x%02x" %key)
except KeyboardInterrupt: