

1. Leet Code OJ 1. Two Sum [Difficulty: Easy] 
2. Leet Code OJ 8. String to Integer (atoi) [Difficulty: Easy] 
3. Leet Code OJ 15. 3Sum [Difficulty: Medium] 
4. Leet Code OJ 20. Valid Parentheses [Difficulty: Easy] 
5. Leet Code OJ 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists [Difficulty: Easy] 
6. Leet Code OJ 28. Implement strStr() [Difficulty: Easy] 
7. Leet Code OJ 56. Merge Intervals [Difficulty: Hard] 
8. Leet Code OJ 57. Insert Interval [Difficulty: Hard] 
9. Leet Code OJ 65. Valid Number [Difficulty: Hard] 
10. Leet Code OJ 70. Climbing Stairs [Difficulty: Easy] 
11. Leet Code OJ 73. Set Matrix Zeroes [Difficulty: Medium] 
12. Leet Code OJ 88. Merge Sorted Array [Difficulty: Easy] 
13. Leet Code OJ 98. Validate Binary Search Tree [Difficulty: Medium] 
14. Leet Code OJ 125. Valid Palindrome [Difficulty: Easy] 
15. Leet Code OJ 127. Word Ladder [Difficulty: Medium]

1. Leet Code OJ 2. Add Two Numbers [Difficulty: Medium] 
2. Leet Code OJ 12. Integer to Roman 
3. Leet Code OJ 13. Roman to Integer 
4. Leet Code OJ 22. Generate Parentheses 
5. Leet Code OJ 23. Merge k Sorted Lists 
6. Leet Code OJ 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs 
7. Leet Code OJ 27. Remove Element [Difficulty: Easy] 
8. Leet Code OJ 46. Permutations 
9. Leet Code OJ 49. Anagrams 
10. Leet Code OJ 67. Add Binary 
11. Leet Code OJ 69. Sqrt(x) 
12. Leet Code OJ 77. Combinations 
13. Leet Code OJ 78. Subsets 
14. Leet Code OJ 79. Word Search 
15. Leet Code OJ 91. Decode Ways [Difficulty: Medium] 
16. Leet Code OJ 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal [Difficulty: Easy] 
17. Leet Code OJ 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 
18. Leet Code OJ 131. Palindrome Partitioning

以上转载自: http://blog.csdn.net/lnho2015/article/details/50962989


1 Two Sum 2 5 array sort

        set Two Pointers

2 Add Two Numbers 3 4 linked list Two Pointers


3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 3 2 string Two Pointers


4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 5 3 array Binary Search

5 Longest Palindromic Substring 4 2 string  

6 ZigZag Conversion 3 1 string  

7 Reverse Integer 2 3   Math

8 String to Integer (atoi) 2 5 string Math

9 Palindrome Number 2 2   Math

10 Regular Expression Matching 5 3 string Recursion


11 Container With Most Water 3 2 array Two Pointers

12 Integer to Roman 3 4   Math

13 Roman to Integer 2 4   Math

14 Longest Common Prefix 2 1 string  

15 3Sum 3 5 array Two Pointers

16 3Sum Closest 3 1 array Two Pointers

17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 3 3 string DFS

18 4Sum 3 2 array  

19 Remove Nth Node From End of List 2 3 linked list Two Pointers

20 Valid Parentheses 2 5 string Stack

21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 2 5 linked list sort

          Two Pointers


22 Generate Parentheses 3 4 string DFS

23 Merge k Sorted Lists 3 4 linked list sort

        heap Two Pointers


24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 2 4 linked list  

25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group 4 2 linked list Recursion

          Two Pointers

26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 1 3 array Two Pointers

27 Remove Element 1 4 array Two Pointers

28 Implement strStr() 4 5 string Two Pointers


          rolling hash

29 Divide Two Integers 4 3   Binary Search


30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words 3 1 string Two Pointers

31 Next Permutation 5 2 array permutation

32 Longest Valid Parentheses 4 1 string DP

33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 4 3 array Binary Search

34 Search for a Range 4 3 array Binary Search

35 Search Insert Position 2 2 array  

36 Valid Sudoku 2 2 array  

37 Sudoku Solver 4 2 array DFS

38 Count and Say 2 2 string Two Pointers

39 Combination Sum 3 3 array combination

40 Combination Sum II 4 2 array combination

41 First Missing Positive 5 2 array sort

42 Trapping Rain Water 4 2 array Two Pointers


43 Multiply Strings 4 3 string Two Pointers


44 Wildcard Matching 5 3 string Recursion



45 Jump Game II 4 2 array  

46 Permutations 3 4 array permutation

47 Permutations II 4 2 array permutation

48 Rotate Image 4 2 array  

49 Anagrams 3 4 string  


50 Pow(x, n) 3 5   Binary Search


51 N-Queens 4 3 array DFS

52 N-Queens II 4 3 array DFS

53 Maximum Subarray 3 3 array DP

54 Spiral Matrix 4 2 array  

55 Jump Game 3 2 array  

56 Merge Intervals 4 5 array sort

        linked list merge

        red-black tree  

57 Insert Interval 4 5 array sort

        linked list merge

        red-black tree  

58 Length of Last Word 1 1 string  

59 Spiral Matrix II 3 2 array  

60 Permutation Sequence 5 1   permutation


61 Rotate List 3 2 linked list Two Pointers

62 Unique Paths 2 3 array DP

63 Unique Paths II 3 3 array DP

64 Minimum Path Sum 3 3 array DP

65 Valid Number 2 5 string Math

66 Plus One 1 2 array Math

67 Add Binary 2 4 string Two Pointers


68 Text Justification 4 2 string  

69 Sqrt(x) 4 4   Binary Search

70 Climbing Stairs 2 5   DP

71 Simplify Path 3 1 string Stack

72 Edit Distance 4 3 string DP

73 Set Matrix Zeroes 3 5 array  

74 Search a 2D Matrix 3 3 array Binary Search

75 Sort Colors 4 2 array sort

          Two Pointers

76 Minimum Window Substring 4 2 string Two Pointers

77 Combinations 3 4   combination

78 Subsets 3 4 array Recursion


79 Word Search 3 4 array DFS

80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II 2 2 array Two Pointers

81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II 5 3 array Binary Search

82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II 3 3 linked list Recursion

          Two Pointers

83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 1 3 linked list  

84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram 5 2 array Stack

85 Maximal Rectangle 5 1 array DP


86 Partition List 3 3 linked list Two Pointers

87 Scramble String 5 2 string Recursion


88 Merge Sorted Array 2 5 array Two Pointers


89 Gray Code 4 2   combination

90 Subsets II 4 2 array Recursion


91 Decode Ways 3 4 string Recursion


92 Reverse Linked List II 3 2 linked list Two Pointers

93 Restore IP Addresses 3 3 string DFS

94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 4 3 tree Recursion

        hashtable morris


95 Unique Binary Search Trees II 4 1 tree DP


96 Unique Binary Search Trees 3 1 tree DP

97 Interleaving String 5 2 string Recursion


98 Validate Binary Search Tree 3 5 tree DFS

99 Recover Binary Search Tree 4 2 tree DFS

100 Same Tree 1 1 tree DFS

101 Symmetric Tree 1 2 tree DFS

102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 3 4 tree BFS

103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 4 3 queue BFS

        tree Stack

104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 1 1 tree DFS

105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Tr 3 3 array DFS


106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder T 3 3 array DFS


107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 3 1 tree BFS

108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 2 3 tree DFS

109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 4 3 linked list Recursion

          Two Pointers

110 Balanced Binary Tree 1 2 tree DFS

111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 1 1 tree DFS

112 Path Sum 1 3 tree DFS

113 Path Sum II 2 2 tree DFS

114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 3 3 tree Recursion


115 Distinct Subsequences 4 2 string DP

116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 3 3 tree DFS

117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 4 2 tree DFS

118 Pascal's Triangle 2 1 array  

119 Pascal's Triangle II 2 1 array  

120 Triangle 3 1 array DP

121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 2 1 array DP

122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 3 1 array greedy

123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 4 1 array DP

124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 4 2 tree DFS

125 Valid Palindrome 2 5 string Two Pointers

126 Word Ladder II 1 1    

127 Word Ladder 3 5 graph BFS

          shortest path

128 Longest Consecutive Sequence 4 3 array  

129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 2 4 tree DFS

130 Surrounded Regions 4 3 array BFS


131 Palindrome Partitioning 3 4 string DFS

132 Palindrome Partitioning II 4 3 string DP
转载自: LeetCode Question Difficulty Distribution
