


unsigned int size_x_;表示x方向最大距离(x方向像素点个数)
unsigned int size_y_;表示y方向最大距离(y方向像素点个数)
double resolution_;分辨率大小,像素点之间的距离
double origin_x_;地图的下标计数原点
double origin_y_;
unsigned char* costmap_;  //地图数据
unsigned char default_value_;//默认值代价值
mutex_t* access_; //地图计算时,进行线程锁

struct MapLocation
unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;


	Costmap2D(unsigned int cells_size_x, unsigned int cells_size_y, double resolution,
				double origin_x, double origin_y, unsigned char default_value = 0);
	构造函数:(cells_size_x, cells_size_y:地图边长
			   (origin_x, origin_y):地图起点(或者原点)
				 resolution:分辨率    default_value:设定代价值
Costmap2D::Costmap2D(unsigned int cells_size_x, unsigned int cells_size_y, double resolution,
double origin_x, double origin_y, unsigned char default_value) :
size_x_(cells_size_x), size_y_(cells_size_y), resolution_(resolution), origin_x_(origin_x),
origin_y_(origin_y), costmap_(NULL), default_value_(default_value)
access_ = new mutex_t();

// create the costmap
initMaps(size_x_, size_y_);
Costmap2D(const Costmap2D& map);
Costmap2D::Costmap2D(const Costmap2D& map) :
access_ = new mutex_t();
*this = map;
Costmap2D& operator=(const Costmap2D& map);
Costmap2D& Costmap2D::operator=(const Costmap2D& map)
// check for self assignement
if (this == &map)
return *this;

// clean up old data

size_x_ = map.size_x_;
size_y_ = map.size_y_;
resolution_ = map.resolution_;
origin_x_ = map.origin_x_;
origin_y_ = map.origin_y_;

// initialize our various maps
initMaps(size_x_, size_y_);

// copy the cost map
memcpy(costmap_, map.costmap_, size_x_ * size_y_ * sizeof(unsigned char));

return *this;
Costmap2D::Costmap2D() :
size_x_(0), size_y_(0), resolution_(0.0), origin_x_(0.0), origin_y_(0.0), costmap_(NULL)
access_ = new mutex_t();
bool copyCostmapWindow(const Costmap2D& map, double win_origin_x, double 										win_origin_y, double win_size_x,double win_size_y);
bool Costmap2D::copyCostmapWindow(const Costmap2D& map, double win_origin_x, double win_origin_y, double win_size_x,double win_size_y)
// check for self windowing
if (this == &map)
 ROS_ERROR("Cannot convert this costmap into a window of itself");
return false;

// clean up old data

// compute the bounds of our new map
unsigned int lower_left_x, lower_left_y, upper_right_x, upper_right_y;
if (!map.worldToMap(win_origin_x, win_origin_y, lower_left_x, lower_left_y)
|| !map.worldToMap(win_origin_x + win_size_x, win_origin_y + win_size_y, upper_right_x, upper_right_y))
// ROS_ERROR("Cannot window a map that the window bounds don't fit inside of");
return false;

size_x_ = upper_right_x - lower_left_x;
size_y_ = upper_right_y - lower_left_y;
resolution_ = map.resolution_;
origin_x_ = win_origin_x;
origin_y_ = win_origin_y;

// initialize our various maps and reset markers for inflation
initMaps(size_x_, size_y_);

// copy the window of the static map and the costmap that we're taking
copyMapRegion(map.costmap_, lower_left_x, lower_left_y, map.size_x_, costmap_, 0, 0, size_x_, size_x_, size_y_);
return true;
	virtual ~Costmap2D();
delete access_;
unsigned char getCost(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const;
	作用:获取一个单元(mx, my),返回这个单元的代价值
unsigned char Costmap2D::getCost(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const
return costmap_[getIndex(mx, my)];
void setCost(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, unsigned char cost);
	作用:设定一个单元(mx, my)的代价值
void Costmap2D::setCost(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, unsigned char cost)
costmap_[getIndex(mx, my)] = cost;
void mapToWorld(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, double& wx, double& wy) const;
	作用:从地图坐标(mx, my)向世界坐标(wx, wy)转换,一定会转换成功,地图坐标系小于世界坐标系
void Costmap2D::mapToWorld(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, double& wx, double& wy) const
wx = origin_x_ + (mx + 0.5) * resolution_;
wy = origin_y_ + (my + 0.5) * resolution_;
bool worldToMap(double wx, double wy, unsigned int& mx, unsigned int& my) const;
	作用:从世界坐标(wx, wy)向地图坐标(mx, my)转换,不一定会转换成功,地图坐标系小于世界坐标系,如果转换成功(合法界限),则为True;否则为false
bool Costmap2D::worldToMap(double wx, double wy, unsigned int& mx, unsigned int& my) const
if (wx < origin_x_ || wy < origin_y_)
return false;

mx = (int)((wx - origin_x_) / resolution_);
my = (int)((wy - origin_y_) / resolution_);

if (mx < size_x_ && my < size_y_)
return true;

return false;
void worldToMapNoBounds(double wx, double wy, int& mx, int& my) const;
	作用:从世界坐标(wx, wy)向地图坐标(mx, my)转换,地图没有边界
void Costmap2D::worldToMapNoBounds(double wx, double wy, int& mx, int& my) const
mx = (int)((wx - origin_x_) / resolution_);
my = (int)((wy - origin_y_) / resolution_);
void worldToMapEnforceBounds(double wx, double wy, int& mx, int& my) const;
	作用:从世界坐标(wx, wy)向地图坐标(mx, my)转换,地图有边界,从世界坐标转换为地图坐标,将结果约束为合法边界,返回的地图坐标保证位于地图内。
void Costmap2D::worldToMapEnforceBounds(double wx, double wy, int& mx, int& my) const
// Here we avoid doing any math to wx,wy before comparing them to
// the bounds, so their values can go out to the max and min values
// of double floating point.
if (wx < origin_x_)
mx = 0;
else if (wx >= resolution_ * size_x_ + origin_x_)
mx = size_x_ - 1;
mx = (int)((wx - origin_x_) / resolution_);

if (wy < origin_y_)
my = 0;
else if (wy >= resolution_ * size_y_ + origin_y_)
my = size_y_ - 1;
my = (int)((wy - origin_y_) / resolution_);
inline unsigned int getIndex(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const
	return my * size_x_ + mx;
inline void indexToCells(unsigned int index, unsigned int& mx, unsigned int& my) const
my = index / size_x_;
mx = index - (my * size_x_);
	作用:根据下表进行地图参数推算,下标数变成坐标(mx, my)

unsigned char* getCharMap() const;
	unsigned char* Costmap2D::getCharMap() const
return costmap_;
unsigned int getSizeInCellsX() const;
unsigned int getSizeInCellsY() const;
unsigned int Costmap2D::getSizeInCellsX() const
return size_x_;
unsigned int Costmap2D::getSizeInCellsY() const
return size_y_;
double getSizeInMetersX() const;
double getSizeInMetersY() const;
double Costmap2D::getSizeInMetersX() const
return (size_x_ - 1 + 0.5) * resolution_;

double Costmap2D::getSizeInMetersY() const
return (size_y_ - 1 + 0.5) * resolution_;//-1+0.5是防止越界
double getOriginX() const;
double getOriginY() const;
	作用:获取原点的位置(x, y)
double getResolution() const;
	作用:获取地图的分辨率,就是按照什么样的规格进行对x y边长进行刻度
double Costmap2D::getOriginX() const
return origin_x_;

double Costmap2D::getOriginY() const
return origin_y_;

double Costmap2D::getResolution() const
return resolution_;
void setDefaultValue(unsigned char c)
default_value_ = c;
unsigned char getDefaultValue() //代价值
return default_value_;

bool setConvexPolygonCost(const std::vector& polygon, unsigned char cost_value); //设定值
bool Costmap2D::setConvexPolygonCost(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>& polygon, unsigned char cost_value)
// we assume the polygon is given in the global_frame... we need to transform it to map coordinates
std::vector<MapLocation> map_polygon;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); ++i)
MapLocation loc;
if (!worldToMap(polygon[i].x, polygon[i].y, loc.x, loc.y))
// ("Polygon lies outside map bounds, so we can't fill it");
return false;

std::vector<MapLocation> polygon_cells;

// get the cells that fill the polygon
convexFillCells(map_polygon, polygon_cells);

// set the cost of those cells
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polygon_cells.size(); ++i)
unsigned int index = getIndex(polygon_cells[i].x, polygon_cells[i].y);
costmap_[index] = cost_value;
return true;
void polygonOutlineCells(const std::vector& polygon, std::vector& polygon_cells);
void Costmap2D::polygonOutlineCells(const std::vector<MapLocation>& polygon, std::vector<MapLocation>& polygon_cells)
PolygonOutlineCells cell_gatherer(*this, costmap_, polygon_cells);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polygon.size() - 1; ++i)
raytraceLine(cell_gatherer, polygon[i].x, polygon[i].y, polygon[i + 1].x, polygon[i + 1].y);
if (!polygon.empty())
unsigned int last_index = polygon.size() - 1;
// we also need to close the polygon by going from the last point to the first
raytraceLine(cell_gatherer, polygon[last_index].x, polygon[last_index].y, polygon[0].x, polygon[0].y);
void convexFillCells(const std::vector& polygon, std::vector& polygon_cells);
void Costmap2D::convexFillCells(const std::vector<MapLocation>& polygon, std::vector<MapLocation>& polygon_cells)
// we need a minimum polygon of a triangle  原理就是两点无法形成图形
if (polygon.size() < 3)

// first get the cells that make up the outline of the polygon
polygonOutlineCells(polygon, polygon_cells);

// quick bubble sort to sort points by x
MapLocation swap;
unsigned int i = 0;
while (i < polygon_cells.size() - 1)
if (polygon_cells[i].x > polygon_cells[i + 1].x)
swap = polygon_cells[i];
polygon_cells[i] = polygon_cells[i + 1];
polygon_cells[i + 1] = swap;

if (i > 0)

i = 0;
MapLocation min_pt;
MapLocation max_pt;
unsigned int min_x = polygon_cells[0].x;
unsigned int max_x = polygon_cells[polygon_cells.size() - 1].x;

// walk through each column and mark cells inside the polygon
for (unsigned int x = min_x; x <= max_x; ++x)
if (i >= polygon_cells.size() - 1)

if (polygon_cells[i].y < polygon_cells[i + 1].y)
min_pt = polygon_cells[i];
max_pt = polygon_cells[i + 1];
min_pt = polygon_cells[i + 1];
max_pt = polygon_cells[i];

i += 2;
while (i < polygon_cells.size() && polygon_cells[i].x == x)
if (polygon_cells[i].y < min_pt.y)
min_pt = polygon_cells[i];
else if (polygon_cells[i].y > max_pt.y)
max_pt = polygon_cells[i];

MapLocation pt;
// loop though cells in the column
for (unsigned int y = min_pt.y; y < max_pt.y; ++y)
pt.x = x;
pt.y = y;
virtual void updateOrigin(double new_origin_x, double new_origin_y);
	作用:将costmap的原点移到新位置(new_origin_x, new_origin_y ),尽可能保留数据
bool saveMap(std::string file_name);
void resizeMap(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y, double resolution, double origin_x,double origin_y);
	作用:重置地图,输入边长 size_x、 size_y,分辨率 resolution,原点(origin_x,origin_y)原地图中的数据会消失
void Costmap2D::resizeMap(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y, double resolution,
double origin_x, double origin_y)
size_x_ = size_x;
size_y_ = size_y;
resolution_ = resolution;
origin_x_ = origin_x;
origin_y_ = origin_y;

initMaps(size_x, size_y);

// reset our maps to have no information
void resetMap(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int xn, unsigned int yn);
	作用:重置地图,输入(x0, y0) (xn, yn) ,起点与终点(重置部分地图)
void Costmap2D::resetMap(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int xn, unsigned int yn)
boost::unique_lock<mutex_t> lock(*(access_));
unsigned int len = xn - x0;
for (unsigned int y = y0 * size_x_ + x0; y < yn * size_x_ + x0; y += size_x_)
memset(costmap_ + y, default_value_, len * sizeof(unsigned char));
unsigned int cellDistance(double world_dist);
typedef boost::recursive_mutex mutex_t;//提供typedef以便于将来的代码维护
	mutex_t* getMutex()
		return access_;


template<typename data_type>
	void copyMapRegion(data_type* source_map, unsigned int sm_lower_left_x, unsigned int sm_lower_left_y, unsigned int sm_size_x, data_type* dest_map, unsigned int dm_lower_left_x,
unsigned int dm_lower_left_y, unsigned int dm_size_x, unsigned int region_size_x, unsigned int region_size_y)
data_type* sm_index = source_map + (sm_lower_left_y * sm_size_x + sm_lower_left_x);
data_type* dm_index = dest_map + (dm_lower_left_y * dm_size_x + dm_lower_left_x);

// 现在,我们将拷贝源地图映射目标地图中
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < region_size_y; ++i)
memcpy(dm_index, sm_index, region_size_x * sizeof(data_type));
sm_index += sm_size_x;
dm_index += dm_size_x;

virtual void deleteMaps();
	void Costmap2D::deleteMaps()
// clean up data
boost::unique_lock<mutex_t> lock(*access_);
delete[] costmap_;
costmap_ = NULL;
virtual void resetMaps();
void Costmap2D::resetMaps()
boost::unique_lock<mutex_t> lock(*access_);
memset(costmap_, default_value_, size_x_ * size_y_ * sizeof(unsigned char));
virtual void initMaps(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y);
	作用:初始化地图,输入地图的边长x, y
void Costmap2D::initMaps(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y)
boost::unique_lock<mutex_t> lock(*access_);
delete[] costmap_;
costmap_ = new unsigned char[size_x * size_y];
template<class ActionType> //地图信息代价值计算,采用bresenham算法
inline void raytraceLine(ActionType at, unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int max_length = UINT_MAX)//UINT_MAX 是一个特别大的数
int dx = x1 – x0;//两点之间
int dy = y1 - y0;

unsigned int abs_dx = abs(dx);
unsigned int abs_dy = abs(dy);

int offset_dx = sign(dx);
int offset_dy = sign(dy) * size_x_; 

unsigned int offset = y0 * size_x_ + x0;  // 起点的下标值

double dist = hypot(dx, dy);//sqrt(x^2 + y^2)计算总体距离
double scale = (dist == 0.0) ? 1.0 : std::min(1.0, max_length / dist);

// 如果x比较长
if (abs_dx >= abs_dy)
int error_y = abs_dx / 2;
bresenham2D(at, abs_dx, abs_dy, error_y, offset_dx, offset_dy, offset, (unsigned int)(scale * abs_dx));

// 如果y比较长
int error_x = abs_dy / 2;
bresenham2D(at, abs_dy, abs_dx, error_x, offset_dy, offset_dx, offset, (unsigned int)(scale * abs_dy));
template<class ActionType>
inline void bresenham2D(ActionType at, unsigned int abs_da, unsigned int abs_db, int error_b, int offset_a, int offset_b, unsigned int offset, unsigned int max_length)
unsigned int end = std::min(max_length, abs_da);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < end; ++i)
offset += offset_a;
error_b += abs_db;
if ((unsigned int)error_b >= abs_da)
offset += offset_b;
error_b -= abs_da;
作用:bresenham算法具体实现,输入两点xy方向绝对值,初始化误差,增加值,起点的下标值,长度总值     输出:两点之间进行补点
推导公式:斜率k = (abs_db/abs_da)
每一步增加:i× (abs_db/abs_da)>0.5
inline int sign(int x)
return x > 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;


class MarkCell
	MarkCell(unsigned char* costmap, unsigned char value) :costmap_(costmap), value_(value){}

inline void operator()(unsigned int offset)
	costmap_[offset] = value_;
unsigned char* costmap_;
unsigned char value_;
class PolygonOutlineCells //输出图形轮廓线,包括地图,指针以及轮廓中位置点
	PolygonOutlineCells(const Costmap2D& costmap, const unsigned char* char_map, std::vector<MapLocation>& cells) :costmap_(costmap), char_map_(char_map), cells_(cells){}

// 用这个进行记录数据,应用于bresenham算法中,以及轮廓填充过程
	inline void operator()(unsigned int offset)
		MapLocation loc;
		costmap_.indexToCells(offset, loc.x, loc.y);
2、参考:  bresenham算法原理
