后面可以跟第三个可选参数,含义为 whether the function echoes “checked” when the two values are identical Note: whether this is true or false, the appropriate value will be returned. 这里应该没有第三个参数,我怀疑原文这里的代码有点问题。所以把false作为get_option的参数,而不是checked的参数。
在Docker1.13版本之后,可以说Docker对于compose容器调度编排实现了飞跃,可以使得在编排容器的时候可以结合Dockerswarm集群和跨主机通讯的概念。在Dockerswarm的基础之上引入stack对service镜像管理和编排。下面我们实战一下用之前构建wordpress集群来测试一下:环境要求:1、存在了Dockerswarm集群:[root@master ~]# dock
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<script language=javascript>
var current = new Date();
var year = current.getYear();
var month = current.getMonth();
showMonthLastDay(year, mont
public class MyStack {
private long[] arr;
private int top;
public MyStack() {
arr = new long[10];
top = -1;
public MyStack(int maxsize) {
arr = new long[maxsize];
Binary search needs an ordered array so that it can use array indexing to dramatically reduce the number of compares required for each search, using the classic and venerable binary search algori