Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute

List Drawer Settings Attribute 自定义数组或者列表绘制方式

Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第1张图片
    [Title("List Basics")]
    public List FloatList;
Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第2张图片
    [Range(0, 1)]
    public float[] FloatRangeArray;
Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第3张图片
    [ListDrawerSettings(IsReadOnly = true)]
    public int[] ReadOnlyArray1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
    public int[] ReadOnlyArray2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第4张图片
    public SomeOtherStruct[] SomeStructList;
Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第5张图片
    [Title("Advanced List Customization")]
    [InfoBox("Using [ListDrawerSettings], lists can be customized in a wide variety of ways.")]
    [ListDrawerSettings(NumberOfItemsPerPage = 5)]
    public int[] FiveItemsPerPage;
Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第6张图片
    [ListDrawerSettings(ShowIndexLabels = true, ListElementLabelName = "SomeString")]
    public SomeStruct[] IndexLabels;
Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第7张图片
    [ListDrawerSettings(DraggableItems = false, Expanded = false, ShowIndexLabels = true, ShowPaging = false, ShowItemCount = false, HideRemoveButton = true)]
    public int[] MoreListSettings = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第8张图片
    [ListDrawerSettings(OnBeginListElementGUI = "BeginDrawListElement", OnEndListElementGUI = "EndDrawListElement")]
    public SomeStruct[] InjectListElementGUI;
    private void BeginDrawListElement(int index)
    private void EndDrawListElement(int index)
    [ListDrawerSettings(OnTitleBarGUI = "DrawRefreshButton")]
    public List CustomButtons;
    private void DrawRefreshButton()
        if (SirenixEditorGUI.ToolbarButton(EditorIcons.Refresh))
【CustomAddFunction 】覆盖将对象添加到列表的默认行为。如果引用的成员返回列表类型元素,则将对每个选定对象调用该元素一次。如果引用的方法返回void,那么不管选择了多少对象,它都只会被调用一次。
Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- List Drawer Settings Attribute_第9张图片
    [ListDrawerSettings(CustomAddFunction = "CustomAddFunction")]
    public List CustomAddBehaviour;
    private int CustomAddFunction()
        return this.CustomAddBehaviour.Count+100;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ListDrawerSettingsAttributeExample : MonoBehaviour
    [PropertyOrder(int.MinValue), OnInspectorGUI]
    private void DrawIntroInfoBox()

    [Title("List Basics")]
    public List FloatList;

    [Range(0, 1)]
    public float[] FloatRangeArray;

    [ListDrawerSettings(IsReadOnly = true)]
    public int[] ReadOnlyArray1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
    public int[] ReadOnlyArray2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };

    public SomeOtherStruct[] SomeStructList;

    [Title("Advanced List Customization")]
    [InfoBox("Using [ListDrawerSettings], lists can be customized in a wide variety of ways.")]
    [ListDrawerSettings(NumberOfItemsPerPage = 5)]
    public int[] FiveItemsPerPage;

    [ListDrawerSettings(ShowIndexLabels = true, ListElementLabelName = "SomeString")]
    public SomeStruct[] IndexLabels;

    [ListDrawerSettings(DraggableItems = false, Expanded = false, ShowIndexLabels = true, ShowPaging = false, ShowItemCount = false, HideRemoveButton = true)]
    public int[] MoreListSettings = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };

    [ListDrawerSettings(OnBeginListElementGUI = "BeginDrawListElement", OnEndListElementGUI = "EndDrawListElement")]
    public SomeStruct[] InjectListElementGUI;
    private void BeginDrawListElement(int index)
    private void EndDrawListElement(int index)

    [ListDrawerSettings(OnTitleBarGUI = "DrawRefreshButton")]
    public List CustomButtons;
    private void DrawRefreshButton()
        if (SirenixEditorGUI.ToolbarButton(EditorIcons.Refresh))

    [ListDrawerSettings(CustomAddFunction = "CustomAddFunction")]
    public List CustomAddBehaviour;
    private int CustomAddFunction()
        return this.CustomAddBehaviour.Count+100;

    public struct SomeStruct
        public string SomeString;
        public int One;
        public int Two;
        public int Three;

    public struct SomeOtherStruct
        [HorizontalGroup("Split", 55), PropertyOrder(-1)]
        [PreviewField(50, Sirenix.OdinInspector.ObjectFieldAlignment.Left), HideLabel]
        public UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour SomeObject;

        [FoldoutGroup("Split/$Name", false)]
        public int A, B, C;

        [FoldoutGroup("Split/$Name", false)]
        public int Two;

        [FoldoutGroup("Split/$Name", false)]
        public int Three;

        private string Name { get { return this.SomeObject ? this.SomeObject.name : "Null"; } }

更多教程内容详见:革命性Unity 编辑器扩展工具 --- Odin Inspector 系列教程

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