Waking Up at 4:30 AM, Are you kidding me? Oh... No~~ Then, Are you going to be watching the sunrise??? Uhmmm... Not really, but you could say I'm going to watching my future rise up. Most people want to see something different, and waking up so early is definitely an abnormal thing, but if you don't do these kinds of abnormal things how can you possibly to see something different? If you want to change something in your shit life, you gotta do it consistently. Don't worry it won't make you weak or tired on the whole day. In my case, this routing makes me stronger and got more time to use.
In the first few days, people were really concerned about their health, worried a lot, but I have to tell you that the first thing you gotta remove from your brain completely. Your brain was designed to protect yourself, so these sorts of phenomenonswas understandable totally. Let's conquer it step by step.
How to get used to getting up at 4:30 AM a progressive. If you get up at 7:30 AM usually, set the alarm to 6:30 AM in the first week, once the alarm rings, you get out of bed instantly, don't ever press the snooze button. The snooze button was the stupidest function that human ever made. What benefit you could get from the snooze? If you hit the snooze button you will get more sleeping on the whole day definitely. If you want to wake up at a certain time, please don't delay it for any minute, don't be procrastination. Go to bed before 23 o'clock, keep waking up at 6:30 for 1~2 weeks consistently, you will make it happen. Next step, adjust one more hour early alarm which set alarm to 5:30 AM, go to bed before 22 o'clock. Similarly, keep those routines 1~2 weeks. Finally, adjust the alarm to 4:30 AM, see, it's pretty easy right? It's easy to say, hard to make, but you always want to see something different, don't you? That's the sacrifices you need to make.
One the most important reason that you can't get up at 4:30 AM was that your brain activity was extremely slow, or you don't have goals to achieve, your brain was full of negative energy, which can't motivate you to wake up at that early. Find something to learn to study to work for. Here are my paths:
You will probably say, I tried what you said, and also keep doing for months but didn't say any transforms, the result was bare to tell. There's a saying from Jack Ma - If you need to spend a few years research then can get the result, they will do it. The Alibaba will never do anything that a few months can get tremendous result project. I could not agree more about that theory.
I'm a pretty average people, if it works for me, then it also works for you by 99% chance.