

[例] 甲功率比乙功率大一倍,那么10lg(甲功率/乙功率)=10lg2=3dB。也就是说,甲的功率比乙的功率大3 dB。反之,如果甲的功率是乙的功率的一半,则甲的功率比乙的功率小3 dB。

[例] 如果功率P为1mw,折算为dBm后为0dBm。
[例] 对于40W的功率,按dBm单位进行折算后的值应为: 10log(40W/1mw)=10log(40000)=10log4+10log10000=46dBm。
总之,dB是两个量之间的比值,表示两个量间的相对大小,而dBm则是表示功率绝对大小的值。在dB,dBm计算中,要注意基本概念,用一个dBm减另外一个dBm时,得到的结果是dB,如:30dBm – 0dBm = 30dB。
手机上显示的数字的单位是dBm(可以用ALT+NMLL就可以让手机显示出当前的接收信号值了),这个值是负的,且它永远是负值,dBm值越大信号就越好,也就是说手机会显示比如 -67(dBm),那就说明信号很强了。这里还说一个小知识:中国移动的规范规定,手机接收电平>=(城市取-90dBm;乡村取-94dBm) 时,则满足覆盖要求,也就是说此处无线信号强度满足覆盖要求。-67dBm要比-90dBm信号要强20多个dB,那么它在打电话接通成功率和通话过程中的话音质量都会好的多(当然也包括EDGE/GPRS上网速度)。


Arbitrary Strength Unit (ASU) is an integer value proportional to the received signal strength measured by the mobile phone.

It is possible to calculate the real signal strength measured in dBm (and thereby power in Watts) by a formula. However, there are different formulas for 2G, 3G and 4G networks.

In GSM networks, ASU maps to RSSI (received signal strength indicator, see TS 27.007[1] sub clause 8.5).

dBm = 2 × ASU - 113, ASU in the range of 0..31 and 99 (for not known or not detectable).

In UMTS networks, ASU maps to RSCP level (received signal code power, see TS 27.007[1] sub clause 8.69 and TS 27.133 sub clause

dBm = ASU - 116, ASU in the range of -5..91 and 255 (for not known or not detectable).

In LTE networks, ASU maps to RSRP (reference signal received power, see TS 36.133, sub-clause 9.1.4). The valid range of ASU is from 0 to 97. For the range 1 to 96, ASU maps to

(ASU - 141) ≤ dBm < (ASU - 140).

The value of 0 maps to RSRP below -140 dBm and the value of 97 maps to RSRP above -44 dBm.

On Android devices however, the original GSM formula may pevail for UMTS.[2] Tools like Network Signal Info[3] can directly show the signal strength (in dBm), as well as the underlying ASU.

ASU shouldn't be confused with "Active Set Update". The Active Set Update is a signalling message used in handover procedures of UMTS and CDMA mobile telephony standards. On Android phones, the acronym ASU has nothing to do with Active Set Update. It has not been declared precisely by Google developers.[4]

例如:-69dBm 22 asu
-69dBm = -113 + (2*22)

过去我们一般会通过手机上信号格数来判断手机的信号强弱,但值得说明的一点是,其实各家手机厂商对于手机信号强弱与格数的换算关系并没有一个统一的标准,举个例子说,诺基亚的4格信号未必比iPhone 4的5格信号差。那应该如何判断信号的强弱呢?在王自如最近的MX2评测中加入非常重要的一部分内容,就是关于手机信号强度的对比测试,让我们来深入了解一下关于手机信号那些事吧!

在安卓手机设置里,我们可以看到关于信号强度的状态信息,里面可以看到关于信号强度的一项,单位为dBm和asu。其中dBm(1毫瓦的分贝数)是衡量手机信号强度的通用指标,如用iPhone拨打*3001#12345#*即可进入工程模式,左上角的数字即为信号强度,asu(alone signal unit 独立信号单元)是Google给Android手机定义的特有信号单位, 它们之间的关系是:dBm =-113+2*asu。

