Java Troubleshooting 排障

Quick Troubleshooting Tips 快速排障 For Linux , OS X

Hung,DeadLocked,Looping Process 挂起,死锁,迭代

  • 打印Java线程栈
jcmd 找到pid
kill -QUIT pid
jstack [-F] pid 打印所有线程 Dump
  • 侦测死锁
jconsole 工具 Thread Tab 按钮 检测死锁
jstack -l pid
  • Dump 可使用诊断工具,参考另一篇文章
jmap -dump:format=b,file= filename pid (with -F option if pid does not respond)   导出Dump
jhat heap-dump-file  分析Dump
jmap 其它命令  比较有用的
jmap -heap pid
jmap -finalizerinfo pid
  • jdb Java Debug工具 注意需要权限 如果没使用过,可以先使用help了解一下
$:sudo jdb -connect sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SAPIDAttachingConnector:pid=pid

Troubleshoot System Crashes 系统崩溃排障

系统崩溃,异常终止,Java HotSpot VM,System Library,Java SE Library、API,Application Native Code,OS。。。;

定位 Locate

[Error Log]( "Error Log")

确认 Determine Where the Crash Occurred


#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x417789d7, pid=21139, tid=1024
      |      |           |             |         +--- thread id
      |      |           |             +------------- process id
      |      |           +--------------------------- program counter
      |      |                                        (instruction pointer)
      |      +--------------------------------------- signal number
      +---------------------------------------------- signal name
# Problematic frame:
# C  []
  |              +-- Same as pc, but represented as library name and offset.
  |                  For position-independent libraries (JVM and most shared
  |                  libraries), it is possible to inspect the instructions
  |                  that caused the crash without a debugger or core file
  |                  by using a disassembler to dump instructions near the
  |                  offset.
  +----------------- Frame type
Frame Type Description
C Native C frame
j Interpreted Java frame
V VM frame
v VM-generated stub frame
J Other frame types, including compiled Java frames
Native Code
Compiled Code
HotSpot Compiler Thread
VM Thread
Stack Overflow





  • Quick Troubleshooting Tips on Solaris OS and Linux for Java SE 6
  • Native Operating System Tools
  • Find a Workaround


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