ENUM values missing in SRSANALYSISENUMS Table

During one of assignment, I have to get some data directly from Dynamics Ax table in SQL Server.

All enum based column in table shown their numeric values in Sql Server. For Analysis services Or OLAP services Dynamics Ax holds a table with name “SRSANALYSISENUMS”. This table contains the all enum which are used inside the Cube ETL process.

Analysis services was not install on my machine, for this reason “SRSAnalysisENums” table was empty.

This table is populate with static method “populateSRSAnalysisEnums” of class “BIGenerator”. We can directly run this method to populate the require table so we can join it in SQL server to get enum display/Name in query result instead of their numeric values.

If you have custom table which has one or more tables are based on Enum data type. Or your required enum values are not present in “SRSANALYSISENUMS”.  You have to perform following steps.

  • Create a new prospective.
  • Drag required table in Table node of new prospect.

  • Save the prospect.
  • Open a new job inside the Dynamics Ax AOT node.


  • Run a static method populateSRSAnalysisEnums() of class BIGenerator as follow

static void Job4(Args _args)
//BIGenerator _Bi= new BIGenerator();

  • You will find that SRSAnalysisENums” will be populated and your required Enum will be present there.
