







set plane 1
set n0 [$ns node]; $n0 set-position $alt $inc 0 0 $plane
set n1 [$ns node]; $n1 set-position $alt $inc 0 32.73 $plane 
set n2 [$ns node]; $n2 set-position $alt $inc 0 65.45 $plane 
set n3 [$ns node]; $n3 set-position $alt $inc 0 98.18 $plane

incr plane  
set n15 [$ns node]; $n15 set-position $alt $inc 31.6 16.36 $plane 
set n16 [$ns node]; $n16 set-position $alt $inc 31.6 49.09 $plane 
set n17 [$ns node]; $n17 set-position $alt $inc 31.6 81.82 $plane


# By setting the next_ variable on polar sats; handoffs can be optimized

$n0 set_next $n10; $n1 set_next $n0; $n2 set_next $n1; $n3 set_next $n2
$n4 set_next $n3; $n5 set_next $n4; $n6 set_next $n5; $n7 set_next $n6
$n8 set_next $n7; $n9 set_next $n8; $n10 set_next $n9

$n15 set_next $n25; $n16 set_next $n15; $n17 set_next $n16; $n18 set_next $n17
$n19 set_next $n18; $n20 set_next $n19; $n21 set_next $n20; $n22 set_next $n21
$n23 set_next $n22; $n24 set_next $n23; $n25 set_next $n24


# Now that the positions are set up, configure the ISLs
# Plane 1 intraplane
$ns add-isl intraplane $n0 $n1 $opt(bw_isl) $opt(ifq) $opt(qlim)
$ns add-isl intraplane $n1 $n2 $opt(bw_isl) $opt(ifq) $opt(qlim)
$ns add-isl intraplane $n2 $n3 $opt(bw_isl) $opt(ifq) $opt(qlim)

# Interplane ISLs
# 2 interplane ISLs per satellite (one along the seam)

# Plane 1-2
$ns add-isl interplane $n0 $n15 $opt(bw_isl) $opt(ifq) $opt(qlim)
$ns add-isl interplane $n1 $n16 $opt(bw_isl) $opt(ifq) $opt(qlim)
$ns add-isl interplane $n2 $n17 $opt(bw_isl) $opt(ifq) $opt(qlim)


global opt
set opt(chan)           Channel/Sat
set opt(bw_down)        1.5Mb; # Downlink bandwidth (satellite to ground)
set opt(bw_up)          1.5Mb; # Uplink bandwidth
set opt(bw_isl)         25Mb
set opt(phy)            Phy/Sat
set opt(mac)            Mac/Sat
set opt(ifq)            Queue/DropTail
set opt(qlim)           50
set opt(ll)             LL/Sat
set opt(wiredRouting) 	OFF

set opt(alt)            780; # Polar satellite altitude (Iridium)
set opt(inc)            86.4; # Orbit inclination w.r.t. equator


# Set up terrestrial nodes
$ns node-config -satNodeType terminal
set n100 [$ns node]
$n100 set-position 37.9 -122.3; # Berkeley
set n101 [$ns node]
$n101 set-position 42.3 -71.1; # Boston


# Add GSL links
# It doesn't matter what the sat node is (handoff algorithm will reset it)
$n100 add-gsl polar $opt(ll) $opt(ifq) $opt(qlim) $opt(mac) $opt(bw_up) \
  $opt(phy) [$n0 set downlink_] [$n0 set uplink_]
$n101 add-gsl polar $opt(ll) $opt(ifq) $opt(qlim) $opt(mac) $opt(bw_up) \
  $opt(phy) [$n0 set downlink_] [$n0 set uplink_]


# Attach agents
set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $n100 $udp0
set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr0 attach-agent $udp0
$cbr0 set interval_ 60.01


+ 1.000066 26 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 00 37.90 -122.30 48.90 -120.94

- 1.000066 26 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 37.90 -122.30 48.90 -120.94

r 1.006366 26 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 37.90 -122.30 48.90 -120.94

+ 1.0063 26 37 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 48.90-120.94 32.60 -87.51

- 1.0063 26 37 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 48.90-120.94 32.60 -87.51

r 1.0186 26 37 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 48.90-120.94 32.60 -87.51

+ 1.0186 37 48 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 32.60-87.51 48.90 -57.74

- 1.0186 37 48 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 32.60-87.51 48.90 -57.74

r 1.0300 37 48 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 32.60-87.51 48.90 -57.74

+ 1.0300 48 67 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 48.90 -57.74 42.30 -71.10

- 1.0300 48 67 cbr 210 ------- 066.0 67.0 0 0 48.90 -57.74 42.30 -71.10

r 1.0364 48 67 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 0 0 48.90 -57.74 42.30-71.10

+ 31.0100 66 26 cbr 210 ------- 0 66.067.0 1 1 37.90 -122.30 47.12 -120.81

- 31.0100 66 26cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 1 1 37.90 -122.30 47.12 -120.81

r 31.0157 66 26cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 1 1 37.90 -122.30 47.12 -120.81

+ 31.0157 26 37cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 1 1 47.12 -120.81 30.81 -87.48

- 31.0157 26 37cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 1 1 47.12 -120.81 30.81 -87.48

r 31.0282 26 37cbr 210 ------- 0 66.0 67.0 1 1 47.11 -120.81 30.81 -87.48





下面看看NS2中卫星的坐标系统,在satgeometry.h, .cc中,首先定义了一些常数和计算宏

// Various constants
#define PI 3.1415926535897
#define MU 398601.2 // Greek Mu (km^3/s^2)
#define LIGHT 299793 // km/s
#define EARTH_PERIOD 86164 // seconds
#define EARTH_RADIUS 6378  // km
#define GEO_ALTITUDE 35786 // km
#define ATMOS_MARGIN 150 // km

#define DEG_TO_RAD(x) ((x) * PI/180)
#define RAD_TO_DEG(x) ((x) * 180/PI)
#define DISTANCE(s_x, s_y, s_z, e_x, e_y, e_z) (sqrt((s_x - e_x) * (s_x - e_x) \
                + (s_y - e_y) * (s_y - e_y) + (s_z - e_z) * (s_z - e_z)))

struct coordinate {
        double r;        // km
        double theta;    // radians
        double phi;      // radians
        // Convert to cartesian as follows:
        // x = rsin(theta)cos(phi)
        // y = rsin(theta)sin(phi)
        // z = rcos(theta)





// Library of routines involving satellite geometry
class SatGeometry : public TclObject {
	SatGeometry() { printf("Started\n");}
	static double distance(coordinate, coordinate);              
	static void spherical_to_cartesian(double, double, double,
	    double &, double &, double &);
	static double propdelay(coordinate, coordinate);
	static double get_latitude(coordinate);
	static double get_longitude(coordinate);
	static double get_radius(coordinate a) { return a.r; }
	static double get_altitude(coordinate);
	static double check_elevation(coordinate, coordinate, double);
	static int are_satellites_mutually_visible(coordinate, coordinate);

	// Define "command" appropriately if you want OTcl access to this class
        int command(/*int argc, const char*const* argv */) { return 0; }
