



在上图中,对于一个节点,它的 next 指针指向链表中的下一个节点。 next 指针是通常有向链表中有的部分且将所有节点 链接 起来。图中有趣的一点,也是这题有趣的一点在于 random 指针,正如名字所示,它可以指向链表中的任一节点也可以为空。

方法 1:回溯
回溯算法的第一想法是将链表想象成一张图。链表中每个节点都有 2 个指针(图中的边)。因为随机指针给图结构添加了随机性,所以我们可能会访问相同的节点多次,这样就形成了环。
1.从 头 指针开始遍历整个图。将链表看做一张图。下图对应的是上面的有向链表的例子,Head 是图的出发节点。
3.如果我们还没拷贝过当前节点,我们创造一个新的节点,并把该节点放到已访问字典中,即: visited_dictionary[current_node] = cloned_node_for_current_node.
4.我们针对两种情况进行回溯调用:一个顺着 random 指针调用,另一个沿着 next 指针调用。步骤 1 中将 random 和 next 指针分别红红色和蓝色标注。然后我们分别对两个指针进行函数递归调用:
cloned_node_for_current_node.next = copyRandomList(current_node.next);
cloned_node_for_current_node.random = copyRandomList(current_node.random);

// Definition for a Node.
class Node {
    public int val;
    public Node next;
    public Node random;

    public Node() {}

    public Node(int _val,Node _next,Node _random) {
        val = _val;
        next = _next;
        random = _random;
public class Solution {
  // HashMap which holds old nodes as keys and new nodes as its values.
  HashMap visitedHash = new HashMap();

  public Node copyRandomList(Node head) {

    if (head == null) {
      return null;

    // If we have already processed the current node, then we simply return the cloned version of
    // it.
    if (this.visitedHash.containsKey(head)) {
      return this.visitedHash.get(head);

    // Create a new node with the value same as old node. (i.e. copy the node)
    Node node = new Node(head.val, null, null);

    // Save this value in the hash map. This is needed since there might be
    // loops during traversal due to randomness of random pointers and this would help us avoid
    // them.
    this.visitedHash.put(head, node);

    // Recursively copy the remaining linked list starting once from the next pointer and then from
    // the random pointer.
    // Thus we have two independent recursive calls.
    // Finally we update the next and random pointers for the new node created.
    node.next = this.copyRandomList(head.next);
    node.random = this.copyRandomList(head.random);

    return node;


// Definition for a Node.
class Node {
    int val;
    Node* next;
    Node* random;

    Node() {}

    Node(int _val, Node* _next, Node* _random) {
        val = _val;
        next = _next;
        random = _random;
class Solution {
    std::map visited_node;
    Node* copyRandomList(Node* head) {
        if(head == NULL) //截止条件
            return NULL;
        if(visited_node.find(head) != visited_node.end())
            return visited_node[head];
        Node * newnode = new Node(head->val,NULL,NULL);
        visited_node[head] = newnode;
        newnode->next = copyRandomList(head->next);
        newnode->random = copyRandomList(head->random);
        return newnode;


方法 2: O(N)O(N) 空间的迭代
迭代算法不需要将链表视为一个图。当我们在迭代链表时,我们只需要为 random 指针和 next 指针指向的未访问过节点创造新的节点并赋值即可。
1.从 head 节点开始遍历链表。下图中,我们首先创造新的 head 拷贝节点。拷贝的节点如下图虚线所示。实现中,我们将该新建节点的引用也放入已访问字典中。
2.random 指针:如果当前节点 ii 的 random 指针只想一个节点 jj 且节点 jj 已经被拷贝过,我们将直接使用已访问字典中该节点的引用而不会新建节点。如果当前节点 ii 的 random 指针只想的节点 jj 还没有被拷贝过,我们就对 jj 节点创建对应的新节点,并把它放入已访问节点字典中。
下图中, A 的 random 指针指向的节点 C 。前图中可以看出,节点 CC 还没有被访问过,所以我们创造一个拷贝的 C′节点与之对应,并将它添加到已访问字典中。
3.next 指针:如果当前节点 ii 的 next 指针指向的节点 jj 在已访问字典中已有拷贝,我们直接使用它的拷贝节点。如果当前节点 ii 的next 指针指向的节点 jj 还没有被访问过,我们创建一个对应节点的拷贝,并放入已访问字典。下图中,A 节点的 next 指针指向节点 B 。节点 B 在前面的图中还没有被访问过,因此我们创造一个新的拷贝 B’节点,并放入已访问字典中。
4.我们重复步骤 2 和步骤 3 ,直到我们到达链表的结尾。
下图中, 节点 B 的 random 指针指向的节点 A 已经被访问过了,因此在步骤 2 中,我们不会创建新的拷贝,只将节点 B’ 的 random 指针指向克隆节点 A’ 。同样的, 节点 B 的 next 指针指向的节点 C 已经访问过,因此在步骤 3 中,我们不会创建新的拷贝,而直接将 B’的 next 指针指向已经存在的拷贝节点 C’。

// Definition for a Node.
class Node {
    public int val;
    public Node next;
    public Node random;

    public Node() {}

    public Node(int _val,Node _next,Node _random) {
        val = _val;
        next = _next;
        random = _random;
public class Solution {
  // Visited dictionary to hold old node reference as "key" and new node reference as the "value"
  HashMap visited = new HashMap();

  public Node getClonedNode(Node node) {
    // If the node exists then
    if (node != null) {
      // Check if the node is in the visited dictionary
      if (this.visited.containsKey(node)) {
        // If its in the visited dictionary then return the new node reference from the dictionary
        return this.visited.get(node);
      } else {
        // Otherwise create a new node, add to the dictionary and return it
        this.visited.put(node, new Node(node.val, null, null));
        return this.visited.get(node);
    return null;

  public Node copyRandomList(Node head) {

    if (head == null) {
      return null;

    Node oldNode = head;

    // Creating the new head node.
    Node newNode = new Node(oldNode.val);
    this.visited.put(oldNode, newNode);

    // Iterate on the linked list until all nodes are cloned.
    while (oldNode != null) {
      // Get the clones of the nodes referenced by random and next pointers.
      newNode.random = this.getClonedNode(oldNode.random);
      newNode.next = this.getClonedNode(oldNode.next);

      // Move one step ahead in the linked list.
      oldNode = oldNode.next;
      newNode = newNode.next;
    return this.visited.get(head);


方法 3:O(1) 空间的迭代
如你所见,我们只是用了原来节点的值拷贝出新的节点。原节点 next 指向的都是新创造出来的节点
cloned_node.next = original_node.next
original_node.next = cloned_node
2.迭代这个新旧节点交错的链表,并用旧节点的 random 指针去更新对应新节点的 random 指针。比方说, B 的 random 指针指向 A ,意味着 B’ 的 random 指针指向 A’ 。
3.现在 random 指针已经被赋值给正确的节点, next 指针也需要被正确赋值,以便将新的节点正确链接同时将旧节点重新正确链接。

// Definition for a Node.
class Node {
    public int val;
    public Node next;
    public Node random;

    public Node() {}

    public Node(int _val,Node _next,Node _random) {
        val = _val;
        next = _next;
        random = _random;
public class Solution {
  public Node copyRandomList(Node head) {

    if (head == null) {
      return null;

    // Creating a new weaved list of original and copied nodes.
    Node ptr = head;
    while (ptr != null) {

      // Cloned node
      Node newNode = new Node(ptr.val);

      // Inserting the cloned node just next to the original node.
      // If A->B->C is the original linked list,
      // Linked list after weaving cloned nodes would be A->A'->B->B'->C->C'
      newNode.next = ptr.next;
      ptr.next = newNode;
      ptr = newNode.next;

    ptr = head;

    // Now link the random pointers of the new nodes created.
    // Iterate the newly created list and use the original nodes' random pointers,
    // to assign references to random pointers for cloned nodes.
    while (ptr != null) {
      ptr.next.random = (ptr.random != null) ? ptr.random.next : null;
      ptr = ptr.next.next;

    // Unweave the linked list to get back the original linked list and the cloned list.
    // i.e. A->A'->B->B'->C->C' would be broken to A->B->C and A'->B'->C'
    Node ptr_old_list = head; // A->B->C
    Node ptr_new_list = head.next; // A'->B'->C'
    Node head_old = head.next;
    while (ptr_old_list != null) {
      ptr_old_list.next = ptr_old_list.next.next;
      ptr_new_list.next = (ptr_new_list.next != null) ? ptr_new_list.next.next : null;
      ptr_old_list = ptr_old_list.next;
      ptr_new_list = ptr_new_list.next;
    return head_old;
// Definition for a Node.
class Node {
    int val;
    Node* next;
    Node* random;

    Node() {}

    Node(int _val, Node* _next, Node* _random) {
        val = _val;
        next = _next;
        random = _random;
class Solution {
    Node* copyRandomList(Node* head) {
        if(head == NULL) return NULL; //用于排除空链表
        Node* oldptr = head;
            oldptr->next = new Node(oldptr->val,oldptr->next,NULL);
            oldptr = oldptr->next->next;
        oldptr = head;
            if(oldptr->random != NULL){
                oldptr->next->random = oldptr->random->next;
            oldptr = oldptr->next->next;
        Node* newhead = head->next;
        Node* newptr = newhead; //A`->B`->C`
        oldptr = head;          //A->B->C
            oldptr->next = oldptr->next->next;
            newptr->next = (newptr->next == NULL? NULL : newptr->next->next);
            oldptr = oldptr->next;
            newptr = newptr->next;
        return newhead;

