USB3硬盘盒及数据线造成Macbook Pro WiFi Bluetooth网络不稳定

USB3设备会对工作在2.4GHz的无线WiFi和蓝牙造成信号干扰,如果你用便宜的诸如硬盘盒,那可能就有我现在的情形。Orico的USB 3.0 Type-C数据线,造成WiFi老是断掉,我查电脑问题搞了半天。Macbook Pro的WiFi和Bluetooth天线都在电脑的折叠处,所以:

1. 尽量把硬盘盒放远点,尤其不能靠近笔记本折叠处或者屏幕后面,所以放两边

2. 买好点的数据线


Why do I have difficulty with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth devices when USB 3 devices are attached to my computer?

Some USB 3 devices can generate radio frequency interference that can cause Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices operating in the 2.4GHz band to have issues communicating with your computer. Here are some tips to avoid this issue:

  • If your USB device has a cable long enough that you can move the device, place it away from your Mac—and make sure not to place it behind your Mac, or near the hinge of its display. The antennas for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are located there, and USB 3 devices placed there might interfere with your wireless connections.
  • If you're using adapters or dongles on a Mac computer with Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports, plug them into the front port on the left side of your Mac, or into the ports on the right side (if your computer has them). These ports are the farthest away from the antennas, making interference less likely.
  • To avoid interference on the 2.4GHz band using Wi-Fi, try using the 5GHz band instead. You can change this on your wireless base station. Bluetooth always uses 2.4GHz, so this alternative isn't available for Bluetooth.
