绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】11/21 《Jambo Means Hello 》

09111 刘慧争

在Lily老师那第一次接触到了《moja means one》以后,才有了入手这本《Jambo Means Hello》的缘分。

绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】11/21 《Jambo Means Hello 》_第1张图片





关于绘者 Tom Feelings

"When I am asked what kind of work I do, my answer is that I am a storyteller, in picture form, who tries to reflect and interpret the lives and experiences of the people that gave me life. When I am asked who I am, I say, I am an African who was born in America. Both answers connect me specifically with my past and present ... therefore I bring to my art a quality which is rooted in the culture of Africa ... and expanded by the experience of being in America. I use the vehicle of 'fine art' and 'illustration' as a viable expression of form, yet striving always to do this from an African perspective, an African world view, and above all to tell the African story ... this is my content. The struggle to create artwork as well as to live creatively under any conditions and survive (like my ancestors), embodies my particular heritage in America."



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