
1 Decision Science and Risk Management:

degrees from both Engineering and Business school (IAE de Paris-Sorbonne 巴黎一大经管院).

Core curriculum:

Decision; Finance; Economics; Human Resource;


Manager; Consultant; Financier;

Industry Partner:


2 Decison ProdEng- Innovation:

Engineering & Manufacturing & Management
Strong link to industry.

Core curriculum:

  • Integrated design and manufacturing
  • Enterprise modeling
  • Organization, change and performance

Engineer or Consultant in Energy and Automotive Companies.

Industry partner:


3 DigitalMockUp 3D

Virtual immersion; 3D interface; multi-sensory interaction; into research team;

Core Curriculum:

Fundamentals of modelling and simulation
� Object-oriented programming
� Scientific visualization
� Digital mock-up and interactive visualization
� Artificial vision and human-machine interaction
� Enterprise management and communication skills
in English
� Research methodology and data analysis


Research or Engineer or Director in virtual reality and digital product companies.

industry partner(数量少(4)):

雷诺汽车, 航空公司,虚拟现实公司;

4 Innovation, Design and Engineering

multidisciplinary teaching; close ties to industry; innovative design and engineering design;

Core Curriculum:
  • Fundamentals of the Design Process
  • Methodologies of product design
  • Skills integration in design
  • Innovation management

R&D Manager or Engineer

Industry Partner:


5 Knowledge Integration in Mechanical Production.

Design production system and plans taking count of account and economics factors. Close tied with industries. Strong demand from industries for students.
Taught in English;

Core courses

  • Methods, models and tools for integration : manufacturing
    process, product modeling, process planning,
    manufacturing resources
  • Supply chain management
  • Risk management and decision science
  • French language and culture (Foreign language class for
    French native speakers)
specialization courses
  • Innovation in Mechatronics(机电一体化)
  • Advanced Design of Agile Manufacturing Systems
  • Marketing and Management
  • Digital Manufacturing and Production.

Manager in R&D or Design or Production Department.

Industry Partner:


Advanced Production System Track

Examples of research projects

  • Study and realization of a collaborative robot production cell
    sharing a common space between humans and machines in order
    to improve the performances of production cells.
  • Milling with a robot - Toward a better understanding of coupling
    phenomena between milling process and robot dynamics.

Design and Manufacturing Track(相比之下,关于机械的部分更浅,另外添加了图形学和产品设计部分)

Examples of research projects

  • Formalization and Optimization of the design process based on
    rule extraction.
  • Visual Control for a dual camera system inspired by biological eye
    system (in cooperation with Dr Honghai Liu, Portsmouth, UK).

6 Product And Production Process Design

Model Design; 和马赛地区的大学一起颁发证书;要去马赛学习。

7 Virtual Engineering and Innovation

Can Study in Canada
3D 软件方向:Unity,3DS Max 等。
