

    • gtest总观
    • TEST宏实现
    • 测试用例调度机制实现


  1. 对于测试用例名和测试特例名,不能有下划线(_)。因为GTest源码中需要使用下划线把它们连接成一个独立的类名
// Expands to the name of the class that implements the given test.
#define GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name) \
  1. GTest有自动统计结果自动格式化输出结果自动调度执行等特性.不同测试用例不相互影响、相同测试用例不同测试特例不相互影响。我们称之为独立性。除了独立性,也不失灵活性——一个测试测试特例中可以通过不同宏(ASSERT_*类宏会影响之后执行,EXPECT_*类宏不会)控制是否影响之后的执行
./sample1_unittest --gtest_filter=Factorial*
  1. 预处理
class ListTest : public testing::Test {
  virtual void SetUp() {
	  _m_list[0] = 11;
	  _m_list[1] = 12;
	  _m_list[2] = 13;
  int _m_list[3];
TEST_F(ListTest, FirstElement) {
  EXPECT_EQ(11, _m_list[0]);
TEST_F(ListTest, SecondElement) {
  EXPECT_EQ(12, _m_list[1]);
TEST_F(ListTest, ThirdElement) {
  EXPECT_EQ(13, _m_list[2]);



TEST位于gtest.h line2311

#define GTEST_TEST(test_case_name, test_name)\
  GTEST_TEST_(test_case_name, test_name, \
              ::testing::Test, ::testing::internal::GetTestTypeId())
// Define this macro to 1 to omit the definition of TEST(), which
// is a generic name and clashes with some other libraries.
# define TEST(test_case_name, test_name) GTEST_TEST(test_case_name, test_name)

GTEST_TEST_位于gtest-internal.h line1402

#define GTEST_TEST_(test_suit_name, test_name, parent_class, paremt_id)\
class GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_suit_name, test_name)\
    : public parent_class{ \
    GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_suit_name, test_name)(){}
    virtual void TestBody();
    static ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info_ GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_;

::testing::TestInfo* const GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_suit_name, test_name)::test_info_ = 
    #test_suit_name, #test_name, nullptr, nullptr,
    ::testing::internal::CodeLocation(__FILE__, __LINE__), (parent_id),
        parent_class>::GetSetUpCaseOrSuite(__FILE, __LINE__),
        parent_class>::GetSetDownCaseOrSuite(__FILE, __LINE__),
    new ::testing::internal::TestFactoryImpl<GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(
    test_suite_name, test_name)>);
void GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_suite_name, test_name)::TestBody()

test_info_ 初始化

// Creates a new TestInfo object and registers it with Google Test;
// returns the created object.
// Arguments:
//   test_suite_name:   name of the test suite
//   name:             name of the test
//   type_param:       the name of the test's type parameter, or NULL if
//                     this is not a typed or a type-parameterized test.
//   value_param:      text representation of the test's value parameter,
//                     or NULL if this is not a value-parameterized test.
//   code_location:    code location where the test is defined
//   fixture_class_id: ID of the test fixture class
//   set_up_tc:        pointer to the function that sets up the test suite
//   tear_down_tc:     pointer to the function that tears down the test suite
//   factory:          pointer to the factory that creates a test object.
//                     The newly created TestInfo instance will assume
//                     ownership of the factory object.
TestInfo* MakeAndRegisterTestInfo(
    const char* test_suite_name, const char* name, const char* type_param,
    const char* value_param, CodeLocation code_location,
    TypeId fixture_class_id, SetUpTestSuiteFunc set_up_tc,
    TearDownTestSuiteFunc tear_down_tc, TestFactoryBase* factory) {
  TestInfo* const test_info =
      new TestInfo(test_suite_name, name, type_param, value_param,
                   code_location, fixture_class_id, factory);
  GetUnitTestImpl()->AddTestInfo(set_up_tc, tear_down_tc, test_info);
  return test_info;

// 1. CodeLocation
struct CodeLocation {
  CodeLocation(const std::string& a_file, int a_line)
    : file(a_file)
    , line(a_line)
    std::string file;
    int line;

// 2. ::testing::internal::GetTestTypeId()
typedef const void* TypeId;
template<typename T>
class TypeIdHelper
    static bool dummy_;

template<typename T>
bool TypeIdHelper<T>::dummy_ = false;

// TEST_F调用
template<typename T>
TypeId GetTypeId(){
    return &(TypeIdHelper<T>::dummy_);

TypeId GetTypeId(){
    return GetTypeId<Test>();

// 3. SetUpTestSuiteFunc set_up_tc
// 4. TearDownTestSuiteFunc tear_down_tc

//  Helper to identify which setup function for TestCase / TestSuite to call.
//  Only one function is allowed, either TestCase or TestSute but not both.

// Utility functions to help SuiteApiResolver
using SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType = void (*)();

inline SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType GetNotDefaultOrNull(
    SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType a, SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType def) {
  return a == def ? nullptr : a;

template <typename T>
//  Note that SuiteApiResolver inherits from T because
//  SetUpTestSuite()/TearDownTestSuite() could be protected. Ths way
//  SuiteApiResolver can access them.
struct SuiteApiResolver : T {
  // testing::Test is only forward declared at this point. So we make it a
  // dependend class for the compiler to be OK with it.
  using Test =
      typename std::conditional<sizeof(T) != 0, ::testing::Test, void>::type;

  static SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType GetSetUpCaseOrSuite(const char* filename,
                                                        int line_num) {
    SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType test_case_fp =
        GetNotDefaultOrNull(&T::SetUpTestCase, &Test::SetUpTestCase);
    SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType test_suite_fp =
        GetNotDefaultOrNull(&T::SetUpTestSuite, &Test::SetUpTestSuite);

    GTEST_CHECK_(!test_case_fp || !test_suite_fp)
        << "Test can not provide both SetUpTestSuite and SetUpTestCase, please "
           "make sure there is only one present at "
        << filename << ":" << line_num;

    return test_case_fp != nullptr ? test_case_fp : test_suite_fp;
    return &T::SetUpTestSuite;

  static SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType GetTearDownCaseOrSuite(const char* filename,
                                                           int line_num) {
    SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType test_case_fp =
        GetNotDefaultOrNull(&T::TearDownTestCase, &Test::TearDownTestCase);
    SetUpTearDownSuiteFuncType test_suite_fp =
        GetNotDefaultOrNull(&T::TearDownTestSuite, &Test::TearDownTestSuite);

    GTEST_CHECK_(!test_case_fp || !test_suite_fp)
        << "Test can not provide both TearDownTestSuite and TearDownTestCase,"
           " please make sure there is only one present at"
        << filename << ":" << line_num;

    return test_case_fp != nullptr ? test_case_fp : test_suite_fp;
    return &T::TearDownTestSuite;

// 5. TestFactoryBase* factory
// new ::testing::internal::TestFactoryImpl
//  test_suite_name, test_name)>

class TestFactoryBase {
  virtual ~TestFactoryBase() {}

  // Creates a test instance to run. The instance is both created and destroyed
  // within TestInfoImpl::Run()
  virtual Test* CreateTest() = 0;

  TestFactoryBase() {}


// This class provides implementation of TeastFactoryBase interface.
// It is used in TEST and TEST_F macros.
template <class TestClass>
class TestFactoryImpl : public TestFactoryBase {
  Test* CreateTest() override { return new TestClass; }

// trick
 type(type const &) = delete; \
#define GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(type) \
 void operator=(type const &) = delete
// 6. GetUnitTestImpl
inline UnitTestImpl* GetUnitTestImpl()
    return UnitTest::GetInstance()->impl();

void AddTestInfo(internal::SetUpTestSuiteFunc set_up_tc,
                   internal::TearDownTestSuiteFunc tear_down_tc,
                   TestInfo* test_info) {
    if (original_working_dir_.IsEmpty()) {
          << "Failed to get the current working directory.";

    GetTestSuite(test_info->test_suite_name(), test_info->type_param(),
                 set_up_tc, tear_down_tc)

// 在没有找到测试实例对象指针的情况下,新建了一个TestCase测试用例对象,并将其指针保存到了test_suites_中
TestSuite* UnitTestImpl::GetTestSuite(
    const char* test_suite_name, const char* type_param,
    internal::SetUpTestSuiteFunc set_up_tc,
    internal::TearDownTestSuiteFunc tear_down_tc) {
  // Can we find a TestSuite with the given name?
  const auto test_suite =
      std::find_if(test_suites_.rbegin(), test_suites_.rend(),

  if (test_suite != test_suites_.rend()) return *test_suite;

  // No.  Let's create one.
  auto* const new_test_suite =
      new TestSuite(test_suite_name, type_param, set_up_tc, tear_down_tc);

  // Is this a death test suite?
  if (internal::UnitTestOptions::MatchesFilter(test_suite_name,
                                               kDeathTestSuiteFilter)) {
    // Yes.  Inserts the test suite after the last death test suite
    // defined so far.  This only works when the test suites haven't
    // been shuffled.  Otherwise we may end up running a death test
    // after a non-death test.
    test_suites_.insert(test_suites_.begin() + last_death_test_suite_,
  } else {
    // No.  Appends to the end of the list.

  return new_test_suite;

// Adds a test to this test suite.  Will delete the test upon
// destruction of the TestSuite object.
void TestSuite::AddTestInfo(TestInfo* test_info) {


// gtest_main.cc
GTEST_API_ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  printf("Running main() from gtest_main.cc\n");
  testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

inline int RUN_ALL_TESTS() {
  return ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->Run();

int UnitTest::Run()
    return internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
    "auxiliary test code (environments or event listeners)") ? 0 : 1;

template <class T, typename Result>
Result HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
    T* object, Result (T::*method)(), const char* location) {

    // ...
    return HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(object, method, location);

// --> HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported
template <class T, typename Result>
Result HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
    T* object, Result (T::*method)(), const char* location) {
  __try {
    return (object->*method)();
  } __except (internal::UnitTestOptions::GTestShouldProcessSEH(  // NOLINT
      GetExceptionCode())) {
    // We create the exception message on the heap because VC++ prohibits
    // creation of objects with destructors on stack in functions using __try
    // (see error C2712).
    std::string* exception_message = FormatSehExceptionMessage(
        GetExceptionCode(), location);
    delete exception_message;
    return static_cast<Result>(0);
  return (object->*method)();
#endif  // GTEST_HAS_SEH

// impl() ->  &internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests
    // 核心代码,gtest.cc
    for (int test_index = 0; test_index < total_test_suite_count(); test_index++) {
        if (GTEST_FLAG(fail_fast) &&
            GetMutableSuiteCase(test_index)->Failed()) {
            for (int j = test_index + 1; j < total_test_suite_count(); j++) {

// Gets the i-th test suite among all the test suites. i can range from 0 to
// total_test_suite_count() - 1. If i is not in that range, returns NULL.
// file: gtest-internal-inl.h
TestSuite* GetMutableSuiteCase(int i) {
const int index = GetElementOr(test_suite_indices_, i, -1);
return index < 0 ? nullptr : test_suites_[static_cast<size_t>(index)];

// TestSuite
for (int i = 0; i < total_test_count(), i++)

TestInfo* GetMutableTestInfo(int i) {
const int index = GetElementOr(test_indices_, i, -1);
return index < 0 ? nullptr : test_info_list_[static_cast<size_t>(index)];

// TestInfo
void TestInfo::Run()
    // ...
    Test* const test = internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
      factory_, &internal::TestFactoryBase::CreateTest,
      "the test fixture's constructor");
    // ...
    if ((test != NULL) && !Test::HasFatalFailure()) {

// Test的Run方法
void Test::Run()
    // ...
    if (!HasFatalFailure() && !IsSkipped())
          this, &Test::TesBody, "the test body");
// 所以最后调用的还是Test类的Run方法,而Test类的Run方法实际上只是调用了测试用例特例类重载了的TestBody方法
