
  1. 顺序表
  2. 循环链表(不带头节点)



author: Qian Jipeng(C)
date: 2019-3-21



#define maxsize 100
typedef struct node
    int data[maxsize];
    int length;
}SeqList, *PSeqList;

/* 初始化 */
PSeqList Init(){
    PSeqList L;
    L = (PSeqList)malloc(sizeof(SeqList));
    if (L){
        L->length = 0;
    return L;       /* 返回顺序表指针 */

/* 插入 */
int InSeqList(PSeqList L, int i, int e){
    if(i < 1 || i > L->length+1 || L->length >= maxsize){
        return 0;
        int j;
        L->data[i-1] = e;
        for (j=L->length; j>=i; j--){
            L->data[j] = L->data[j-1];          /* 依次往后移动 */
        L->length ++;

    return 1;


/* 删除 */
int DelSeqList(PSeqList L, int i, int *x){
    if ( i < 1 || i > L->length){
		return 0;
	int j;
	int tmp;		// 保存将被删除的元素
	tmp = L->data[i-1];
	for (j = i ; j <= L->length; j++ ){			// 从第I 个开始往前移动一位
		L->data[j-1] = L->data[j];
	L->length --;
	//printf("删除第 %d 个位置元素 %d 成功!\n", i, tmp);
    return 1;

// 功能函数 s 开始, 数到  m 
int yusefu_SeqList(PSeqList L, int s, int m){
    int x;
    int i;
    int s1;
    int w;      // 保存删除的元素
    if( L-> length == 0){
        return 0;
    s1 = s -1;

    // 依次出去
    for (i = L->length; i > 0; i--){
        /* 关键步骤 */
        s1 = (s1+m-1) % i;
        w = L -> data[s1];      // 下标 s1, 是第s1+1 个元素!!!
        DelSeqList(L, s1+1, &x);
        printf("出列: %d\n", w);
    return 1;

int main(){
    int len;        // 序列长度
    int num[maxsize];       // 用来存输入的数
    PSeqList L = (PSeqList)malloc(sizeof(SeqList));
    printf("输入序列元素个数: ");
    scanf("%d", &len);
    printf("输入约瑟夫序列(空格分开): ");

    // 依次插入
    for (int l = 0; l < len; l++ ){
        scanf("%d", &num[l]);
        InSeqList(L, l+1, num[l]);
        //printf(" %d ", num[l]);

    yusefu_SeqList(L, 2, 5);
    return 0;

1. 先把第一个元素放入第一个节点(即首元节点),只有数据域,指针域置空
2. 接着用个循环,创建剩下的单个节点,同样只有数据域
3. 再把这些节点连接起来


/*  约瑟夫问题的循环链表实现
* author: Qian Jipeng(C)
* date: 2019-3-24
* version: 2.0(1.0 aborted for too complexed)



/* node definition */
typedef struct node{
    int data;
    struct node * next;

\brief: crate the linklist and do insert, return the first node's ptr 
\param: n ->> the size of the serises
\return: the first node's ptr

/* creat the node in range(1, n)*/
linklist * initLink(int n){
    linklist * head = (linklist*)malloc(sizeof(linklist));

    /* the first node initionalized (not head node)*/
    head->data = 1;
    head->next = NULL;        
    /* a ptr to move through the list */
    linklist * tmp = head;

    /* we satrt with the second node for a loop */
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i ++) {
        linklist * body = (linklist*)malloc(sizeof(linklist));

        /* creat and init single node */
        body -> data = i;
        body -> next = NULL;

        /* connect the single nodes together */
        tmp -> next = body;
        tmp = tmp -> next;

    //printf("%d\n", tmp->data);
    /* now tmp is just the last node */
    tmp -> next = head;     /*connect the head and the rear */
    return head;
    /* by this method, we created a loop linklist */

void yusefu(linklist * head,int k,int m){
    linklist * tail = head;
    while (tail -> next != head) {
        tail = tail -> next;

    linklist * p = head;

    while (p -> data != k) {
        tail = p;
        p = p->next;

    while (p -> next != p) {
        for (int i = 1; i < m; i ++) {
            tail = p;
            p = p -> next;
        printf("%d \t",p -> data);
        p = tail -> next;//继续使用p指针指向出列编号的下一个编号

    /* the last one */
    printf("%d \n",p -> data);


int main() {

    linklist * head=initLink(10);
    yusefu(head, 2, 5);
    return 0;

