Ubuntu18.04 禁用自动挂起,禁止自动休眠

    戴尔的7920工作站新安装了ubuntu18.04LTS,结果登录远程桌面差不多半个小时之后就断开连接了,查看发现机器自动挂起了。修改了power设置中中blank screen 为never,保存之后过了半个小时又再一次自动挂起了。



    后来实在没办法,还改了BIOS设置中,POWER设置中一个block sleep的选项,依旧阻止不了系统自动挂起。

    由于使用过程中,还会间歇性的出现文件管理器和terminal打不开的情况,最后,试着把系统设置->区域和语言改成了English (United States),又按照stackoverflow上一个回答搞了一下,居然神奇的好了。。。


I finally found a solution looking through some other threads. Here's what I did:

  1. Install gnome-tweak-tool: sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool

  2. Run gnome-tweaks.

  3. Change the option under "Power" for "Suspend when laptop lid is closed" to "off".

Now the monitor only turns off the screen when the lid is closed, and no longer goes to sleep.

This doesn't really resolve the issue of sleep-looping in case I ever wanted the laptop to actually go to sleep, but it's a good enough solution for me at least.


你可能感兴趣的:(Ubuntu18.04 禁用自动挂起,禁止自动休眠)