AC back function on BISO

AC back function(外部断电的情况,电源恢复时的系统状态选择)

一、Where to find the function;

BIOS-> Power Management Setup -> ACBack Function

二、How to access BIOS

Access BIOS Setup Utility Menus

1. Power-on or power-cycle the server.
2. To enter the BIOS Setup Utility, do the following:
   a. Wait for the last line of the screen output to change toInitializingUSB     Controllers..Done 
        This will take several seconds.
   b. When Done appears, immediately press the F2 key.
        The BIOS Setup Utility dialog appears

Which option should be selected;
  • soft-off 断电後即在关机状态,需按电源键才能重新被动系统。(预设值)
  • full-on 电源回复时,立刻启动系统。
  • memory 当电源回复时,恢复至系统断电前的状态。
Please use the following BIOS parameter, and set to 'Poweroff'.

BIOS> Chipset > South Bridge ChipsetConfiguration > Restore on AC/Power Loss
