// ConsoleApplication2.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifndef STRBLOB_H
#define STRBLOB_H
using std::string;
// forward declaration needed for friend declaration in StrBlob
class StrBlobPtr;
class StrBlob {
friend class StrBlobPtr;
typedef std::vector::size_type size_type;
// constructors
StrBlob() : data(new std::vector()) {
// pre C++11 no initializer_list, we'll define a constructor
// that takes pointers to an array instead
StrBlob(const std::string*, const std::string*);
// size operations
size_type size() const {
return data->size();
bool empty() const {
return data->empty();
// add and remove elements
void push_back(const std::string &t) {
void pop_back();
// element access
std::string& front();
std::string& back();
// interface to StrBlobPtr
StrBlobPtr begin(); // can't be defined until StrBlobPtr is
StrBlobPtr end();
std::shared_ptr > data;
// throws msg if data[i] isn't valid
void check(size_type i, const std::string &msg) const;
// constructor
StrBlob::StrBlob(const std::string *beg, const std::string *end) :
data(new std::vector(beg, end)) {
// StrBlobPtr throws an exception on attempts to access a nonexistent element
class StrBlobPtr {
friend bool eq(const StrBlobPtr&, const StrBlobPtr&);
StrBlobPtr() : curr(0) {
StrBlobPtr(StrBlob &a, size_t sz = 0) : wptr(a.data), curr(sz) {
std::string& deref() const;
StrBlobPtr& incr(); // prefix version
StrBlobPtr& decr(); // prefix version
// check returns a shared_ptr to the vector if the check succeeds
std::shared_ptr >
check(std::size_t, const std::string&) const;
// store a weak_ptr, which means the underlying vector might be destroyed
std::weak_ptr > wptr;
std::size_t curr; // current position within the array
std::string& StrBlobPtr::deref() const
std::shared_ptr >
p = check(curr, "dereference past end");
return (*p)[curr]; // (*p) is the vector to which this object points
std::shared_ptr >
StrBlobPtr::check(std::size_t i, const std::string &msg) const
// is the vector still around?
std::shared_ptr > ret = wptr.lock();
if (!ret)
throw std::runtime_error("unbound StrBlobPtr");
if (i >= ret->size())
throw std::out_of_range(msg);
return ret; // otherwise, return a shared_ptr to the vector
// prefix: return a reference to the incremented object
StrBlobPtr& StrBlobPtr::incr()
// if curr already points past the end of the container, can't increment it
check(curr, "increment past end of StrBlobPtr");
++curr; // advance the current state
return *this;
StrBlobPtr& StrBlobPtr::decr()
// if curr is zero, decrementing it will yield an invalid subscript
--curr; // move the current state back one element
check(-1, "decrement past begin of StrBlobPtr");
return *this;
// begin and end members for StrBlob
return StrBlobPtr(*this);
StrBlobPtr ret = StrBlobPtr(*this, data->size());
return ret;
// named equality operators for StrBlobPtr
bool eq(const StrBlobPtr &lhs, const StrBlobPtr &rhs)
std::shared_ptr >
l = lhs.wptr.lock(), r = rhs.wptr.lock();
// if the underlying vector is the same
if (l == r)
// then they're equal if they're both null or
// if they point to the same element
return (!r || lhs.curr == rhs.curr);
return false; // if they point to difference vectors, they're not equal
bool neq(const StrBlobPtr &lhs, const StrBlobPtr &rhs)
return !eq(lhs, rhs);
int main()
string a, b;
string text,s;
std::ifstream input("E://a.txt");
/*input >> a >> b;
std::cout << a;*/
//std::cout << input;
/*std::getline(input, text);
std::cout <<"dd"< StrBlob str;
while (std::getline(input, text))
std::istringstream stream(text);
//bool firstword = true;
while (stream >> s)
std::cout << "s"<
StrBlobPtr sp(str);
while (1)
std::cout << sp.deref() < sp.incr();
return 0;